Friday, March 8, 2019

OK, Time to REMIND MY IMMEDIATE FAMILY of Things They SEEM to Have Forgotten!!! / Sheriff Ed McMahon -- Better Explained:

Sheriff Ed McMahon and some of his Deputies -- here in New Hanover County, North Carolina.

Ed McMahon -- a "Christian" -- keeps all TOP DEPUTIES Lily-White, no???

Fuck Ed McMahon in the ass with a JESUS STATUE!!!

The one I refer to is most like the guy on the far right (but probably not him).


I have not blogged this in several years, but JUST LIKE I am Barack Obama's CLOSE SPIRITUAL BROTHER in a "NAZI pincer operation" with Michelle, etc., against the Kenans, Bushes, and Clintons, I have promised DOZENS OF TIMES in my blog, previously, that the FIRST PLACE my money goes is to my Mother, and siblings -- Mom because she is so OLD (96+), and NOW has found much common ground with me -- and Jane Ann Kenan, Michael William Kenan, and Julia Ruth (Kenan) Duffy, Jr. -- because there is NO WAY I could expose my parents and the wealthy Kenans of Chapel Hill -- WITHOUT totally destroying their privacy -- which I HAD TO DO for Patriotic Reasons.

So, I will send them a good share of the proceeds of all my books -- and other profits -- first. My brother's children get whatever Mike cares to pass on to them. Connor Michael Kenan, Maxwell Andrew Kenan, and Taylor Ann Kenan. And Mike is far richer than my mother, and sisters Jane and Julie COMBINED, today.

And perhaps my promise to cover Family First (since they HAVE suffered "embarrassment" -- if NOT loss of jobs, home, Art Collection, etc., like I have), is in here:

What I am afraid my brother Mike does not yet get -- but Mom, Jane, and Julie SURE DO -- is that we are ALL just players in a DIVINE COMEDY (ala William Shakespeare), and have NEVER been TRUE ENEMIES!!! (even if Mike really DOES now work for the Bush/Cheney Family).

WHOOPS!!! Wrong illustration.

Mike's house in Berwyn, PA at Christmas -- in about 2003. Let's step inside to see what we can FIND!!!:

Well if it isn't Mike and Connor TAKING A SNOOZE until a few years later, when Mike's Godley Inlaws joined us too:


WHOOPS!!! This is Mi Amigo, Vicente Fox de Mexico -- giving the finger to Donald Trump!!!

Old Pope John-Paul II -- giving the finger to those who actually follow Jesus's Teachings.

Sheriff Ed McMahon showing off.

So, earlier today, I was about to enter a store and a SERIOUS looking middle-aged white guy about 6' 3" and thickish, but not fat, was LEAVING, and caught my eye. I engaged him in conversation with his words in blue:

"Jeeze, you bought NOTHING -- did you SELL THEM something???"

"No, I'm workin'." -- and he pulled his jacket back to reveal a holstered pistol and some kind of badge.

"You with the State???"


"Oh, I know Ed McMahon WELL -- he CRIED when I confronted him with protecting the mini-subs that unloaded powder drugs under Snow's Cut Bridge for the CIA. But a County Sheriff has NO CHOICE when the US Government decides to CORRUPT YOUR FORCE to Traffic HARD DRUGS for my Kenan Family and the Bushes, Cheney, and Clintons."

"Tell me about it, I know."

"Well, Ed and I always kid around when I see him -- about my sucking his dick."

"HA!!! Sounds like Ed!!!"

"But he's never had a sexual scandal -- and has even survived cancer!!!"

"Yep, that's Ed McMahon!!!"

That was IT, but I should have asked him if he had any spare Marijuana he could give me -- like THREE Sheriff's Deputies had offered me to relax -- back when they interviewed my at Gold Walker's 205 South 4th Street apartment -- but I was PARANOID, and afraid they were trying to frame me, so refused.

See halfway down here -- just under Ms. Terry Espy's lovely photo:

An Episcopalian Sycophant, Betty (Price) Kenan, and Thomas S. Kenan III -- the SAME WHITE TRASH as below:


T-Shirt from Flaming Amy's Burrito Barn showing Kenan Memorial Fountain and Carolina Apartments in Wilmington, North Carolina . . . 


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