And of course, I met Jessica Tandy in 1983 -- as documented 1/3 the way down here:
>>> Sean Connolly: a FOLLOW-UP to my Letter to you dated September 27, 2020 and I am copying to two who got my Letter to Pope Francis, as well:
To sjconnolly@peopleofpraise.org sjconnolly@peopleofpraise.org, info@salastampa.va info@salastampa.va, info@newwaysministry.org info@newwaysministry.org
Cc ben@localvoicemedia.com ben@localvoicemedia.com, kevin.maurer@gmail.com kevin.maurer@gmail.com, scoops@huffingtonpost.com scoops@huffingtonpost.com, editorial@nytimes.com editorial@nytimes.com, rachel@msnbc.com rachel@msnbc.com, mystory@velshi.com mystory@velshi.com, breakingnews@newsobserver.com breakingnews@newsobserver.com, scott@scottdavidkenan.com scott@scottdavidkenan.com
Hi Sean,
And Mom did not remember my mentioning my friend Edith Love -- and WELL, SHE WOULDN'T WANT TO!!!
You will read the DETAILS OF THAT in my Letter just below -- but HERE'S a TEASE:
Edith Love's Obituary says a LOT -- and can be read here: https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/dallasmorningnews/obituary.aspx?pid=184351910
Annie Love-Villiers
October 5, 2020
Dear Annie,
There is so much to say, I'm not certain where to begin -- and you said you can call me later, and that would be best -- but I ALSO want to record some of this for MY AUDIENCE -- my blog has gotten 1.9 million REGISTERED HITS so far -- Law Enforcement, the Press and Privacy Buffs use software so they DON'T REGISTER -- and I've ALWAYS emailed my blog postings to from between 1,500 and 50 -- currently 150 -- and I will also include you in my MASS EMAILING of this so you can see to whom it is emailed. That's no guarantee that they ALL read it, but those would add at least 1.5 million ADDITIONER READS!!!
Let me tell you the thing about Edith that SHOCKED ME when it happened, and I doubt Edith told anyone about it. In spring 1972 -- right before Edith's Graduation from Denison -- she invited me to King Hall where she lived the three years we overlapped there, I graduated in 1973 -- to have "parting dinner" with her, they having a full kitchen in that dorm.
When I arrived, she was all dressed up and made-up in a MOST ALLURING WAY, that I'd never seen her like before, and before long, Edith threw her arms around me and PROPOSED MARRIAGE!!!
Of course, I was HIGHLY COMPLIMENTED, but Edith knew I was GAY AS A GOOSE -- and I declined, and sadly, that was the last time I saw her until the 1980s when we both lived in Atlanta.
I should say that matriculation from college is SCARY AS HELL, and I -- in fact -- proposed marriage to Sarah Stranglen, like me, a top Studio Arts major -- right before we graduated -- and then never heard from Sarah again.
Funny, too, is that the ONLY American man I could have married was Jeff Lux, who lives even today in Hayward, California, but I could not afford to move to California and Jeff eventually found him a LOCAL GIANT to date -- LOL!!!
I dated guys in California -- almost exclusively from 1995 - 2005, because Atlanta was so cheap to fly out of and I can WORK A SALE!!!
And here is something that shows how COMPLICIT Hillary Clinton was -- again with my Kenan Family -- while Secretary of State, she got the HEROIN shipped back to the USA for Patrick Lee Stansbury to distribute on THIS SIDE of the country:
Have you noticed that I'm a BIT BALLSY??? That's one of the things I got from Edith Love -- confidence in my SELF-WORTH!!! Look at my recent Letter to Pope Francis -- which he DID RECEIVE:
I didn't CAUSE or even KNOW ABOUT all the Crimes of my Kenan Family -- both immediate and wealthy relatives in Chapel Hill -- were committing until ten years ago. But I have a PATRIOTIC and MORAL OBLIGATION to expose their crimes.
I have used the Principles of Science of Mind to remain ALIVE -- if not always safe.
MOST THINGS we should discuss by phone -- I get REALLY TIRED OF TYPING -- and would LOVE to hear your voice -- but this is ONE THING Edith told me that REALLY OPENED MY EYES:
In 1990, when everything had gotten NUTS and my parents forced me to take Lithium Carbonate AGAIN as a form of MIND CONTROL -- they forced me to take it 1978 - 2009 on a FALSE DIAGNOSIS of Bipolar I (I was finally PROPERLY diagnosed as having COMPLEX PTSD -- same symptoms as regular PTSD -- but caused by EXTREME ABUSE by FAMILY and others -- Science of Mind is a HUGE help with that as well as small amounts of marijuana that I smoke late at night), Edith showed me the photos of her trip with Driving Miss Daisy to Russia (Soviet Union, still then), and that they had gone to St. Petersburg -- and named the Neva River that flows through there.
Well, NEVA was the last name of my first roommate in this house that I had had built in Stone Mountain, GA and moved in in 1988:
Anyway, when we FIRST could change our Long-Distance Carrier AWAY from the Bell System/AT&T a couple of years after RICK NEVA moved out -- they TWICE TOLD ME that I could NOT change my service because it was SECURED to an American Express card in the name of RICK NEVA -- who was ACTUALLY a CIA Agent!!!
Also, Maria St. Just, a Russian national whose MAIDEN NAME was BRITNEVA -- one of the co-conspirators I can prove MURDERED Tennessee Williams with the Episcopal Church/Sewanee, Republican Party, and FBI -- just like Jackie Kennedy Onassis had warned us they would do on January 11, 1982 at this party -- although this does NOT include the Politics: https://laterdaysoftennesseewilliams.blogspot.com/2013/10/chapter-23-uptown-soiree.html.
Maria controlled Morgan-Grenfell Bank -- and sold it to become the CORE of Deutsche Bank -- Donald Trump's ONLY REAL CREDITOR as well as the CONDUIT OF CASH to him from Vladimir Putin and Russian Oligarchs!!!
And that is IT -- for now!!!

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