Wednesday, May 13, 2020

OMIGOD!!! Barack Obama's Former Lover Reggie Love to Speak TOMORROW at My NC State Senator's FUNDRAISER -- Will He Turn Harper Peterson GAY??? I KNOW Sen. Peterson, so I'll Email Him and ASK!!!

The FIRST I knew for certain that Barack Obama is GAY, was from Huffington Post frequently posting items during Obama's early White House years, TEASING HIM about how whenever Michelle wasn't traveling with Barack, Reggie Love would enter Air Force One by a back door. 

Then it came out how the two men had vacationed together without Michelle, which REALLY pissed her off.

Then later, Jamie Lee Sutherland, in 2013, with Daliah Saper, a Fox News Talking Head in Chicago, and Wilmington, NC Democrat District Attorney Benjamin R. David -- a closet-case Homo himself, STOLE copyright to my memoir

But Jamie is ALSO the FIRST person I met who had seen Barack Obama and and Rahm Emanuel several times in his Man's Country private gay bathhouse in Chicago -- back when Obama was an Illinois STATE Senator (like Harper Peterson is in NC, now).

This White House banner meant that Reggie Love "stuffed" President Obama (Obama is a BIG OL' BOTTOM)!!!

You can call Jamie Sutherland on his office phone and ASK HIM DIRECTLY!!!:

And then Chicago tourists I met in Mismaloya, Mexico went on to REALLY spill the beans -- not just on the Obama/Emanuel Homosexuality -- but their HARD-DRUG TRAFFICKING as well!!!

Now, don't get me wrong -- I STILL THINK that Obama was our BEST PRESIDENT since JFK and Eisenhower -- and that DESPITE John Boehner bragging to the Wall Street Journal that they had Obama EXACTLY where they wanted him (due to the BLACKMAILING), and he had transferred MORE MONEY to the UPPER CLASSES than they had been able to get George W. Bush to do!!!

GW Bush did the blackmailing at Obama's FIRST Inaugural, whispering that they had gotten the RECORDS of his and Emanuel's LIFETIME memberships to Man's Country, insuring Obama would CONTINUE the Kenan/Exxon-Mobil/CIA/Bush, Cheney, and Clinton families' HARD-DRUG TRAFFICKING:

REMEMBER: When my mother was still America's TOP NAZI -- one of her BIGGEST ALLIES was Coach Lou Holtz, who lived across Larwell Drive from us in Columbus, Ohio -- 1968 and 1969

And Holtz became John Boehner's TOP CO-STRATEGIST and closed then opened the US Government in 2013 -- on orders my mother conveyed from Pope Francis!!!

Pope Francis, today.

I have ALREADY gotten a received receipt from Reggie Love's secured server, which is here:

NC State Senator Harper Peterson

May 13, 2020

Hi Harper,

I haven’t been able to pull you aside and speak with you privately since a GAY STREET FESTIVAL here on Castle Street, a couple of years ago, but I know you get all the emails of every of my blog-postings – Ben Schachtman of Port City Daily was kind enough to verify that EVERYONE in City Government gets them – and they are SAVED in City Hall Records for the PUBLIC to view. But those were to your CAMPAIGN email address, and now I’m adding your LEGISLATIVE address – and that of your assistant.

I nearly fell off my chair today, when I got the invite to join your Fundraiser with the others of the Seven Freshman Democratic Senators:

Now, I KNOW (and Plunkett knows), that YOU aren’t GAY, so you can sit back and BE ENTERTAINED tomorrow when this occurs. I will be emailing and/or sending by secured server this Letter to the NC Democratic Party and to Reggie Love, himself (as well as my List of well over 100 Political Contacts).

I will be first publishing it here,, and then send them the entire posting, which includes a LOT OF BACKGROUND on Barack Obama’s Homosexuality – that EVERY BLACK PERSON in Wilmington seems to know about, so I assume you have known it also -- for a long while.

NOTHING has been more DESTRUCTIVE to American Democracy than DRUG ADDICTION (including to alcohol), and CLOSET-CASE HOMOSEXUALS who are ALWAYS capable of being BLACKMAILED.

Here in New Hanover County/Wilmington, we have FOUR of these, beginning with Democrats Drug Mafia Mayor “Bill” Saffo and SUPER-FAG District Attorney Benjamin R. David (who with Fox News, etc., STOLE copyright to my memoir of working for Tennessee Williams in 2013 – and despite at least THREE TIMES telling me he would undo that, he has NOT).

And the Republicans have two: TOTALLY DISGRACED former NC State Senator Thom Goolsby, and former Head of the Republican Party, Chair Tom Fetzer, BOTH of whom I know better than either you or Bill Saffo – but I know Ben David BEST!!!

I did see, a couple of days ago, that the ENTIRE University of North Carolina Board of Governors – including Thom Goolsby and Tom Fetzer – managed to RE-APPOINT themselves, including their GOD-HATING, White Supremacist LEADERSHIP!!!

Well, GUESS WHAT, Buck-O, the ENTIRE BOARD there is ALSO on my email list and get my every posting – HA!!!

My point is to be CERTAIN that EVERYONE – especially Reggie Love and the NC Democratic Party Leadership -- gets this TONIGHT, so they all know what we are LAUGHING ABOUT, tomorrow. I will NOT bother to find contact info for the OTHER “Seven Freshman Democratic Senators”, so you MIGHT want to forward this to them, YOURSELF!!!

Yours in LOVE for Democracy – and the US Constitution,

Scott David Kenan

Cell: (910) 200-XXXX

Time to start a PARTY -- but don't end up HERE!!!:


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