Colin Stuart Hamilton played with EXPLOSIVES, and as the Lord hath said, you make yer bed -- then you LIE IN IT!!!
>>> ADDED on AUGUST 6, 2015:
-----Original Message-----
From: Christine Hitchens
To: Scott Kenan
Sent: Thu, Aug 6, 2015 11:12 am
Subject: Colin Hamilton's Murderer Released
"Vector investment funds may have paid off the police.
Christian, who was in the employ (sic) of Vector, admitted murdering Colin Hamilton. He told the police where the body was buried. Whilst the police were locating the body, Christian was released. Apparently it is a new law in Mexico that you can not hold a suspect for more than 6 hours without charging them. Must be very new, as Mexico is notorious for arresting people on the slightest suspicion and holding them for months even years before trial. So this latest bit of bald-faced lying is an insult to any person with the ability to reason."
Taken from an English language newspaper in Lake Chapala.
God Bless.
* * *
I first knew something was amiss, when "Christine Hitchens", a slight acquaintance of Ginger Tindall of the Puerto Vallarta Writers Group, emailed me FOUR TIMES yesterday, beginning with the accusation that I had murdered someone -- and that Colin Hamilton had DISAPPEARED. She even later wrote that they had PROOF that I had murdered Colin, and that MURDER is highly extraditable, so I will spend the rest of my days in a Mexican Prison!!!
I thought she had simply GONE OFF THE DEEP END, but among her lies was some TRUTH, it seems.
This morning, I found "Colin Hamilton Puerto Vallarta found dead" (and its variations), was by FAR the top search term leading people to BOTH my blogs -- and my posts regarding Colin were MORE POPULAR than any others, except: (all Politics is LOCAL, no???) (All TRAITORS should be PUNISHED, no???) (All FAKE CHRISTIANS in Wilmington and North Carolina must be brought to JUSTICE, no???)

Sherman Lee Criner is a Christian Snake-Handler (and recently divorced from Republican Judge Sandra Ray Criner), and lawyer (as well as She-Child sexual predator -- protected by Wilmington Police), in Wilmington who handles NEGOTIATED SETTLEMENTS, so people can avoid Court.
Ryan Lee Burriss, Head of Cape Fear Equality and Third Vice Chair of New Hanover County Democrats is Sherman's close friend -- and appears to have DISAPPEARED from town, over a month ago. His betrothed, Wes Taylor, a partner in Wilmington Computer Repair on 4th Street, has disowned Ryan and now claims to be a hair-dresser!!!
Just now, I notice Ryan has in the last two days BLOCKED ME on Facebook, so HE is still alive, so far.
And STRANGELY, yesterday, I realized that Sherman Criner's office is just TWO DOORS East of my Carolina Apartments, on Market Street!!! So far, I've avoided hanging out there to take Sherman's PHOTO -- LOL!!!
But I have no actual confirmation that Colin Hamilton is actually dead, yet, so this is all I can write about it for now.
1. My first cousin Judith (Russ) Whitney, ALSO blocked me on Facebook two days ago. I consider this PROOF that she was narco-trafficking in 2011, as I then accused her of doing, and she blocked me for two years, back then. Recently, I had communicated with Judy's niece, Lena Ludwig Lapper, of Brighton, England, that I knew this was because she and her husband Chuck had mortgaged their house to TWICE its value (once the housing market fell in the Great Recession), because her no-count daughters, Wendy Whitney and Kim Wells, had been MOOCHING off their parents OUTRAGEOUSLY, but Judy ACTUALLY being Bipolar and untreated, went CRAZY!!!
I know Judy's sisters Janice Ludwig and Gail Johnston would NEVER have approved, but the youngest of them, Cherrie Pridgeon, had grown SUPER CLOSE to my mother, America's TOP literal NAZI, in recent years, so she may have been involved too.
2. The elevator at Carolina Apartments WENT BACK OUT after only half an hour of running, yesterday, and Otis Elevator is supposedly re-repairing it today. FIVE residents here have asked me to tear the "too cheap" landlord, Mr. Cutter, a new you-know-what -- and I WILL if it is not fixed PROMPTLY AND "PERMANENTLY"!!!
But I'll give them two days to make it right, first, and readers will recall, I LOVE this building, even wanting to create a TRUST to handle renovations and "old building repairs" so that Mr. Cutter is relieved of that financial pressure -- and also RESPECTING all his property rights. And that is dependent on my SUING David Nash and/or Jamie Lee Sutherland and Daliah Saper (as well as D.A. Ben David's former intern Jeff Duncan, who then worked for Saper Law!!!), all of Chicago.
I fear I cannot start this process this week -- the news still being TOO HOT!!!
And WHITE hourly employees see this too, and asked me more vehemently than did the black ones!!!
3. I don't have time to write the head of the North Carolina NAACP, so hope they find my email I DID send them, that the CIA/NSA BLOCKED them from receiving!!!
Whale's Tale Cape May,, which I helped to found in 1974, has -- after a WEEK of being down, popped back up IMPROVED, but neither Chuck Pritchard nor Hilary Pritchard-Russell (or Sue Hobs or Phil Dietz), are SPEAKING to me, REGARDLESS - LOL!!!
SEE how Phil and Sue's daughter Eliza had her FIRST MEAL OUT with Tennessee Williams and me -- in 1981!!!
5. And speaking of Tennessee Williams:
I am brought back to COSTCO, which because of my blogging about the UBER CRIMES of AMERICAN EXPRESS against me (including Narco-Trafficking in Puerto Vallarta) -- and REMEMBER, the only card Tennessee ever carried, and he EVEN made the only COMMERCIAL ENDORSEMENT of his life and made a TV COMMERCIAL for American Express, is being DUMPED in a few months by Costco, in favor of another!!!
See halfway down here:
And Christal Presley of Atlanta Public Schools (who got American Express to break MANY LAWS to screw me in 2010), CLOSE associate of my mother and Sean Hannity of Fox News, was REVERED --and perhaps YOU are idiotic enough to think this is ironic -- by CNN NAZI SYSTEMS!!!
I just checked and the elevator here at Carolina Apartments is WORKING -- and NEW workmen are preparing to REPLACE THE ROOF!!!
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