Holidays in paradise... CNN Travel just named The Breakers one of "10 hotels (worldwide), that go all-out for Christmas" -- do you agree? — at The Breakers Palm Beach.
Now, I have NO BEEF with The Breakers Hotel -- I haven't VISITED IT, but I HAVE been to the Henry Morrison Flagler Museum across the street, which is Whitehall, built by Henry Flagler as a Wedding Present to Mary Lily Kenan (and he later left Mary Lily his ENTIRE ESTATE, the New York Times then declaring Mary Lily Kenan Flagler "The Wealthiest Woman on EARTH").
At -- if visiting -- you find that Dick and Lynne Cheney gave the MOST money for the renovations -- the Cheneys, Bushes, and (later) the Clintons being the Kenans' BIGGEST PARTNERS in Narco-Trafficking and White Supremacy.
But HERE is my most POPULAR blog post about The Breakers Hotel (which this blog FORCED to stop buying 85% of the ad space on, about five years ago now, so I have no problem with them):
This afternoon, I dropped by Bank of America on Third Street, and with the Branch Manager (either a native of Peru or his parents were, who I also know vigorously defends Roman Catholicism), and we cleaned out my two accounts and closed them.
In the process, I updated him on my Political Work (which he has always loved), and told him that major Narco-Trafficker and supporter of Catholic White Supremacy, Father Robert J. Kus of St. Mary's Catholic (which he attends), is -- like ALL NAZIS -- fleeing to Latin America (Honduras), to hide from JUSTICE, when he retires in a few months.
I also stressed that he and every employee of his branch, has always treated me with RESPECT (genuine, no less), but it is Kenans new policies of RAISING FEES only for POOR PEOPLE that drove me to Wells Fargo, which just this week, was revealed to have committed MORE HUGE CRIMES, but at least this time, they were STEALING FROM WEALTHY CLIENTS -- LOL!!!
Also, that BOTH BANKS had committed Crimes against ME, but Wells Fargo's was by their agent Jamie Lee Sutherland, who worked with District Attorney Benjamin R. David of Wilmington and Daliah Saper, a lawyer also a Talking Head on Fox News, to steal copyright to my memoir of working for Tennessee Williams:
And they ALSO stole copyright to EVERY BLOG POST and EMAIL I write until I DIE. Oh, and I also owe them HALF A MILLION DOLLARS -- LOL!!!
Bank of America was the ONLY of the three entities that were COURT ORDERED to turn over my assets to Jamie -- that complied -- and they gave him every penny I had (about $800.00, then) -- and it was ALL DISABILITY BENEFITS MONEY (protected by Federal Law from such actions).
Google/Blogger REFUSED to turn over control of my blog to them -- or to shut it down. Amazon didn't believe the Court Order (it was never signed by a Judge, for one thing), and asked for LEGAL CLARIFICATION, freezing my sales listing for six months -- but never got that from Jamie or Daliah Saper, so they deleted it -- but sent ME all the accumulated Royalties (paid on a delay).
Although D.A. Ben David has TWICE promised to UNDO that since June 2015, he has NOT DONE THAT, so I will DRIVE HIM INTO PRISON with his Republican twin-brother D.A. Jon (across the river), and his wife, Stephanie, a MAJOR FUNDRAISER and STRATEGIST for Lamar Alexander and Mitt Romney.
And that BoA Manager finally GOT IT, dropping his face into his hands that he was so DUPED into thinking Father Bob Kus was a "nice guy".
He is NOT ALONE in Wilmington, but Sister Mary Isaac Koenig (whom I knew even better than Kus), barely hid her DISTASTE for the parish priest who served over her.
Sister Mary Isaac Koenig is now retired to upstate New York.
And THEN, as I was leaving -- and the BoA Manager KNEW I was leaving since I did NOT have enough money to PLEASE THE KENANS, so they had driven me off -- said, "Leave the Bank, but you should BUY BoA stock -- it is SOARING!!!"
Perfect proof that he has Christian Values:
George Vlasits, recently moved here from Maryland (so not necessarily fully up to speed about the PERNICIOUS CORRUPTION of both the local Republican and Democratic Parties -- but ESPECIALLY the "Christian" Churches by my Kenan Family):
Rally Against the Republican Tax Scam
Saturday, Dec. 16th
1 PM
Federal Courthouse - Princess & Water Streets
Hope to see you there.
"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children."
President Dwight D Eisenhower
Check out my blog -
And I found that his blog, infrequently added to, is very MILD and shows little understanding of the SEWER LEVEL of actual Politics in Wilmington, but at least he's of the right HEART.
I fully intend to BE THERE -- and hope that even the WORST of the Democrats (and BEST of the Republicans), will also show.
I promise to TRY to be civil and respectful to ALL -- including the WORST of the DEMOCRATIC PARTY NARCO-TRAFFICKERS.
The "lusciously-nipped" Andre Tyler Breton, whose mother, Andie, actually told me she WISHES he was having sex with me -- as SHE believes he is actually GAY.
Whether gay or not, Tyler called me at 5:41 PM this afternoon, and in his nicest, most respectful voice, asked, "Could you please remove me COMPLETELY from your blog -- I can't rent a place to move to because EVERYONE GOOGLES ME and finds what you have written???"
I replied, "No, after all the lies you have told me, Gold Walker, and others -- and all of my MONEY and TIME you have caused to be WASTED with your insane DRAMAS, I will not. I suggest to try to live where they DON'T search the internet -- or SUE ME for LIBEL or CYBER-STALKING, which has been all the RAGE by the Democrat and Republican CHRISTIANS of Wilmington."
When I got home, I felt BAD about that, so checked Google Statistics, and looking at reports for today, the last week, and then the last month, NOT A SINGLE PERSON found this blog by searching (with any engine), using all or part(s) of Tyler's name.
He just FINALLY read my blog -- and is NOW in DEEP REGRET.
Tyler's LATEST REVEALED CRIMES can be found in this posting:
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