A Picture Tells A THOUSAND WORDS!!!
This is the BEST GRAPHIC that I just got from HuffPost: Barack Obama hugging Santa Claus, Christmas 2019!!!
And LOOK how it went when Nancy Reagan kissed Santa (Nancy used to suck off Frank Sinatra under the Oval Office Desk while President Reagan was "Alzheimer's-Napping") -- HA!!!
1. I STILL have not heard from the DEVOUT CHRISTIAN District Attorneys and Sheriffs of New Hanover, Brunswick, and Columbus Counties: Benjamin R. David, his identical twin brother Jon David, Jody Greene, John Ingram V, or Ed McMahon -- ALL OF WHOM protect the Drug Trafficking in Wilmington/Lower Cape Fear, about WHAT they are going to do about Fugitive Brandon Scott Kennedy, who lives in a camp a few hundred feet from MY apartment -- and about 1,000 feet from D.A. Ben David's house.
2. I had business at the Wells Fargo Bank office closest to Ben David's house and the manager and staff there ALL KNEW that Ben David and the Christian Churches and my Kenan Family that controls Bank of America run the Hard Drugs here.
I had FORGOTTEN to let the Authorities know that Brandon smokes TONS OF POT the whole time he is awake -- and is also addicted to what I believe is KRATOM, legal here and exactly like taking a Percocet (or similar Opioid).
3. I got a haircut, yesterday, at the SAME Great Clips in New Hanover Center where they cut Ben David's hair -- and THEY all knew Ben runs the DRUGS!!!
4. The TWO tenants that Democratic NC Representative Deb Butler's Drug-Trafficking partner Republican Jon Deputy (Deb has verified their business together several times to me IN PERSON), placed in the front, downstairs apartment here are NOT faring well.
Robert "Rob" James McKinney (no photo), told me several days ago that he has had NO WATER for SEVERAL MONTHS -- a violation of the lease -- but landlady Gold Walker has FAR BIGGER DRUG TRAFFICKERS in her apartments near her house at 4th and Orange Streets:
Steven Rose (who showed me his CUTE little white ass -- and bragged about his GIANT ITALIAN DORK), with his wife Madison "Maddy" (Holland) Rose, who CLAIMED TO ME during the 2016 Gubernatorial Campaign when she was Cooper's TOP PAID Campaigner in Wilmington, that she Drug-Trafficked with THEN NC Attorney General but NOW Governor, Roy Cooper, and that at least Cooper is NOT an ABJECT RACIST!!!

Roy Cooper with Wes Taylor and Ryan Lee Burris -- during the 2016 Campaign.

Rep. Deb Butler and Anni Parra in HAPPIER DAYS!!!
Rob not only sells tons of pot, but other drugs as well, and neighbors SWEAR he is addicted to ADDERALL (Pharmaceutical grade Meth):
Aaron Gallimore -- also placed by Jon Deputy -- had to move home with his family after cops pulled him over for driving HIS CAR with a wheel that was about to fall off!!!
As you can see from this photo of Aaron that he had posted on his Facebook page, Aaron LOVES LSD!!!
Any questions, please call Jonathan Deputy:
Or call Deb Butler:
>>> WEIRD!!! Today, I posted this comment on Republican Judge Sandra Alice Ray/Criner's RE-ELECTION page on Facebook -- she QUICKLY ERASED IT -- then sent me an INVITATION to LIKE her re-election page:
For the record, the Republican who plans to take you down in the Primaries for all of your and your former husband's, the child-molesting and Christian Snake-Worshiping Sherman Lee Criner already contacted me for my COURT-QUALITY PROOF that you are a CRIMINAL through and through!!!
That said, you did NOT violate my rights the last time I was in your Court.
So, I will now WRITE SANDRA A LETTER and send it to her via her Campaign's Secured Server -- and then email it to ALMOST EVERYONE in Politics, Law Enforcement, and the Press in the Lower Cape Fear.
And I got a RECEIVED RECEIPT from Judge Ray/Criner!!!
Judge Sandra Ray for District Court
Violet Court
NC 28409
19, 2019
Judge Sandra Alice Ray (and formerly Criner):
time, no write, but since you BLOCKED ME on Facebook, I’m sending to you
secured server, publishing this, and then emailing it to my many Political
Contacts here in Wilmington, in NC State Government, and also the FEDS.
this month, I got an email from Lisa Wilkins wwconst@bellsouth.net, who said a
REPUBLICAN plans to KNOCK YOU OUT in the Primary, and since I think I sent her
most of the information she wanted, I am pasting in my response of December 4,
2019 – that I did NOT publish on blog, but now it is TIME TO DO THAT!!!
for asking, but since you don't mention a THING about what info you HAVE, it is
hard for me to say -- but I have LOTS OF DIRT against the great majority of
Politicians in Wilmington, including EVERY Republican Judge, and a couple of
the Democrats, including James Faison (a
Drug-Trafficking Christian Minister with my Kenan Family -- as well as Judge),
and Jeffrey Noecker, who has been in Leadership at First Presbyterian with
Democrat Drug Trafficker D.A. Ben David, and the WORST of the Republican
Judges, Lindsey McKee/Luther who even attended White Supremacy Meetings in
Ireland (with other Rabid Republicans, and her
husband, Sheriff's Detective Evan Luther posted MEMES on Facebook that
Christians should take up arms and shoot to kill anyone who disagrees with
is the God-Hating state of the Republican Party in New Hanover County -- LOL!!!
bet you have seen how after I posted photos of Judge Sandra Ray Criner's former
husband Sherman Lee Criner in Christian Snake Worship, she DIVORCED HIM
PROMPTLY!!! I'm sure you know you can easily google up Wilmington Press reports
of Sherman Criner molesting a five-year-old girl in Thalian Hall about 2008,
and Police intimidating the father into NOT pressing charges since the Criners
were then LEADERS of the Republican Party and TOP DEVOUT CHRISTIANS!!!
that Sandra Ray -- one year that she ran for reelection -- posted that she and
Sherman were long-time members in good standing at First Baptist (the one on Kenan Plaza). Well, Pastor Tim Cook of
that congregation read my blog and emailed me that NO ONE had ever seen EITHER
of the Criners ever enter that church -- HA!!!
often blogged about Sandra Ray violating both the Law and Constitution when she
granted my then roommate Brenda McKnight and her lover/CRACK supplier Gerald
Austin-Wynn a Restraining Order after I got out of what is now New Hanover
Behavioral Health Hospital, after Brenda and Gerald had me committed on LIES by
Judge Noecker (I mistakenly blamed Judge Criner for
this some places), when Criner first DISMISSED the case since the
plaintiffs could not be found when she ordered the Deputies to search the
Courthouse for them -- but then had a Deputy chase me down on the street and
come back to Court. Legally, they would have had to refile.
you likely have not come across, is that the person, Tammy Stanley, also
committed at that time who got out the same time that I did, had LIED to
hospital people that I could be her and her husband's roommate in their
trailer. She was legally "retarded", and her husband, Bruce Lee, was
the HEAD of the Ku Klux Klan of New Hanover County. Funny that they have NO
PROBLEM with Gays like me, but he got SO ANGRY that he promised me the Klan was
going to "rough up" D.A. Ben David and
Judge Sandra Ray Criner for what they did to me!!!
made them PROMISE not to do anything, and they took me out to Olive Garden
restaurant on Market Street and treated me to lunch and two packs of Marlboro
cigarettes, instead -- HA!!!
emailed both Judge Ray/Criner and D.A. David (he's
REALLY a Republican with his wife Stephanie and brother D.A. Jon David across
the river -- the Dems REFUSED to list him as a Democrat on their website when
he last ran for re-election), to let them know that no matter how big of
CRIMINALS they were, I did NOT approve of Klan Violence against them. Neither
of them ever thanked me!!!
those are the high points, and ask me if there is anything else I can help you
with. I must say, you and your husband are BOTH very attractive people. I've
been staring at Jim's face, and really cannot remember if he is one of the
three men who owned construction companies in early 2012 that I had sex with in
Super-8 motel on Market Street when a backer paid for me to stay there. All
three were married, Christian, White guys, then in mid 40s to early 50s, and
two of them had built over 100 homes.
was still the Great Recession, and builders were idling, and as everyone in
Wilmington KNOWS, we had EIGHT gay bars here in the 1980s and early 90s --
three on multiple levels with drag shows, etc. (like
the ONLY gay bar today, Ibiza),
but the Christians managed to close them all, and in 2011 -- and since -- I've
met a LOT of straight male gigolos who tell me MOST married white Christian men
in Wilmington are actually GAY (they actually claimed
80%), and they make a FORTUNE satisfying their straight wives. My OWN
experience is that only HALF of the married white Christian men are really gay
-- and MOST male-male pick-ups happen in Gold's and other Gyms in the changing
rooms and even in the parking lots. I haven't used the gyms here, but have
witnessed the HOT pick-up scene in the parking lots a few times!!!
see that the person actually running for Judge is Richard Forrest Kern (so far, 12/19/2019, he is
not registered to run),
so I am copying him so he sees how awful Sandra Ray/Criner really is -- and can
ask me any questions he wants, too. My cell is (910) 200-XXXX.
parents, life-long Republicans, who were FIRST identified to me as America's
TOP NAZIS in 1990, were close friends with not just Sen. Jesse Helms, but Coach
Lou Holtz, John Boehner, Newt Gingrich, Sean Hannity, etc. when we had the
Swastikas on our dinner plates, and Mom got her orders from Pope John-Paul II in
Rome to set up the Christian Drug Mafias of Wilmington and Atlanta with Nixon's
Aide John Ehrlichman. Did you know him too??? I sure did -- as well as Father
Robert J. Kus recently of St. Mary's Catholic here -- but at St. Mark's back
when Mom and Dad worked with him setting up Drug Mafias and he also ran Whore
Houses for the Catholic Church for 30 years.
is certainly no secret in S.E. North Carolina that my wealthy Kenan relatives
-- whom I know -- associated with UNC Chapel Hill run the Christian Drug Mafia
today with the Republican Party, Clinton Democrats, Episcopal Church, etc., but
the Evangelical Churches are full of people SO STUPID they do all the dirty
Drug Trafficking work and often get addicted themselves.
ONLY we could PURGE THIS WORLD of Christians, no??? I love what Jesus taught
but even every Christian I ran into today wearing crosses on chains completely
agrees with me that the CHURCHES and CLERGY are totally evil and only worship
I also give the DEMOCRATS the hell they have earned. You might get a BIG KICK
out of my Letter to all the TOP Democrats in the state offices in Raleigh last
night. NO response yet -- except ONE idiot told me to take him off my LIST of
100 I email every blog post to -- when I might have emailed him something a
couple of years ago as well, but ONCE in a couple of years is NOT abusive, and
after he settled down and READ MY LETTER with some concentration, I'm CERTAIN
he is now glad he got all my WARNINGS to the Dems. Here: https://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2019/12/time-to-get-real-with-some-north.html.
I will publish this letter here (WHOOPS!!! Looks like I DID publish it earlier): https://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2019/12/my-reply-to-lisa-wilkins-about.html.
may I suggest you check my blog late tomorrow, when I expect to write to the
TOP North Carolina Democrats AGAIN -- even if I've received no response FROM
them -- it will be FUN!!!
D. Kenan
Episcopalians are nothing but White Supremacists and Hard-Drug Traffickers.
My Kenan Family that really CAUSED the Wilmington 1898 Insurrection, left the Presbyterian Church after that to go Episcopalian with Cannibal Communion like the Catholics and Orthodox Churches, but MOSTLY Kenans gave the Episcopal Church since then over $100,000,000.00 that I have documented, mostly to Sewanee (University of the South), where you keep the Confederate Episcopal Mace and Seal of the Confederacy Chapel Window -- LOL!!!
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