Tuesday, January 2, 2018

On a SLOW DAY for News, More Correspondence with Happy Golightly!!!

“God is the only being who, in order to reign, need not even exist.”

― Charles Baudelaire

Hi "Happy Golightly",

I can tell by your two emails today, that you and I work from different approaches, and perhaps we should continue to, but you have said nothing about SUCCESSES you have had with your own approach. I have forced Kenan-owned The Breakers Hotel Palm Beach to STOP buying 85% of the ad space on FoxNews.com and to spread it widely across all the political spectrum, worked with Natalie Wood's family's attorney and got the L.A. Detectives to RE-OPEN her Accidental Death or Suicide investigation as a MURDER investigation (the privileged info I have is hearsay in Court), and just a week or so ago, got my landlady and her manager to STAND DOWN from an attempt to immediately evict me because I yelled at the 22 year old students who got the under-aged students so CRAZED ON ALCOHOL, they would not stop raising hell until after 4:00 AM. The manager said he would have them all testify under oath that I was the BIG CRIMINAL, but I told him I'd appeal to jury trial -- and juvenile delinquents' LIES don't hold up well with a jury and they backed down (I suspect the manager and possibly owner are hiding some kind of crime).

I'm taking a blogging break (for the most part), today, so will write at some length, although I prefer to have long conversations by voice.

My blog postings are IMMEDIATELY emailed to 230 Political Contacts, so I can't take anything back -- nor do I want to -- and I understand if you decide that for that reason you can't work with me. At 6' 11", I KNEW I could never hide successfully, and my strategy evolved as "IN THEIR FACES", therefore. TOO MANY TIMES I went to all the trouble you are going to -- only to find that the LAW I had counted on was corrupted (I think your story of being praised for your briefs but screwed by that same judge is similar) -- or was right after I contacted them. NO ONE seems to GET how CRAZED THEY ARE by the fact that my parents were for nearly all of my life, America's TOP NAZIS, connected to the TOP corrupted Politicians and Churches.

In today's world SECRECY IS DEATH, while TRANSPARENCY IS LIFE (That announced by Think Tanks of ALL political stripes about 2008.)

I don't know when the special FBI Task Force was formed to investigate the Drug Trafficking of Wilmington (Ben David, Sheriff McMahon, and the Brunswick County Sheriff are all ON IT, so consider that!!!), so I think all of these were BEFORE THEN, but some things I did and was TOTALLY REBUFFED by the Law in Wilmington in 2011 before I fled back to Mexico in late April 2012:

1. The top Coast Guard Drug Interdiction Officer in ILM REFUSED to hear what I knew.

2. The FBI, stationed here, refused to talk to me.

3. So I actually went through Security in the Federal Courthouse and up to the DEA Office (where they don't allow pedestrian visitors). This to give evidence against D.A. Ben David, and the NEW head guy was on his FIRST DAY, and he listened MOST attentively, but the guy he was replacing soon joined us and began TOTALLY RIDICULING ME. Two Agents came out from the back and all but said they would BEAT ME UP if I didn't shut up, so I left.

Waiting for me, was a friend Lee, who I really THOUGHT was straight sexually and dry of drinking, he in A.A. He was DRUNK, and soon confessed that he was Ben David's LONG-TERM LOVER, and sent to see what I was doing. When I told him what I told the DEA (but not about their resistance), in FRONT OF ME -- allowing me to hear Ben's voice so I knew he was speaking with Ben on his cell, he told me of their sexual relationship and told Ben right then and there -- after asking him if he was carrying his gun -- that that was GOOD, and that Ben needed to shoot himself in the head IMMEDIATELY.

About a month or so later, I ran into Lee outside the State Services for the poor building on 16th Street, and Ben showed me the nearly new pick-up truck that Ben David had bought him, said Ben also gave him a big pile of cash, and told him he had to leave the state FOREVER -- and NEVER look back or contact him.

Soon after arriving in Wilmington late June 2015, I decided to go HIGHER, so drove up to see the Head of the US Justice Department in Raleigh -- unannounced. Again, no pedestrians were supposed to go there, but between my height and perhaps my Kenan name and professional way, I had no problem. Second in charge -- Rudy Renfer, a tall MASSIVE MAN with the paw of a true "G-Man" came out to speak to me (he was then assistant US Attorney for East Carolina or similar), and I trusted him TOTALLY.

Rudy listened for quite a while as I told him much of what I knew, but then said the Justice Department is NOT ALLOWED to take info from citizens -- but ONLY other Law Enforcement, so I had to talk to the DEA Agent in Wilmington. I explained what had happened in 2011, and that I'd like to talk to the TOP GUY in Raleigh, and he got the phone numbers of the top guy in Raleigh as well as in Wilmington, but warned me that I would be sent to the Wilmington guy.

Top guy in Raleigh (and I blogged about all of this at the time -- it includes all their names), said he totally BELIEVED what I said about Ben David -- but that I could ONLY inform them through the guy here, last name Williams (different than in 2011), so back in Wilmington, I called Mr. Williams who said they would investigate, but when I called several days later to see if anything was happening, a guy with a TOTALLY DIFFERENT VOICE who ALSO claimed to be the same Agent Williams, pretty much laughed me off, and said I did not need to call them, they would call me.

And this played RIGHT INTO my being evicted from Carolina Apartments at that same time, with four drug addicts testifying how I was a TOTAL CRIMINAL, including owner George Cutter, and manager Tomi Matheson, who is gone now and was twice arrested last January and her mug shots look like's she's TOTALLY gone to METH, now.

Also testifying was Jennifer McCracken who lived two doors from me in those apartments (a Mormon who claimed to get all her orders from her Church via her mother), who had sold me pot many times -- and TRIED to sell me Opioid Pills, claiming she is an informal doctor who sells to MANY in town. Jennifer ALSO knew all about the CIA murder of retired BBC star of radio and TV, Colin Stuart Hamilton, in Puerto Vallarta (Colin was HEAD of the Puerto Vallarta Writers Group I belonged to -- as well as did Stanley Winborne, of Wilmington originally, whose family had controlled the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, and whose SON (whom he "hated"), had been second in charge of the Hillary Clinton State Department in Afghanistan -- and in charge of shipping the Heroin back on Air Force planes for my former boss Patrick Lee Stansbury of Pentagon Publishing, Inc. (now dead of Meth overdose), who distributed it from Maine to Florida -- but mostly in Wilmington and Atlanta. 

The Mexican Press had a GAG ORDER to not scare tourists from town. She knew WHERE they found the body five hours away, and HOW they let the murderer go after he led them to it. I posted this info and English-language P.V. Press published the info from my blog.

Also, in 2010, I spoke to at least 30 active duty Marines outside Truit Cathey's "Dwarf House" restaurant that Chick-Fil-A evolved from in central-west Georgia, who all SWORE they were ordered to guard Air Force planes in the Middle East being loaded FULL off illegal drugs to be flown back to the USA.

Jenny ALSO managed to get G-Mail to CANCEL all my gmail email accounts, and tried to SUE ME in what she THOUGHT was Judge Lindsey McKee's Court (Jenny a Lesbian who admitted a HUGE CRUSH on Judge Lindsey), but when it turned out to be a DIFFERENT JUDGE at the last minute, Jenny did not even SHOW -- case DROPPED!!!

As I said, ALL of this is blogged about in GREAT DETAIL, so names, dates, etc., can be retrieved. Only a FEW of my postings from 2010 have been entirely erased by CIA or hackers -- and only a FEW very TOP criminals' photos have been entirely erased from my blog and even my computer -- but all that happened while I was in Mexico. Jack Stein, Wilmington City Risk Manager (still), told me in 2013 the strange phone number my calls to him came in on from Puerto Vallarta. Googling it, it is a number WELL KNOWN to be used by the NSA to channel international calls. 

My calls to MOST in the USA -- including the Center for Justice and Accountability, and the Courts Inspector in Cook County, IL were NOT allowed to go through (after my first one) -- just like my emails to them -- so I had to GIVE UP TRYING until I returned to the USA -- and STILL often have those same troubles.

Your mentioning talking to the lawyer of the man who was given the SHAFT by Judge McKee/Luther in a case ahead of me is not one I could name names. This happened BEFORE I discovered Lindsey intended to break the Law in her Court with me, so I was not yet very attentive.

I had to do a SERIOUS work-around to get AOL email form to WORK -- in the middle of writing this to you. Suddenly, ALL formatting buttons (and to send, add links, images, etc.), DISAPPEARED so I had to copy and paste into a new form after a reboot -- of Google Chrome, not Windows 10 -- obviously.

I will blog this with caution about anything you have written. Then I will AGAIN post my entire email list of those who get my blog. It changes a little constantly -- and many like you get it automatically in SPAM, but not ALL. My girlfriend from high school who is still a lawyer (and doctor), and WAS a Pennsylvania Prosecutor CANNOT figure out how to get my individual (I don't mass-email her) messages to STOP going to SPAM!!!



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