Thursday, April 13, 2017

Yo Ho Ho -- and a Bottle of PASSOVER RUM (if such a thing exists) . . . OK, Manischewitz!!!

Yur mamma so fat that...

Hubble just spotted something massive coming out of Uranus

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Daniel H. Maher Yeeeeeaaaahhhhh!!!!!
LikeReply17 hrs
Midi Shaw OMG, there's no way to describe this without laughing your ass off. C'mon, there a strong burst of wind coming out of Uranus! 😂🤣😂
LikeReply115 hrs
Scott Kenan Watch it -- I've been threatening this for FOUR YEARS, now!!!

  (Image removed in hopes of my getting laid.)     Randy  Brief's PERJURY (click image to see full perjury ).         ...

Kyle Keyser ran for Mayor of Atlanta in 2009 (as a sort of "Conceptual Art Project" -- and I supported him, ineffectively, and is a close friend of Grant Henry (Sister Louisa, whose paintings are often featured in this blog):

Grant Henry, me, and Sean Hannity's close friend Christal Presley, whose parents spelled it that way to make certain she always behaves "Christ-like", in early 2010.

FIRST, the Atlanta Journal/Constitution FEATURED Christal's story on the FRONT PAGE of the paper one Sunday in January 2010. I contacted TWELVE EDITORS (including Jay Bookman, who is still there), before that at the AJC, WARNING them it was ALL LIES, and they did not respond, except to have their reporter call me to say that SHE knew Christal's father, Delmer Presley, NEVER suffered PTSD, but that they were STILL RUNNING IT, because it was for a GOOD CAUSE.

And THEN, that Sunday, I called Christal and confronted her. TWENTY MINUTES LATER, I got a robo-call from American Express, REDUCING my credit limit by $25,000.00, leaving me $231.00 available. THIS after 10:00 PM -- when in Georgia, then, it was ILLEGAL all day for any person or company to make robocalls AT ALL, and other days it is illegal after 9:00 PM.

At the time, I still had a PREFECT Credit Record since 1990, and in summer of 2012, American Express SUED ME in ABSENTIA (I was broke and in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico in Political Exile), in Dekalb County Court and WON a $25,000.00 judgement, but a couple of years later, they BACK-CHANGED it to "Dismissed".

Then in 2013, she published a BOOK (as seen above), and CNN online FEATURED her book for THREE DAYS, online:

Also interesting is that AMERICAN EXPRESS is the ONLY company Tennessee Williams ever did a TV and print ad for!!!

I later WROTE AMEX (they never replied -- but I expect to SUE THEM soon enough), as well as wrote Delta Airlines -- who with my close friend Army Col. Dottie Newman, retired after serving as Secretary of State Colin Powell's Chief Protocol (security) Officer -- SAVED MY LIFE several times in early 2010. I DID get a reply from Delta!!!:

Dottie Newman was also a Docent at the High Museum of Art, seen here in "high hair".

AND, in fits and spurts, the Official Legal Records of Dekalb County Courts, have been changed SEVERAL TIMES, mostly to ERASE the Government Crimes against me -- and particularly by Democratic Judge Linda Warren Hunter, back in 1990 -- but ALSO several actions Christal Presley pulled against me illegally, have been erased the last year or two.

I have SCREEN CAPTURES and PAPER COPIES (that were served to me before I fled to Mexico in 2010), of these proceedings that DISAPPEARED from the electronic Court Records!!!

MORE on Grant Henry:

Scott Kenan shared a link.
1 hr

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon announced Tuesday it had awarded a sole-source contract to United Airlines for work related to the forcible removal of President Bashar…



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