Thursday, May 9, 2024

Kennedys!!! From Worm-Eaten-Brained RFK, Jr. to HOT, Stinky-Pitted, SNAKE-Wielding JFK's Grandson!!! REMEMBER, Old Joe & Rose were TOP HITLER PROMOTERS along with Henry Ford, Prescott Bush, and General Motors -- but TOGETHER They Did LESS for Hitler than My Kenan Family's STANDARD OIL!!!


William Rand Kenan, Jr.,  PAID THE MOST (43%) to get Adolf Hitler elected Chancellor of Germany -- then controlling Standard Oil of New Jersey's stock (now EXXON-MOBIL), he built the Refineries in Germany that supplied MOST of the gasoline, diesel, lubricants, and PERVITIN (Methamphetamine or Adderall), used to fuel Hitler's  WAR MACHINE .

>>>  Dear VEEP Harris and  ALL OTHERS  -- this is "Self-Explanatory":

Dear President Biden,

I've been PLEASED to see you have corrected course in a few things -- but so LATE IN THE GAME of giving the USA to your  Christian Friend Vladimir Putin , and your  NAZI Friend Benjamin Netanyahu , that I doubt anyone believes you will continue to act like a  REAL DEMOCRAT .

Are you TOO OLD  to understand today's  CONCEPTS  --  HUH ??? 

Well,  CARRY ON  -- now that you are CORRECTING your direction NO MORE Military Aide to Israel  -- until ISRAELIS have to give up their FREE Cradle-to-Grave Health Care  and FREE Education to all who keep up their grades --  basically we pay for THEIRS  -- but not for  OURS !!!

Dems and Repubs BOTH are using  HALF of our defense budget for others  on  Israel  -- and Benjamin Netanyahu has turned  PURE NAZI  -- and THEY GET FREE HEALTH CARE like EVERY OTHER DEVELOPED NATION -- except  OURS !!! And  FREE COLLEGE  like many other  Developed Nations .

This is the  GIFT OF HATRED  you ignorant Cock-Suckers in  Congress ,  the Presidency , and  the Courts  have given us -- while multiplying your own salaries and taking  BRIBES .

THAT'S WHY Trump is so "POPULAR"!!! Those of the  Abrahamic Religions  are  GREEDY  AS  HELL :


JFK’s grandson Jack Schlossberg is the new hot topic

One of Jack’s latest snaps includes a photo of him in gray shorts, showing off his hairy torso and flexing his tattooed biceps. He looked sexy as he struck a sideway pose, which made his toned abs more obvious against a backdrop of trees and a low-cut field.

Actually, he looks A LOT LIKE JFK, Jr. -- who was in the LAST TWO of my Prophetic Dreams of Jackie Kennedy Onassis (whom I met here:, JFK -- whom I was in the same room as when he campaigned in 1960 in Louisville, Kentucky, and JFK, Jr. -- whom I never met:

JFK, Jr.

While there have been some good Kennedys -- too many reverted to Joe and Rose's position as the TOP ROMAN CATHOLIC NAZIS in the USA -- until JFK's generation FLIPPED to support LIBERTY -- and SOON my own mother, Ruth Anne Meyer -- and later Kenan (after she BLACKMAILED my bisexual father into marriage to hide her SWASTIKAS behind the iconic Kenan Name!!!), was America's TOP NAZI until Steve Bannon took over Mom's responsibilities.

Rose Kennedy not only forced her sexually precocious daughter Rosemany to have a LOBOTOMY -- she was given in 1951, the rare title of PAPAL COUNTESS conferred on her by the Vatican in recognition of her "exemplary motherhood and many charitable works." She was only the sixth woman from the United States to have the title bestowed upon her by the Roman Catholic Church.

REMEMBER: Popes Pius XI and XII were in PARTNERSHIP with Adolf Hitler -- just like Joe & Rose Kennedy!!!

Mom began by perfecting NAZI MIND CONTROL -- which they renamed to HONOR HER: Project MK-ULTRA!!!

Several years ago, I contacted Joe Kennedy III, who was considered the RISING STAR of the Democratic Party. He was CLEARLY "Gay as a Goose" (married very late, his college roommate and Political Office Manager was OUT GAY, etc.)

So Joe Kennedy III -- supported by the Obama/Biden/Clinton Democrats -- tried to TAKE OUT Massachusetts Senator Ed Markey -- and Kennedy was WINNING in the Primary -- until I sent Sen. Markey, The Boston Globe , The Harvard Crimson , etc. -- THE DIRT I HAD ON JOE!!!

And Joe's fortunes were DESTROYED as he lost in a LANDSLIDE -- HA!!!

I'm NOT AFRAID to take out  KENNEDYS !!! 


Hollis Briggs, Jr.New Hanover County Democrat who told me he is going to KILL ME because I blogged about CIA Agent Kevin Maurerthe Cameron Family and their Live Oak Bank plus EVERY Presbyterian Church in the Lower Cape Fear stealing  New Hanover Regional Medical Center  system from the Citizens -- with the HELP of Atty. Gen. JOSH STEIN, and both Democrats and Republicans -- ALL OF THEM ARE CHRISTIANS EXCEPT STEIN!!!


I MUST write this woman soon so she knows the following!!!:

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My mother, Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan -- now 101 years old and living in Raleigh -- was Head of Procter & Gamble's Skin Research Labs right after Germany surrendered and was given Dr. Josef Mengele's Research on Concentration Camp victims -- and perfected NAZI Mind Control or Project MK ULTRA -- eventually named with Mom's two last initials, M & K!!!

I have worked with Kenan Institute for Ethics at Duke and have heard from my 7th Kenan Cousin, Thomas S. Kenan III, thanking me for much of my Political Blog !!!

I'm THRILLED to see a NON-WHITE PERSON runs this now -- NO ONE is more WHITE SUPREMACIST than a KENAN (except that Tom Kenan and I are exceptions). Here is what he sent me:

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Stephanie Headley, a trailblazing MBA from UNC, is reshaping the beauty industry as senior vice president of North America skincare at Procter & Gamble. See how her innovative approach with the Olay brand is breaking barriers and redefining beauty standards: #UNCStudents #BeautyIndustry
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Scott Kenan
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Thomas S. Kenan III Called Me at 2:00 PM Today -- to THANK ME for the GREAT WRITE-UP I Gave His Step-Mother, Betty (Price) Kenan . . . and Ended Up Sending His LOVE to My Nearly 101-Year-Old MOTHER!!! / When I Called Mom to Tell Her, Mom Said,...
Thomas S. Kenan III Called Me at 2:00 PM Today -- to THANK ME for the GREAT WRITE-UP I Gave His Step-Mother, Betty (Price) Kenan . . . and Ended Up Sending His LOVE to My Nearly 101-Year-Old MOTHER!!! / When I Called Mom to Tell Her, Mom Said,...
Thomas S. Kenan III Called Me at 2:00 PM Today -- to THANK ME for the GREAT WRITE-UP I Gave His Step-Mother, Betty (Price) Kenan . . . and Ended Up Sending His LOVE to My Nearly 101-Year-Old MOTHER!!! / When I Called Mom to Tell Her, Mom Said,...
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Trump reportedly solicited top oil and gas executives to give $1 billion for his campaign to return to the White House, vowing in return to undo many of President Joe Biden’s green energy policies if he is elected in November.

Trump hosted the country’s top fossil fuel CEOs at his Mar-a-Lago club in Florida last month when he “stunned” executives with the ask, according to The Washington Post. The $1 billion sum would ultimately be a “deal” for the fossil fuel industry, Trump reportedly told the executives, because of the money they would save with him in office. An anonymous industry source told the Post that Trump is likely to get some funds.

“Big Oil CEOs will happily use the billions they’ve made selling dirty expensive energy to further warp American democracy, if it means they can keep wrecking the planet for free,” Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) wrote in a post on X, formerly Twitter, on Thursday.

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Scott Kenan -- ONE DAY AGO

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Prior to the COVID-19 Pandemic, the club’s membership had grown to more than 150 members. But these days, attendance is down to about 80 members. On April 5, the group hears from Adm. Karl Schultz, former commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard. Past speakers have included Wilmington Mayor Bill Saffo, District Attorneys Ben David and Jon David, New Hanover County Sheriff Ed McMahon, Wilmington Police Chief Donny Williams, and many others.

YIKES!!! Before COVID I attended two meetings and only one had ONE BLACK MAN, neither had "Brown men", and MANY wore MAGA HATS and dissed me because Donald Trump was America's TOP CHRISTIAN -- although OUT GAY Shane Fernando spoke and they treated HIM like he was "Wilmington's Savior" -- LOL!!!

The Weather Continues . . . : Jesus (himself), Promotes Shane Fernando to CEO of Thalian Hall Theatre!!! / Repub Senator Markwayne Mullin ADMITS He's Bitten People His Whole Life -- and will BITE THEM FOR JESUS in the Senate!!! / WHAT is Joe Biden UP TO, NOW???:


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