Thursday, November 18, 2021

On the NEW Anna Madrigal's (Gold Walker's), Birthday Eve -- LOOK AT ALL THAT'S HAPPENED!!! I Have Been BLOGGING about This for YEARS, Now -- LOL!!!


Jeane Dixon, a DEVOUT ROMAN CATHOLIC like her boss, J. Edgar Hoover, CLAIMED to be an ASTROLOGER and PSYCHIC -- TWO THINGS the Roman Catholic Church has always CONDEMNED -- so she was NOT A CATHOLIC!!!

And then in the early aughts, a Freedom of Information inquiry revealed that Dixon was NEVER A PSYCHIC, but a PAID PUBLICIST on the FBI's payroll, hired to TERRORIZE the Kennedy and then the King Family by predicting JFK's, RFK's, and then MLK, Jr.'s ASSASSINATIONS, and on her death-bed said the WORLD would be shocked when the TRUTH of who the REAL COMMUNISTS in the USA Government are -- came out.

Of course, like Barack Obama, Richard Nixon, partially BOTH Presidents Bush, and locally in the Lower Cape Fear, Mayor "Bill" Saffo, D.A. Benjamin R. David (both nominally Democrats but only supported by Republicans), former NC MAJOR REPUBLICANS Thom Goolsby and Tom Fetzer, are ALSO CLOSET-CASE GAYS.

Roman Catholics Joe Biden and Joe Manchin are TOTALLY in Thomas S. Kenan III's and Kenan-controlled EXXON-MOBIL's POCKETS -- and PROVED IT THIS WEEK with the LARGEST SALE of Gulf of Mexico OIL-DRILLING RIGHTS in US HISTORY!!!

Oil and gas companies on Wednesday purchased rights to drill across more than 1.7 million acres of the Gulf of Mexico, an area larger than the state of Delaware, locking in fossil fuel development that won’t begin for years but will likely last for decades.

The offshore lease sale — the largest in U.S. history — offered up more than 80 million acres of the Gulf to oil and gas interests at a time when scientists are warning that the world must rapidly move away from planet-warming fossil fuels in order to prevent catastrophic climate impacts.

Thirty-three companies submitted a total 317 bids on 308 offshore tracks, according to the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management. The auction brought in more than $191 million in high bids.

Oil giant ExxonMobil accounted for nearly one-third of all submitted bids.

God sends the Kenan Family and North Carolina ARMADILLOS!!!

A North Carolina Town Is Besieged by Hungry Armadillos

Climate change is driving the armored critters north in droves.


"Rev." Al "Booty-Call" Sharpton is MSNBC'S TOP CHRISTIAN -- TODAY!!!


Vintage 1920's crocheted Antimacassar -- only $18.00, today!!!

An antimacassar /ˌæntɪməˈkæsər/ is a small cloth placed over the backs or arms of chairs, or the head or cushions of a sofa (HAIR GREASE), to prevent soiling of the permanent fabric underneath.[1] 

The name also refers to the cloth flap 'collar' on a sailor's shirt or top, used to keep macassar oil off the uniform.

Pete Buttigieg, a DEVOUT EPISCOPALIAN like the wealthy Kenans and their Drug-Trafficking/White Supremacist Bush Family allies, is NOW in charge of DELIVERING ALL ADDICTIVE DRUGS to the CIA and Christian Churches -- on 

From J.K. Rowling -- of ALL PEOPLE!!!

Rupert Murdoch has a message for Trump

News Corp chairman Rupert Murdoch addressed shareholders and said that former President Donald Trump should move on from the 2020 election.

Gold Walker with her only child, Allen Walker of the DRUG PORT

Allen is PARTNERS with Republicans Thom Goolsby and Jonathan Deputy -- and NC Dem. Rep. Deb Butler -- and FAKE DEM Steve Miller in HARD-DRUG TRAFFICKING.

So, today, NOT WANTING to show up at Gold's house on her Birthday -- when Allen, his Republican-Lawyer girlfriend (who now makes so much off HARD DRUGS she no longer practices Law), and Allen's three children -- and RISK EXPOSING ALLEN and giving Gold a HEART ATTACK, I bought a loaf of Ciabatta Bread at the Italian Gourmet Market on Front Street, and I decided to go a DAY EARLY.

Of course, I also went by Harris Teeter, to buy Gold some fresh-sliced Roast Beef for sandwiches -- or at least I TRIED!!!

I pulled out of Spofford Circle and my car began BUCKING LIKE CRAZY, and the "Check Engine" light came on. So I slowly drove to Blake's Tire & Auto Service, where they diagnosed and repaired it in 2.5 hours.

A BAD IGNITION COIL and SPARK PLUG -- and it came to a total of $363.20. RATHER THAN FREAK OUT that that would leave me with less than $200.00 to my name, I THANKED GOD I had the money in my account, and happily paid.

And then I went back and bought the Roast Beast and showed up at Gold's door, about 3:30 this afternoon. Gold's BEST FRIEND of YEARS let me in, Gold was lying on a sofa looking exhausted. I learned she is going to SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA -- I TOLD YOU, Gold is the NEW Anna Madrigal:

-- for a while on VACATION, soon, and ALSO, that the DEAD-BEAT TENANT at her 141 N. Front Street property is GONE -- the THIRD HARD-DRUG TRAFFICKING TENANT that Allen Walker and his Republican Common-Law wife found for Gold IN A ROW!!!

NONE OF THEM LAST more than a month or two in business, and THIS ONE was a member of the CRIPS GANG in NYC, who served TEN YEARS in Federal Prison -- then moved to Wilmington to open a FAKE RESTAURANT/BAR (named "Dior's Bar and Lounge"):

Well, a GANG MEMBER came down from NYC and SHOT THE OWNER DEAD, Police arrived IMMEDIATELY and ARRESTED THE ASSAILANT, and the Lease was QUICKLY VOIDED!!!

And NOW, Gold has a neighboring, LEGITIMATE business that wants to LEASE HER SPACE and ALLEN WALKER is NOT PART OF IT -- YAY!!!

Gold's friend, whom I'd met years ago, KNEW ALL ABOUT ALLEN WALKER'S TRAFFICKING with Republicans and Democrats who are CHRISTIANS, and of course Gold's former daughter-in-law told me ALL ABOUT IT, years ago:

Gold turned to me and asked me if I'm keeping everyone else in her Spofford Circle Apartments STRAIGHT -- and I answered, YES, NONE of them have had SEX WITH ME -- but Robert "Rob" James McKinney, Jr., with his father and their NY State relatives sell TONS of not just pot, but METH, ADDERALL, and OTHER Addictive Drugs -- in partnership with Kat and her boyfriend Jack in Apartment Two, above him -- but NO LONGER are a MENACE TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD with all their VIOLENT DRUG MAFIA FRIENDS who come by for Drugs.

ALSO, that John "Gray" Hunter, who has the lease ABOVE ME, but is almost never there (but told me SEVERAL TIMES that Allen Walker is the STUPIDEST and one of the BIGGEST DRUG CRIMINALS in the Lower Cape Fear) -- HIS roommate, Bill, who OFTEN USES the apartment to meet with BIG THUGS with TRUMP STICKERS on their vehicles, and TRADE HARD DRUGS!!!

Gray Hunter does not even know this -- LOL!!!

Well, I came home and ran right into "Rob" McKinney, and TOLD HIM what I told Gold about him and the others (except about Bill), and HE SAID, he will have HIS FATHER HAVE GOLD EVICT ME -- PRONTO!!!

Who KNOWS what might happen NEXT, NO???


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