Deplorables sans Basket -- LOL!!!
To my mind, this photograph by Nate Gowdy, of a Trump rally in Loveland, CO, on Oct. 3rd, 2016, is Pulitzer-worthy. Without a single letter of copy, it tells an entire story.
1. Haston Caulder III became DOWN RIGHT DOCILE and has remained so since I told him that his Probation Officer told me he said NOTHING LIKE any of the things Haston had claimed he had said, and he offered that if Haston even GIVES ME LIP over being out of my apartment before early evening this Friday, to call him and HE WILL TAKE CARE OF HASTON.
Officer Martinez is WELL AWARE that Haston smoked some marijuana about three days ago now, and said he will likely DRUG TEST him next time he sees him.
The LAST I saw of Haston this morning (he was going to see if he could still work at his job that he earlier claimed was OVER as of end of yesterday), and would stop by the Probation Office at lunch today, to see about getting an Out-of-State Work Permit.
If he is NOT drug tested (his going back to jail does NO ONE any good), I assume Mike Martinez has come up with a BETTER SOLUTION for his moving on.
Just checking the JAIL RECORDS, I see that Dustin Goldsmith is IN COURT, today, Tom Ford has not yet been picked up for anything, and neither has Haston Caulder -- but LOOK how HOT a possible RELATIVE of Haston's is!!!:
2. An EMAIL I sent to Joseph Crawford Faulk, Jr. -- today:
I just opened the box of cans, received yesterday:

From | Scott Kenan hide details![]() |
To | "Testosteroni" |
Cc | scott, jkenan02, kenan5, duffyjr3, |
All of them are items that sell for less money here in Wilmington than the NYC price tags you left on them all.
All of them easy to find, and boring to eat!!!
TWO cans are very RUSTY and their "sell by " dates long expired.
Where the HELL did you buy them (if you did, which in TWO cases, would have been ILLEGAL!!!)???
But when Haston leaves, I'll let him take them ALL so he can heat them over a camp fire.
There is MORE to this photo as featured in this posting:, than the FACT that STEVEN (sp? -- whose name I'd forgotten until AFTER I emailed it out) -- the WHITE guy on the right -- is my next-door neighbor, who is alleged BOYfriend of Patty, Roy Cooper's top Campaign Aide in Wilmington who hiked his pants down on his WOOFY, shirtless self so I could see not just all his HAPPY TRAIL, but the TOP of his Italian bush as well!!!:

The best image I could google up.
The black guy -- whom I've seen on the outskirts of a few local Democratic Party functions, lately -- has ALWAYS seemed TOO FAMILIAR, but last night, I realized where I KNOW him from (but not well -- we only spoke about a dozen times).
I have NO IDEA of the guy's name, but he lived on my sixth-floor hall of Carolina Apartments -- I think his was the one on the opposite side from me, and just the other side of the elevator. In ANY case, my pal who has lived in #66 for something like 30 years, told me -- and I saw it myself -- that the WHOLE FLOOR has ALWAYS been drug dealers, Christian Crack Whores, or International Narco-Traffickers like Jennifer McCracken in # 67 -- if I remember my numbering correctly.
Even HOT Mr. ANTHONY HUMPHREY, in #69 then (now fled to Leland -- across the river), who was prepared to testify in Court about Ms. McCracken SLASHING TWO OF MY NEW TIRES, he witnessed it, then Jennifer admitted to him she did it, had offered to sell me marijuana -- and his body, if the Price was Right -- LOL!!!
Just ask my Old Attorney, Bruce Mason!!! He verified that with Anthony Humphrey by phone -- in FRONT OF ME.
So if this BLACK GUY is in fact a narco-trafficker, too -- or simply a drug dealer -- I blame LOCAL DEMOCRATS for putting him with the DISTINGUISHED DEMOCRATS OF WILMINGTON -- NOT Bill or Hillary Clinton!!!
But I would DEFINITELY leave Miss Steven there!!!
4. GOOD NEWS FOR TESTOSTERONI (Joseph Faulk)!!! The grandson of my first Kenan cousin Gail Johnston, Daniel Reaves (a carpenter), might move in with me PART TIME. He can't bring his dog, Bentley (of the prominent DOG DORK), due to landlady Gold Walker NOT allowing dogs at ALL (except for my sister Jane, if she visits):
Daniel with Bentley
YOU TELL ME: WHO changed all this formatting???
- Today
Sandra Beckham
― Edward Albee, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
“You want to dance with me, angel tits?”
― Edward Albee, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
Praise the LORD -- and all His Holey Names!!!
BIG TROUBLE in Little Kenansville, North Carolina for Thomas S. Kenan III and his CHRISTIAN WHORE step-mother, Betty (Price) Kenan -- my relatives -- LOL!!!
The Kenan Family is Donald Trump's, the Republican Party's, the Episcopal Church's, and the Ku Klux Klan's BIGGEST financial support -- to say NOTHING of UNC Chapel Hill, Duke University, and NC State!!!
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