Jerry Garcia "Blotter Art" -- TOP result of image-googling "Timothy Leary influence on Jerry Garcia" -- "JA!!!"
Theodore "Ted" Druch, today, and he lives in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico and was in and for a while a LEADER in the Puerto Vallarta Writers Group, while I was in it too. Here is his MAJOR book:
And Maria's best-known book:
So here is what went down today -- a mostly rather boring day -- but I DID find out from my auto insurance company that the woman I was in a minor accident with on April Fool's Day, has filed what seems like a fair and inexpensive claim. They were very nice to deal with.
And the Oral Surgeon's office was VERY GLAD that I did NOT take Joseph Faulk's advice and keep my lower denture out -- they said I did the EXACT right thing by doing the OPPOSITE of what Mr. Faulk said he had learned from RESEARCH -- LOL!!!
And I had spoken with Mom, just before that, to tell her I am going to COMMIT Joseph Faulk -- and she AGREES with me -- and the lawyers and psychologist I have ALSO spoken with about this -- but as I told her, I'll give Joseph until tomorrow to respond when I respond to his email to me TODAY, that made no legal or logical sense. I'll post that later.
Anyway, I was talking with "Miss Lucy", downstairs, about some great STRIDES this week in building her business, but that she'd had to commit her daughter (a mother of several), to a Mental Hospital within the last 24 hours, after learning WHERE she was going comatose after a DELIBERATE drug overdose, and threat of suicide before that. Lucy got "911 in Texas" to find her in time to pump her stomach (or whatever), and then commit her for observation.
So Sam came out, and it just came out in conversation that he, Timothy Leary, Ted Druch, and Jerry Garcia traded samples of what Dr. Leary is associated with -- to see who could come up with the BEST -- and they ALL won at various times!!!
Sam never met Druch or Leary in person, however, but with Jerry Garcia as a closest friend, Garcia told him several things -- INCLUDING that Theodore "Ted" Druch and Timothy Leary were homosexual lovers the two years they lived in Millbrook -- something I have blogged about BEFORE:
And they were ALL Big Obama Fans!!!
And that includes (jumping to 2010 - 2015, when I knew Ted well in Mexico), Ted Druch then involved in CIA Narco-Trafficking with the LARGEST MAFIA in Nayarit state -- that run by its Governor who has a house in Chacalita -- the GATED part of Chacala, where I lived in late 2012.
Arturo and "Emilia" Pedilla with a cook I remember well -- LOL!!!
Joseph Faulk had PLEADED with me to let Martin in -- despite Martin trying to kill me, and earlier, also "Sonny" tried (and ONCE beat me severely!!!):
Martin in yellow; "Sonny" in shades.
Anyway, Sam is as THRILLED that I know people HE KNOWS (and traded LSD samples with "back in the day" -- DISCLOSURE: I too experimented with LSD, but ONLY while a student at Denison University 1969 - 1973), and we will get into the JUICY DETAILS, LATER!!!
This portion of this blog is DEDICATED to my LIVING FRIEND Stanley Winborne III, who STILL lives in Puerto Vallarta -- and was part of the Writers Group (but only 2012 - 2015):
Stanley Winborne (a Wilmington, NC native), is "behind" Colin Stuart Hamilton, retired STAR of the BBC, who was MURDERED by Drug Mafia, late summer 2015, and ONLY Jennifer McCracken (still living in Carolina Apartments, Wilmington, NC), KNEW EXACTLY how Colin was murdered, WHERE they were led to the body by the CIA murderer, and HOW and WHY the CIA got him RELEASED DESPITE HIS CONFESSION
-- to work for your US Tax Dollars AGAIN!!!
Jennifer McCracken is KNOWN to have at least three aliases, and is protected by District Attorney Benjamin R. David, Police Chief Ralph Evangelous, and Mayor Bill Saffo -- who RUN the Christian Drug Mafia of Wilmington, North Carolina to PROFIT the Kenan, Clinton, Bush, and Cheney Families!!!
>>> AND NOW, THE EMAIL FROM JOSEPH FAULK (which is UNCLEAR in the English language, so for NOW, I'll REDDEN the parts he needs to DEFINE so I can understand what he actually means):
Re: Joseph: I have a proposal:

I have told you the truth (specifically when, where??? -- EVERYONE tells the truth at least OCCASIONALLY!!!).
I do not detail the situation because you repeatedly post my private communications to you on your blog along with your unacceptable comments. (WHICH comments -- I have literally thousands of blog postings -- and WHAT about them is unacceptable and for WHAT REASON(S)???)
I do not detail the situation because you repeatedly post my private communications to you on your blog along with your unacceptable comments. (WHICH comments -- I have literally thousands of blog postings -- and WHAT about them is unacceptable and for WHAT REASON(S)???)
Joseph Faulk lives in the TOP apartment in this building at 14 W. 75th Street, New York, NY, and his landlord, Bruce A. Kapner, lives in the main floor apartment.
It has been OTHERWISE abandoned -- since about 2014 -- when the LAST yearly inspection was signed by the City Inspector. TODAY, only Mr. Kapner, as owner, lives there LEGALLY.
ANYONE living nearby, please keep an eye out for a very BEFUDDLED, 83-year-old bearded, nearly or completely head-shaved white guy. Call 911 and ask for MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES if you see Joseph Faulk needs commitment -- before I can get it done.
"Thanks -- and a HAT TIP!!!"
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