Sunday, July 7, 2024

Jill Biden's Political Rally Begins Soon after 11:00 AM -- Tomorrow (Monday)!!! / It is BILLED as "Veterans and Military Families for Biden" -- BUT, is BY INVITATION ONLY!!! / Then, Jill has to be in Tampa, Florida for a 3:00 PM OPEN RALLY, so She''ll Need to Leave Wilmington by 1:00 PM -- I Would Assume . . .


>>>  For the Obamas  -- I'm meeting  JILL BIDEN  in a few hours.  CAN YOU IMAGINE ???:

Dear Kamala Harris and ALL OTHERS:

Dear President Biden,

So, it has come to THIS !!! All of the TOP DEMOCRATS that I send Blog Posts to -- and get Received Receipts from -- are ACTIVELY seeking to  DROP YOU  from the 2024 Presidential TICKET !!!

And this is the time I get to meet my THIRD FIRST LADY  (your WIFE ), in PERSON (just hours from now, actually) . . . 

I trust ALL will remain COOL .



Roman Catholics MUST BELIEVE that Communion is LITERALLY the body and blood of  Jesus !!! And the Catholic Religion (which I was raised in), TEACHES NO ETHICS!!!

The following people all claim to be devout Catholics -- yet CONSIDER how different they mostly are:

Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Sean Hannity, Steve Bannon, Joe Manchin, and Newt Gingrich

The MOST EVIL (except for "Rev." Al "Booty-Call" Sharpton and Symone Sanders-Townsend), on CIA-controlled MSNBC are Mika Brzezinski (whose father, "ZBig" deliberately got MUSLIMS in the Middle East to HATE the USA!!!), Rachel Maddow (who partners with one of Jeffrey Epstein's TOP ASSOCIATES, Lorne Michaels), Lawrence O'Donnell (the biggest Democratic Partisan on TV), and they ALL KNOW that Al Sharpton began preaching for MONEY at age FOUR  -- before he could READ OR WRITE!!!

NO Catholic Priest or Mainstream Protestant Minister is ordained with LESS than ADVANCED COLLEGE DEGREES!!! At least a Masters . . .

Neal Katyal

But worst of them all on MSNBC is Neal Katyal (who looks Jewish to me). But his parents -- immigrants from India -- raised him DEVOUT CATHOLIC and he's supported some of the WORST ACTIONS of the US GOVERMENT  -- here is a small sample from Wikipedia:

Katyal has described himself as an "extremist centrist".[34] He endorsed President Donald Trump's nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court in an op-ed to The New York Times.[35] When that newspaper's public editor criticized the op-ed for failing to disclose Katyal had active cases being considered by the Court, Katyal responded that it would have been obvious he always has cases being heard by the Supreme Court.[36] Katyal formally introduced Gorsuch on the first day of his Senate Judiciary Committee confirmation hearings.[37]

In addition to Gorsuch, Katyal spoke highly of Trump's nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.[38] In multiple tweets that were cited by Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell in favor of Kavanaugh's confirmation,[39] Katyal praised Kavanaugh's "credentials [and] hardworking nature",[40] and described his "mentoring and guidance" of female law clerks as "a model for all of us in the legal profession".[41] Katyal has also called Kavanaugh "incredibly likable".[42]


I sold ad space in the Yearbooks and Alumni Journals of all of the US Service Academies, War Colleges, and Maritime Academies for Patrick Stansbury of Pentagon Publishing, Inc., of Snellville, Georgia -- and Patrick ALSO distributed all of the HARD DRUGS flown into Maxwell AFB in Alabama -- from Maine to Florida -- but largely via Politicians and Christian Clergy in Atlanta, GA and Wilmington, NC.

A MUGSHOT from one of the THREE TIMES Patrick was BUSTED FOR DISTRIBUTING DRUGS and sentenced to half-year jail terms -- while I worked for him 1990 - 2010.

So, I suppose tomorrow's RALLY OF VETERANS can properly include ME -- I sure got poisoned, beaten-up, and literally TORTURED  by the CIA and the EXXON-MOBIL/Episcopal Church DRUG MAFIA in Jalisco, Colima, and Nayarit States of Mexico -- with cooperation of the Obama/Hillary Clinton State Department and CIA.

MY GOVERNMENT owes me a LOT!!!


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