Monday, May 4, 2020

My Letter Sent EQUALLY to Mike Pompeo, Gina Haspel, and Rex Tillerson -- of Whom Mr. Tillerson SEEMS to Have the MOST SENSE (even if he's a dyed-in-the-wool TRAITOR)!!!

Rex Tillerson and Mike Pompeo

Gina Haspel

1. Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, via secured server to the US State Department
2. Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, Gina Haspel, via secured server to the CIA
3. Former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, via email to his business:

May 4, 2020

Dear Secretary of State Mike Pompeo,

I am addressing you, but mean to address all three of you, ALL of whom I’ve written before and gotten received receipts that your offices got it, but unlike my hate-mongering US Senators Richard Burr and Thom Tillis, none of you had the courtesy to reply to me. 

Earlier today, when I found Rex Tillerson’s email address at his ranch owned jointly with his wife Renda, that website was FULLY OPERATIONAL, but since I blogged a WARNING that I would write the three of you today, it has been showing “This page is not working, HTTP ERROR 500”.

I do not know if it is down in GENERAL, or if someone is trying to block me from contacting Mr. Tillerson directly -- a second time. So, I will TRY to send this via email, but it is likely to be BLOCKED, so please be certain to forward this Letter to him as well.

Of course, YOU headed the CIA before Ms. Haspel, and you are DEEPLY Roman Catholic, so it is understandable that you LOVE SWASTIKAS!!! As you know, I was raised devout Catholic and wanted to be a Jesuit in junior high, but by end of high school had LEFT Catholicism and its HATE FESTIVALS, largely because my own parents worked with a series of Popes and top Republican Catholics to bring about the NAZI overthrow of the US Constitution – eventually by your current boss, Donald Trump.

Gina Haspel has NO RELIGION listed anywhere, but YOUR OWN CATHOLIC CHURCH took a RARE STAND and lobbied AGAINST HER:

“Several Catholic groups have opposed President Trump's nominee for director of the Central Intelligence Agency, saying Gina Haspel's role in overseeing torture disqualifies her, according to ‘basic moral standards for human dignity.’ The move marks a rare instance of Catholic activists opposing a government nominee, rather than addressing specific policy questions.”

Rex Tillerson also has never shown a sign of interest in ANY kind of religion, and rather than bore my BLOG audience with another detailing of what I KNOW, I also just found this today, which helps explain how and why Rex Tillerson was Vladimir Putin’s LAP DOG!!!:

But THIS was written in 2016, and since then, Rachel Maddow uncovered the fact that Mr. Tillerson signed a contract with Mr. Putin for my wealthy Kenan relatives who control Exxon-Mobil, Bank of America, Kenan Advantage Group, the Ku Klux Klan, Episcopal Church, etc., worth HALF A TRILLION DOLLARS – once Russian Sanctions are done away with.

Now, most of this stuff – including the Contract I signed to JOIN the CIA in 2010 – can be read with links to the originals in my LAST blog posting of this morning:

So, let me make a few additional comments:

My Kenan Family was the greatest force in getting Donald Trump elected President – with the Bush, Cheney, and Clinton Families’ help – no matter what Hillary Clinton claims. But since Donald Trump has a SNOWBALL’S CHANCE IN HELL of getting re-elected, as all the polls are now telling him and he’s going into an ADDERALL-ENHANCED RAGE of tweeting, and lying (and even Fox News isn’t buying most of it anymore), my Kenan Family now CLEARLY wants Devout Roman Catholic and SWASTIKA-LOVER Joe Biden (no matter what he claims, and he’s nearly as SENILE as Ronald Reagan -- whom I knew – and Nancy), to take over and then -- they can control Joe Biden.

They NEXT would love to have Massachusetts Congressman Joe Kennedy III, who is Fox News’s FAVORITE Democrat -- Joe not only opposing Universal Health Care and Legalization of Marijuana, his BIGGEST CONTRIBUTORS are Exxon-Mobil and Bank of America – KENAN COMPANIES.


I’m afraid I am too tired to REALLY get into it now, and since I will be posting this Letter on my blog so that ALL can read it, I will likely make additions over the next hours – or even a day or so -- so check back here to see what I have ADDED:

And again, please forward this to Rex Tillerson. My email MIGHT not get through to him – perhaps I should call his ranch to make certain it has gotten through – in the morning, rather than late at night like now:

Bar RR Ranches, LLC
(214) 725-XXXX, (no answer at all when I just called it)

However, on the Ranches’ Facebook Page, the phone number is listed as (817) 919-XXXX. This number was answered by a male ranch-hand who CONFIRMED it to be correct and also the Tillersons' ranch):

The ranch hand has a GREAT sense of humor, and confirmed MUCH of what I asked him (which I won’t now belabor). We spoke for just over seven minutes, and he knows I like Rex FAR MORE than the other two that this Letter is addressed to. I asked him to give Rex and Renda (St. Clair) Tillerson my BEST REGARDS and to KEEP SMILING!!!

OK, enough. You ALL know how to contact me via email, snail-mail, blog comment, Facebook message, or cell phone, so please contact me SOON to explain how YOU will get Donald Trump OUT OF OFFICE, without BOTHERING the House or Senate FURTHER!!!

Or, perhaps you would rather GO DOWN IN FLAMES with Donald Trump – the choice is YOURS!!!

With All Best Wishes for all of your FUTURES in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA that might be “Under God”, but Jesus is a PAGAN IDOL, so give all of that JESUS SHIT UP.

Thank you,

Scott David Kenan

Both the State Department and CIA sent received receipts -- but only the CIA's has a REFERENCE NUMBER.

After six minutes, my copy emailed to the Tillersons has NOT come back or shown as blocked, so I GUESS it went THROUGH!!!


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