Cornelio "Alfredo" Prada Diaz on the beach at Playa Mismaloya, 2010, in front of Teo's Bar & Restaurant (on the exact spot of the beach palapa in the movie The Night of the Iguana).
Teo's is also pictured in a stock photo near the bottom of this:
That is his tattoo to "Lady Death", whom he worshiped FIRST (before Jesus, next), on his breast. I had met him months before, in early 2010, on my first trip to Puerto Vallarta -- as a tourist. And I met him in the bar of Hotel Mercurio -- over cocktails, and his performing slight-of-hand tricks for me, one-on-one, that I could NOT figure out, and soon became MESMERIZED!!!
The Bar and Pool at night:
He had ALREADY told me they call him "Alfredo" because of his delicious, creamy white sauce. More on him, later.
Last night, I realized that Joseph in New York -- despite refusing to explain himself in any way that made sense to ANYONE -- had been CONSISTENT in his story, despite my putting significant psychological pressure on him to either explain or renege. And the fact is, that despite the frequent and INTENSE times we have disagreed and otherwise verbally battled, he has ALWAYS come through with enough support for what I HAD to have -- and usually a good deal more than that. Five and a half years. Voluntary -- but a commitment had been made, so I was in the Legal right.
Nevertheless, it WORKED -- and he is the ONLY person who has been anywhere near this generous. NONE of my family has helped (beyond help of up to a few hundred dollars, each, back no later than early 2012, and my parents sent $1,000.00 to drive back from Puerto Vallarta in late 2010).
Joseph is the only TRUE Family I have, and I really appreciate that. But if things are as tight as he claims, it is clear that I must now find the way to support us BOTH -- although doing that right away is not in the cards. So that is what I wanted to tell him -- and that I will DROP the idea of suing him -- but couldn't he PLEASE explain to me in enough detail for me to believe him???
And then he CALLED -- just as I was about to call him.
I really learned nothing more about his own challenges, and was HAPPY to hear him speak in a CLEAR voice (without evidence of serious over-smoking of tobacco). And actually, it was HE who made the proposal I agreed to -- including not to publicly disclose it.
And I told him how I saw it, and he reassured me things aren't QUITE as bad as I had feared they might be. He said he never has expected that I would ever take financial (or other), care of him -- which I knew -- but although I THINK I really DO have a Moral Obligation to give him any help I can, I decided because that is what I WANT to do.
I kept coming back to Puerto Vallarta and Alfredo -- whom I eventually thought I was going to MARRY (a few major cities in Catholic Mexico had just legalized Gay Marriage), and I got tricked into sending him money the three times I was back to the USA before Colin Powell's people got me out of the US for Political Exile in Mexico.
And through various -- now OBVIOUS -- tricks, he eventually relieved me of MOST of the net I got from my house. Too lazy to pull out the papers, I think it was around $60,000.00 -- since I had to FIRE SALE the house at the BOTTOM of the housing recession -- for $250.00 LESS than I bought it in 1988!!!
OH, he was CLEVER!!! His was a FALSE Mexican Driver's Licence "Cornelio Prada Diaz" -- and his date of birth (which he EARLY showed me without my asking), was the SAME EXACT DATE that Tennessee Williams died: February 25, 1983. And not only THAT, but Cornelius was the name of BOTH Tennessee's father -- and his English Bulldog, while I worked for him!!!
After about two months living in Colima, Colima, Mexico, Alfredo had finished the job he was to do there (which turned out all to ALSO be FAKE), and we to move to Puerto Vallarta, where Cornelio had arranged for us to move into THIS blue upper-story of this house:
Calle Milan, Puerto Vallarta -- according to satellite photos, -- or Google's mapping -- it is now re-painted green.
And Alfredo -- after helping me empty my Pontiac Vibe and his Ford van (yes, I BOUGHT IT for him!!!), he hopped into his driver's seat and told me that he was sorry, but he had to leave the state of Jalisco before dawn (we finished unloading about 3:30 AM), because, "there are TOO MANY Felony Warrants out here for my arrest."
He drove off in the continuing rain -- never to be heard from again.
But I'd CERTAINLY gotten my FILL of being "SAUSED"!!!
But I'd CERTAINLY gotten my FILL of being "SAUSED"!!!
We DID once visit some TOP Drug Mafiosi in Manzinillo -- and besides these two fellas sitting on the coping -- unlike Alfredo -- there were several OTHER sweet male sex toys (for Misters and Mistresses, alike -- perhaps sharingly), about the place (and a female CRACK WHORE)!!!
BOTTOM LINE: I knew SO MUCH (my mother being the TOP Catholic NAZI in the USA), that they REALLY went to trouble like this to FREAK ME OUT (and for me to fall for crap) -- and to SOME extent, They STILL DO IT!!!
Just ask Mayor Bill Saffo, Police Chief Ralph Evangelous, District Attorney Ben David, or former State Senator Thom Goolsby.
And although I ALMOST called Joseph last night, I decided I needed to SLEEP ON IT, and one of my FIRST thoughts this morning, was what if Haston Lavern Caulder bamboozled Joseph out of even as much money as Alfredo got out of ME -- if so I'm SURE he would be TOO EMBARRASSED to admit that -- but MAYBE it was true.
I STILL don't know the answer to that -- nor do I need to.
Dani MacMullen Sherman at Gulfport Beach Area.
Good to know this is nearby!
LOL~ only in Gulfport!
LOL~ only in Gulfport!

My Kenan Family of Chapel Hill, NC put BOTH President Trump into power to get RUSSIA'S OIL, and Presidente Enrique Peña Nieto into power in Mexico (and he changed the Constitution so that Kenan/Exxon could get Mexico's oil again).
And NOW it looks like Kenans paid to put TRUDEAU into power in Canada -- Kenans controlling MUCH of the Oil Sands and pipeline operations there -- and Kenan Advantage Group is the BIGGEST hauler of Petroleum products in these area of Canada -- and overall the LARGEST Trucking Company in Canada, the USA, and Mexico: Kenan Advantage Group.
Kenans ALSO control all the Petroleum and Transportation "Institutes", Lobbying Groups, and such that ADVERTISE on TV for "Clean Coal", "Beauty of Petroleum", and similar.
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