>>> ADDED LATER: The CIA, Vladimir Putin -- or whomever -- BLOCKED the emailing of this posting to ALL GOVERNMENT ENTITIES from Gov. Cooper and Atty. Gen. Josh Stein, to little Tony McEwen and City, County, NC Courts servers, etc. -- but Patrick Brien and Kevin Maurer got it at Cape Fear Collective -- as did the US State Department, CIA, FBI, and NSA -- they sent a receipt.
Tonight, 39 people were blocked -- and for the FIRST TIME, they even blocked MY OWN COPY!!!
LOW ENTHUSIAM from the FUNNY-LOOKING, nearly maskless crowd -- and Roman Catholic Senator Thom Tillis SWORE that under his white shirt, he wore a T-shirt with the PERVERTED American flag -- all black, gray, and with a "blue line" -- that the Catholic Knights of Columbus love and are in partnership with Sheriff Ed McMahon in planning the WAR for WHITE/CHRISTIAN SUPREMACY!!!
Here is that flag -- and it was posted on yard-signs on streets near me -- but after I ran into a Trump Supporter who wore a T-shirt with one at the Kangeroo Mart on Oleander near 17th Street last Saturday -- and then AFTER I blogged about that -- THEY ALL DISAPPEARED!!!
Sheriff McMahon PLANNED that march about the first of August where Chip Jones, also seen here -- of the Roman Catholic Knights of Columbus -- led the RE-NAMED "American Honor Guards of North Carolina", who ALSO WORE Trump-wear and NAZI and Ku Klux Klan emblems cat-called Black folks "Niggers", and told them they will soon KILL THEM in a Christian Race-War!!!
This led me to write Letters to BOTH Catholic Arch-Bishop of North Carolina, Luis Rafael Zarama, and then Pope Francis, himself, DEMANDING they call off their CATHOLIC NAZI DOGS:
"Forgive him, Father. Obama was never a Southerner, so doesn't know how to TALK RIGHT!!!"

Keynote Speaker - Cancelled
Patrick Brien
CEO, Cape Fear Collective
Topic: The Future of Social Impact: The Challenges and Opportunities of Big Data in the Cape Fear Region
3:30 p.m. - Congdon Hall
At least UNC Wilmington had the SENSE to CANCEL Patrick Brien!!!
Patrick began his career in the United States Army where he spent nearly a decade leading infantry units in high intensity combat operations in Afghanistan.
The US Army in Afghanistan -- with the NAZI "SS" FLAG!!!
US Army guarding Opium Fields in Afghanistan
During Hillary Clinton's stint as Secretary of State, Opium production went UP, then down under John Kerry -- and ZOOMED BACK UP under Donald Trump!!!
And LOOK who was Hillary Clinton's SECOND in charge of the US State Department in Afghanistan and charged with SHIPPING THE HEROIN back to the USA on US Air Force planes:
Patrick Lee Stansbury -- ALSO an ONLINE CHRISTIAN MINISTER -- my employer 1990 - 2010 -- at Pentagon Publishing, Inc., of Snellville, Georgia, then DISTRIBUTED all the Hard Drugs flown into Maxwell AFB where we had three legitimate advertising contracts, from Maine to Florida.
Kevin Maurer
See 1/3 the way down here when I responded to Gene Merritt, Head of Save Our Hospital, when he could not figure out WHO financed, started, and ran Cape Fear Collective:
ONE reason we know that Kevin Maurer is a CIA Agent, is that while he was Head of City Desk at the Wilmington Star News -- helping Executive Editor Pam Sander HIDE all the Hard-Drug Trafficking of Wilmington's Christian Churches with the CIA and both the Democratic and Republican Party Leaders -- and Patrick Lee Stansbury and my father, William Scott Kenan, as well.
When Kevin's book was announced to the press in summer of 2012, he DROPPED ME after interviewing me in Puerto Vallarta by phone for a CLAIMED MAJOR ARTICLE on how I'd been mistreated in Wilmington by District Attorney Benjamin R. David -- but he was only GETTING INFO for the CIA!!!
And while Kevin WROTE THIS BOOK as the APPROVED CIA VERSION of the unnecessary ASSASSINATION of Osama bin Laden -- ordered by President Obama so Bin Laden couldn't Testify in COURT that he'd planned it with George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, etc.
Matt Bissonnette -- the real name of "Mark Owen" was later forced by the US Government to give the GOVERNMENT every penny of his $4.5 Million royalties -- because they had NEVER submitted the manuscript for review to the US Government for CENSORSHIP before publishing -- but Kevin Maurer KEPT his COOL TWO-OR-SO-MILLION in royalties!!!
And -- among other indications -- Patrick Brien likely began his CIA PARTNERSHIP with Mr. Maurer -- while they were BOTH in Afghanistan. Kevin never joined the Army, but EMBEDDED with them for THREE TOURS OF DUTY in Afghanistan!!!
Strangely -- and I have NEVER seen this before -- Patrick Brien's LINKED-IN PROFILE lists him only as "Patrick B."!!!
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