Partners in the planned violence District Attorney Ben David and Sheriff Ed McMahon
I just called (11:00 AM), the Sheriff's Detectives' office to follow up to see if they are investigating Detective Evan Luther and former Assistant D.A. Alex Nicely regarding the PRO-VIOLENCE Facebook postings of Mr. Luther -- supported by Mr. Nicely, who seems to have disappeared from public view.
I spoke with a white Sargeant who said he is now 50 and so can't think so well, so please not interrupt him, which I tried to refrain from and told him I'm 66 and have no problem with being interrupted. It does NOT destroy my train of thought, although it's irritating.
I should have asked him what drugs HE is on!!!
He said he was very familiar with the matter, and wondered where on earth I got the idea that Detective Luther had posted such a thing. I said that I'd gotten it off his Facebook page, and he replied that they had SEARCHED all the Sheriff's Department Facebook pages and postings and found NO SUCH THING.
I said, "Not on YOUR pages -- but on Evan's PERSONAL Facebook Page." He said, "Mr. Kenan, I know YOU very well (I could not make out his name when he answered the phone, and did not ask for clarity.), and I KNOW that in 2011 - 12 you ran all around Wilmington spreading lies and idiotic conspiracy theories, and you are NOT TAKEN SERIOUSLY BY ANYONE!!!"
I said, "Ya'll Christians can just GO TO HELL!!!" and he laughed at me and said, "Sure." I hung up.
Now, before going into our conversation in more detail, here are two of the MEMES I captured from Det. Evan Luther's Facebook page:
This one in 2015, and my original blogging about it:
And this one from less than a week ago, which shows how to make legal guns fire like automatic illegal guns -- just like what had just happened in Las Vegas:
ADDITIONAL NOTES on my dealing with the Sargent today, and the three others Sunday evening:
1. I pointed out today -- and Sunday as well to the three -- that law enforcement officers and elected politicians as well as appointed ones have been FIRED or had to resign all over the country in recent months for posting LESS anti-government and anti-obey-the-Constitution-and-Laws Memes and comments on Twitter, Facebook, and other electronic media.
The LEAST they could have done is to OPEN AN INVESTIGATION, when the Sargent made clear they had NOT DONE and WOULD NOT DO THAT.
2. I had offered the three on Sunday that I would happily submit to psychological testing, and should have mentioned it to the Sargent.
3. I was never aware of being questioned by or conversing with ANY Sheriff's Detectives when I was here in 2011 - 12, although I WAS aware of some contact with Police Detectives, who DID give me their names and business cards when I asked.
The three Detectives on Sunday claimed they did NOT have business cards, nor would they give me their names. Today, the call had to be recorded, so I did NOT ask his name again, it could easily be found out.
4. The female Detective actually asked me if I would like her to give me some marijuana -- she reaching into her pocket as she asked -- which I told her I was not STUPID enough to ask of Law Enforcement and can meditate to achieve the same relaxation, and all three of them had said that alcohol is FAR MORE DANGEROUS than pot, and that not just MY doctors recommend patients smoke pot to relax tension -- that they know it is COMMON, and seemed to have no problem with it.
I now suspect they were just trying to trap me since our conversation was so relaxed and they knew at least something of everything I claimed -- except that D.A. Ben David is a closet homo.
THANK YOU READERS!!! You are hitting this incomplete posting in greater numbers than any posting before completion -- before I complete it!!!
5. I told the Sargent that I had recently been in touch with Rex Tillerson, Jeff Sessions, the Attorney General of North Carolina Josh Stein -- about other things -- and had sent my letter to Sheriff McMahon to Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe:
And he laughed and said the FBI sure JUMPED on my info -- HA-HA!!!
Then I told him I'd sent that info on Evans, Ben David, and Jennifer McCracken's Sheriff's Deputy brother only to McCabe so far, and last night via secured server, where they only read input on business days (they off for Columbus Day), so only would read it today.
And THAT is when he dismissed me as a silly conspiracy theorist that NOBODY EVER listens to and my blog is TRASH.
6. I had actually planned to WALK the three blocks to the Sheriff Detectives' office, but it began pouring rain just as I was about to leave. IMAGINE what that would have been like to be face to face to be so THOROUGHLY DISRESPECTED and lied to!!!
Sargent "Christian"-50-year-old-drug-addict (or early dementia), would likely have shot me dead, then made up some excuse about how I was MENTALLY ILL and had threatened his life.
Yes, much like narco-trafficking Democrat City Councilman Charlie Rivenbark, who when he walked into Mayor Saffo's office while I was speaking with Dawn Grants, KNEW I had been hit by the SPECTRUM CABLE truck in a crosswalk two months before that, then told me he HOPES I get a DOG, and it is RUN OVER BY A CAR!!!
Charlie Rivenbark, devout Christian Narco-Trafficker and longest serving on City Council will LIKELY be re-elected next month.
But Charlie was SO UNNERVED that he turned and FLED the Mayor's Office -- before doing whatever he had come to do. Dawn Grants and I had a GOOD BELLY LAUGH over his "chicken-shit" behavior.
1. Having known Sheriff McMahon, and in private and semi-private conversations with him found him EASY to be completely open and honest with -- and he, knowing my "gay-teasing-way", COMMENCED joking with me about us having sex -- we both knowing Ed is completely straight and loyal to his wife and family as well -- indicates that Ed is really DOING HIS BEST under TOUGH CONDITIONS.
Because I spoke with the female Deputy at the jail and let her know something of the content in my letter:, they REASONABLY opened it without showing it to the Sheriff, and likely sent the Detectives WITHOUT Ed knowing about it at all.
And THAT might be why the Detectives EMPHASIZED I should NOT contact Ed about ANY OF THIS, even though they knew I am a personal friend of the Sheriff.
Then, they contained it within the CHRISTIAN-NAZI WHITE CORE of Department employees -- why I had to WAIT to speak to Sargent "Christian", today -- rather than whoever was available.
I have had this type of "quarantined service" -- outside the norm -- from many organizations and companies in the past, including Bank of America, Pay-Pal, Western Union, and WHY my calls to the USA were often channeled from Mexico by the NSA, as City Risk Manager Jack Stein proved to me a few years ago.
So I am completely relaxed -- and GLAD I LEARNED that the Christian narco-trafficking and white supremacist BLOCK in the New Hanover County Sheriff's Deputies is FAR LARGER than I had previously realized.
I THANK GOD I know so many GOOD OFFICERS on both the Deputies and Wilmington Police -- and I'm not "rattled" enough to give the Christians an excuse to SHOOT ME DEAD, like David Alan Young had promised to do -- as soon as he got his gun.
Dave Young
And of course District Attorney, Miss Benjamin R. David, REFUSED to prosecute Dave Young -- serving me with an old, bogus Criminal Citation, instead (a COMMON Donald Trump/Christian Republican tactic frequently in the NEWS of late) -- just to show me he is a CHRISTIAN HATE-BOT like most White Wilmingtonians.
And Prosecutor Alexandria Palombo can just suck her fat husband's DICK over her refusal, as well.
And FINALLY -- before emailing this to my 230+ Political Contacts -- I sent it secured server to "report a crime" of the New Hanover County Sheriff's Office -- BECAUSE I TALK BEHIND NO ONE'S BACK!!!

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