I guess the only place to start is at an "arbitrary beginning": Early last evening, I met "Bushy Boy" (named for his most famous of relatives, GW Bush his 8th cousin once removed), at a Port City Java for java, then eventually to Bourbon Street restaurant at Front and Princess Streets for long, leisurely repast of a cup of seafood gumbo each, and then I had Jambalaya (only I having a glass also of Cabernet); he having Crawfish Etoufee.
Bushy Boy (hereafter called "Bushy"), born in 1952 to a wealthy Catholic physician in Baton Rouge, and his Methodist mother -- SHE stuck to raise him Catholic, his father eventually disinheriting him -- he grew up in the neighborhood with (or knowing), EVERY Louisiana politician you have ever heard of -- EXCEPT David Duke.
Then he married and had three children in New Orleans, and although divorcing due to his REAL sexuality, he GAVE his ex his house and nearly all his money -- BEFORE the divorce as it was the RIGHT THING TO DO.
He lived there until his children all achieved financial independence -- most now having advanced degrees, getting along well with ALL of them: the ex, his children and now grandchildren -- including Mulattoes, like President Obama!!!), then moved to Atlanta for the SAME YEARS that I lived there -- he coming a year later than me, or 1984.
I FORGOT to ask him if he knew Roy Rogers Oldenkamp, who ALSO lived in Atlanta those years. And like Gen. Russel Honore', he knows ALL ABOUT the crimes of my wealthy Kenan relatives, but did NOT know about my Mom!!!
But he TOTALLY believes that -- he FULLY left the Catholic Church ONLY when Pope Francis FAST-TRACKED Pope John-Paul II to "sainthood" -- saying that ASSHOLE was the BIGGEST recent NAZI Pope!!!
I said, "You should read my BLOG, Buddy!!!" And "Pope Pancho" also fast-tracked Father Junipero Serra, a TOTAL GOD-HATING WHITE SUPREMACIST:
And then Bushy, during the years between then and now, acquired several houses for his own use (not rentals), as his career in IT advanced, but during the Great Recession, lost job after job, had to SELL OFF the houses at low prices, and while NOT ever going homeless like me, DID have to have roommates to make rent -- and THEY all turned out to be criminals like many of MY roommates (all FULLY approved by "Testosteroni". Is Old Testo just a MASTER CRIMINAL, or is he insane or "drug addicted"???)
>>> ADDED LATER: Sadly, new evidence has PROVEN I will NOT be able to honestly make "Testosteroni" out as a criminal (or such).
As an aside, Old Testo again REFUSED my phone call this morning, and I left message that the next time he directs me to do ANYTHING about these street characters, I will give them his cell phone number to deal DIRECTLY with "Mr. Falconer" -- he should train, plane, or buss (it's an electrical term), at least one of them to move into HIS NYC apartment (since he thinks they are "so swell", no???).
I then called Mom in Raleigh, BRAGGING -- because she LOVES both Bush Presidents, so I wanted her to know I bedded their CATHOLIC relative who is AS COOL AS THEY COME.
Mom LOVED IT, and that Bushy is a TOP Choral singer -- in several of the very BEST choral groups in the Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill area. And since Thomas S. Kenan III is a HUGE supporter of the Arts in that vicinity (ESPECIALLY of Choral Groups), Tom has likely directly helped the groups Bushy sings in.
And then -- lo and behold -- this morning I discovered we stayed in the motel sort of surrounding (I'm bypassing a blow-by-blow -- etcetera -- of the night's activities), Randy Jones's FAVE Carolina Beach bar -- the LAZY PIRATE!!!:
Really looking forward to seeing my mom, Elaine Jones, and lots of other Friends and Family at the upcoming Meals on Wheels Benefit weekend,https://www.facebook.com/events/606448949495326/ , on June 24th, 2016, in Carolina Beach, NC. — with Elaine Jones.
Well, when Bushy dropped me at my apartment, Haston Caulder ("Shake" or "Dapper Dan"), still had not returned from his "Christian" church services at "The Anchor Church" (on a barge in the Cape Fear River: http://anchorwilmington.org/), and while I was still with Bushy at the Lazy Pirate, Haston had texted me that he met a guy who owns a house but needs money -- and he is GAY (NOT the first Anchor Church member who is gay and wanting money that Haston has tried to hook me up with -- I guess that church has a whole ROSTER of homosexual whores they farm out to make money), and Haston said he planned to pay the guy $30.00 to clean his room (which I just saw is NOT in need of cleaning or straightening).
I told him FORGET IT -- we both agreed that Haston can NEVER under ANY circumstances have one of his friends come over here. PERIOD!!! But he got ANGRY and texted the VERY hot/cute young man's photo, and I TOLD HIM AGAIN that I do NOT have sex with "street trash" any more -- ESPECIALLY the GOD-HATING CHRISTIAN ones.
When Shake got home, he claimed his job in construction (in DRUG DISTRIBUTION???), that pays him so well is ENDING NOW (he "found out" at "church", today), and he will have to go to Labor Ready to get a job, tomorrow. ALL the several other bosses who promised to employ him when this job ends, have REASONS he cannot possibly work for ANY of them.
And Haston went to church leaving lights ON in SEVERAL rooms -- and when he went out an hour ago, again, he left his TV on -- BLARING DRUG-MAFIA RAP SONGS!!!
That's about it -- for now.
And look, John Lahr:
Having a BALL, fishing and such with his "rather attractive son":
John Lahr: So good to see you looking so relaxed and having fun with your son, Chris!!! I'm intensifying my political battle with my "swastika family" -- and am pleased that you and I have had some "good laughs" over the last eight or so years!!!
Enjoy the FUN of your life -- you EARNED IT!!!
>>> PS: This Christian HOMO-PROSTITUTE just showed up at the door by CAB that Haston had to pay for -- and I heard him tell the guy that although he was SURE if I saw him in person, I would FALL FOR HIM, Haston could NOT let him into the house.
He just looks like typical WHITE CHRISTIAN DRUG TRASH to me (think Ryan Lee Burris).
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