Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Oy VEY!!! Kenan-Family PUPPET and TOP Christian NAZI/Ku Klux Klansman Donald Trump Is FINALLY IMPEACHED -- and THIS BLOG was a BIG HELP in THAT!!! / My Letter Emailed to My IMMEDIATE Kenan Family -- and a Few Friends:

WECT TV-6 just PROVED they are White Supremacist Christians by REMOVING my comment of an hour or so ago -- because they CAN'T STAND THE TRUTH about their complicity in keeping Trump in Power for my Kenan family of Chapel Hill

Hell, HERE is that comment that LIVES on my blog and will soon be sent to ALL Press and Law Enforcement in the Lower Cape Fear so you TIGHTY-WHITEY Christians (not all of them), are FOILED!!!: 

"My Kenan Family that does HARD-DRUG Trafficking with Police Chief Ralph Evangelous (seen center, back here -- and in 2011 and 12, Chief Evangelous smoked CRACK daily in the house of the uncle of a friend of mine -- but Ralph RETIRES Feb. 2020 -- THANK GOD!!!), District Attorney Benjamin R. David (and his First Presbyterian Church where my relative William Rand Kenan, Sr, LED the Wilmington Insurrection or Coup d'Etat of 1898 by mowing down Blacks with the only Gatling Gun in town -- for JESUS CHRIST), also with D. A. Jon David (who protects the mini-subs unloading Powder Drugs just north of Bald Head Island), as well as Sheriff Ed McMahon of New Hanover County (who admitted to me he protected the subs when they unloaded under Snow's Cut Bridge) -- and Ed is a SUPER CHRISTIAN like those who keep Donald Trump in power. 

Don't be fooled by their Political Parties, White People who are Christians are White Supremacists -- or ALLOW THE BAD ONES TO CONTINUE!!! 

Below is link to my Letter last night that I sent ALL of those mentioned here and my 100 local Political, Law Enforcement, and Press contacts. (My blog has gotten over 1.6 million hits so far.) 
WWAY is WHITE and CHRISTIAN and is PART OF THE PROBLEM or they would REPORT the WHOLE STORY of the Christian Corruption of the Lower Cape Fear!!!"
“We stand here together. There’s no place in our society [for] a letter like that with the language and disgusting rhetoric that we should be beyond."


December 18, 2019

Dear Jane, Mike, and Julie – and Connor Kenan, Bob Jones, the DISAPPEARED Marlowe Shaeffer-Polk, and my old roommate (who will get this BLIND-copied), from right before Allen Rosen was my roommate for 12 years and spied on me and Tyler Perry for the CIA and Republican Party – Allen’s wife Linda (Beasley) Rosen is related to the MOST RACIST Republican Judge in Alabama:

FIRST OF ALL: MERRY CHRISTMAS (or whatever Holiday you observe)!!!

I no longer CARE who of you support Donald Trump – we are all individual voters and worrying over a few votes is a waste of my time. I FORGAVE everyone in our immediate family after Mom (and even Mike), stopped supporting Drug-Trafficking Christians who have tried to kill me, have falsely CONVICTED ME of crimes (now overturned), or put me in the Mental Hospital for “Bipolar” – even though my therapist of eight years, Alexandra Widdon, claimed in early 2009 that I had NEVER shown a sign of Bipolar and took me off Psych Meds.

The TOP SHRINKS in the local Nut-House declared me not to be Bipolar in January 2019, and got me out in RECORD TIME!!! ALL commitments of me in Wilmington were by Drug-Trafficking Christians of BOTH Parties, and my blog-posting of last night should make CLEAR that I am actually “Catholic Church Invisible” – like Rachel Maddow --- who two months ago PROVED the wealthy Kenans via Rex Tillerson signed a contract with Vladimir Putin for Exxon-Mobil and Bank of America to PROFIT developing Russia’s vast Oil Reserves – as soon as Kenan-puppet Donald Trump could REMOVE Obama’s sanctions against Russia.

Things look like NAZI/Ku Klux Klan Republican/Christians are still fighting to destroy our Constitution, but I have seen TOO MUCH GOOD NEWS to believe they will take down the USA for a PERVERSION of Jesus’s Teachings.

As I have said, Mom was in charge of Procter & Gamble’s chemistry labs when they got the work of NAZI doctor Josef Mengele, and Mom seems to have specialized in his work of MIND CONTROL for the CIA and Catholic Church that later was named “Operation MK ULTRA”. So, I think she hypnotized us all – but it didn’t work as well on me. That’s all. No one can be blamed for being a victim of NAZI Mind Control.

All know that Dad asked me TWICE for recommends on gay bars in Philly when I lived in Cape May, and that Dad told me he HATED religion, that is only for women to control men. You also know that Uncle Bob not only allowed Janet to marry a Jew – but TWICE told me he was actually GAY. Mom told me a few weeks ago that Aunt Pat was buried near her youngest daughter, Kristen. In 2009 I rode to the 2009 Meyer Family Reunion with George and Janet and some others from Chicago where I had met with my Literary Agent, to the reunion, and they ALL joked that Kristen had a DIFFERENT FATHER, that Bob knew that, but treated her as his own, and that they used to run into him in shopping malls in South Bend frequently – which was bizarre.

The Meyer Family may be Roman Catholic, but they are ANYTHING but HOLY!!! 

As you ALSO KNOW, Uncles Mart and Bob were NOT ALLOWED to fight in Europe in WWII – because of the Meyer Family’s KNOWN NAZI Sympathies.

I appreciate Mike’s situation with his father-in-law Larry Godley being one of the MOST VICIOUS White Supremacists I have ever known, joking about Nigger Barack Obama in the NAME OF JESUS CHRIST!!! I understand that Mike and Gail do NOT want to lose that inheritance!!! And that Gail’s brother retired Navy Commander James Iredell Godley and his new wife are HUGE TRUMP SUPPORTERS and Connor now lives near then in Colorado. 

I hope Connor is enjoying the legal marijuana there – and Denver has decriminalized Magic Mushrooms – which I did in Mexico a couple of times in 2010 – picking them in the COW PASTURES (but I no longer have an interest in them).

Well, my butt is healing up faster now, since I’m stuffing it with gauze pads to keep the tissues DRY, but I’m still in pain. 

You should know that in the last week, I turned in to Authorities a major Criminal I at first gave a night’s shelter to, and I have been invited to join the African-American Caucus of the Democratic Party of North Carolina – despite my being WHITE with a touch of Cherokee. 

I am also now listed as one the TOP SUPPORTERS of NC Atty Gen. Josh Stein – who with PENNSYLVANIA’S Atty. Gen. (also Jewish and named “Josh”), is PARTNERED as the MOST AGGRESSIVE A.G.s of all of the American States in FIGHTING BIG PHARMA for pushing Opioids.

I’m PLEASED that Julie’s Teva Pharm – while one of the five companies my County and NC is suing for this – is a SMALL ONE, and Purdue and the Sackler Family are the BIGGEST!!!

I guess my point is to let you know that I currently have just under $100.00 to my name, and OK for the bare necessities, but have hospital and doctor bills that Charity Care will not cover (just under $100.00 now), and Medicare deductible for 2020 coming right up of $198.00. I will have to re-apply for Charity Care that runs out Feb. 2020, and my surgery to remove that “flat polyp”, is scheduled for March, and it MIGHT BE (I just learned from my surgeon this week), that I have to go for ANOTHER SURGERY if they have to remove the end of my smaller intestine, the connection, and the beginning of my larger intestine. They won’t know until the attempt in March.

ALWAYS something to have to think about, no??? But I’m positive in my mental approach and we’ll just have to see how things play out.

I have NOT spent any of the EXTRA Money (which was Mike’s Thanksgiving gift), but it’s included in my current cash – since I’ve been worried about money, but still need a few clothing items, etc. Anything any of you (I actually mean my Mom and siblings), can send extra will be GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!

Now, I must get back to Political Blogging. My blog went VIRAL the last couple of weeks, getting hits around a few thousand per day (hundreds from Ukraine and Russia who get the DIRT on Kenans/Exxon, etc., from my blog), when 500 had lately been typical. I will publish the above part of this Letter on blog tonight, but not the following.

(deleted material)

Well, MERRY CHRISTMAS and may we ALL have a BETTER, MORE DEMOCRATIC (principle, not Party, necessarily) 2020!!!

And JUST NOW, the House voted to IMPEACH Donald Trump (and our wealthy Kenan relatives, really)!!!



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