This is the HEADER image at
And THIS is the main photo of the LEADER from his personal Facebook page:
LOVE is REAL to joyless people, no???
Ronald Timothy Richardson with his wife (since 2014).
STRANGELY, Mr. Richardson has only ONE other photo of himself for Facebook FRIENDS (nearly every other one of us has MANY personal photos on Facebook):
LINKED-IN has NO "Ronald Timothy Richardson" AT ALL, and no "Ronald Richardson" within 100 miles of Gaithersburg, MD.
Is THIS MAN -- who shows NO EVIDENCE of being a US Citizen -- politicking ILLEGALLY in the USA???
I, below, left off the long piece telling NONSENSE about Hillary Clinton:
I am EXHAUSTED emotionally from battling Nutballs on the internet -- and Joseph Faulk -- so am slow to complete this posting, having other things I've needed to deal with in my life, as well.

From | Joseph Faulk hide details![]() |
To | Scott Kenan |
And it was followed by THIS:
Joseph Faulk to you + 1 moreshow details

Seems his Facebook reference is under name Harley Venton.
I almost immediately called "Testosteroni" to CONGRATULATE him on showing PROOF of having some Mental Acuity, by finding that Ronald Timothy Richardson is his GIVEN and likely LEGAL name, he has an ALIAS Facebook identity "Harley Venton", where he is FAR more open.
There, I learned that he's been in US schools in the Upper Midwest since grade school, so LIKELY now has US Citizenship. And ALSO that he and his "new bride" -- THERE named -- is Ann Venton (who ALSO has an alias, "Ann O. Cannon"), and is a RABID CHRISTIAN!!!
From Ann Venton's site, Intro
Christ lover, humanity lover, struggling with this whole incarnation business.
As a FUNNY NOTE, the first time as an adult that I acted ON STAGE in a production people paid to see, I played Francis Flute in Mr. William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream in 1975 in Cape May, NJ on the stage in City Hall, then.
"Methought I was enamour'd of an ass," is a line of ANOTHER character in that play.
And HOW Dunsinane came to Birnam Wood (from Macbeth, actually), in MY NEIGHBORHOOD in West Chester, Pennsylvania -- AFTER we moved to Columbus, Ohio to live across the street from Coach Lou Holtz for my parents to ACCELERATE their work as America's TOP NAZIS under direction of a line of Catholic Popes.
1. The TIME/Warner Cable tech came out, and eventually determined that a connection in the street wires likely got loosened in the hurricane, and the heat of the sun expands it OPEN, then it closes after dark and I again get cable. Someone in a "cherry-picker" will have to come out to see about that.
But they MIGHT have already done that, since beginning half an hour after he left, I got my cable TV back -- solidly, so far!!!
And the guy was TOTALLY COOL -- he and I got into a long conversation since we BOTH grew up Catholic Yankees, although HE was Confirmed into the Episcopal Church (where I only worshiped for a while in the mid-1980s, without joining). And we BOTH now consider religions to be absurd or worse -- yet LOVE what Jesus (Buddha, and others), taught about how to LIVE.
What was FUNNY, was that I'd seen my landlady Gold Walker (whom I've had several wonderful discussions with since our BIG MISUNDERSTANDING of ten days ago), go to enter her apartment next door as Cable Guy and I began discussing, but STOPPED and standing behind the tall, dense bushes that conceal so much of her porch (I could see the top of her head), and as we were FINISHING, she popped up to exclaim, "You know they say that 'If the Lord don't WANT YA, the Devil's gonna GIT you!!!'"
Well, Gold is a TOTAL supporter of Donald Trump, and I've given up on trying to convince her he is a total GOD HATER. While marijuana is indeed medicinal, she and I actually like to "cook with oregano", instead-ish, but while Gold is at it "like smoking cigars" from first waking up until retiring at night, I like about ONE TENTH as much, and I eat Italian late at night, typically.
I find oregano LOWERS one's IQ significantly, while ENHANCING intuition, artistic comprehension, etc.
So, once again (in a FAR more civilized than usual way for Wilmington), I was being BULLIED (gently), by a WHITE SUPREMACIST CHRISTIAN WOMAN!!!
I GENUINELY look forward to the day after the election -- so we can BEGIN TO HEAL and find COMMON GROUND. I'm into HEALINGS, not punishments (in most cases).
And my GREATEST wish about the election is that WHOEVER wins, it is by a WIDE ENOUGH margin to be OBVIOUS, and NOT invite a lot of Legal Challenges -- like in 2000.
PS: Did you SEE Michelle "The Beard" Obama speaking somewhere today about Trump's HATRED of WOMEN???
She did GREAT -- but it doesn't change that Reverends Jesse Jackson and Jeremiah Wright ARRANGED her marriage to "that little homosexual", so she's a TOTAL HYPOCRITE as NO self-respecting WOMAN would get into a relationship like that!!!
There's BIG PAY-OFF in Clinton/Emanuel/El Chapo Guzman DRUG PROFITS, that she wants -- so LET HER HAVE IT, no??? She's performed WELL in the White House Drama for eight years, now!!!
It's BETTER than the country turning NAZI under Trump/Pence -- who will continue US Government narco-trafficking, anyway. It's just the SPOILS that will be divvied up differently depending on who wins.
In order to PUNK the "lying bitch", Lady Gaga's designer put Michelle into a CLASSIC American Toilet-Bowl Dress for her last major State Department Dinner a month or so ago.
And it was Joseph Faulk who FIRST brought this to my attention -- LOL!!!
Looking at Michelle, I feel drunk on the floor hoping to pull myself up over that cold white porcelain rim -- to relieve my upset stomach -- right INTO HER DRESS!!!
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