And, of course THIS has nothing to do with it -- I just chanced on it and thought it was "hooty":
But ALL things considered -- and thinking over my ENTIRE LIFE -- the most beautiful woman I ever knew was "Texas Kate" (Schweppe) Sharp, Moldawer, and later, McNamara of Houston:
Here, about 1979, she is flanked by Tennessee Williams and his sister, Rose.
Here is the NEXT most beautiful:
Jacqueline Lee (Bouvier) Kennedy, Onassis
Readers know that I had a series of several visions of Jackie, sometimes with JFK behind her and smiling -- once including all the Dead Presidents in sepia-tone cardboard cut-outs, and ending with full-figured, in-color, dressed in a toga and clacking his wooden teeth at me and laughing HYSTERICALLY -- George Washington!!!
The last two visions were of JFK, Jr -- one as John-John saluting his father's casket, the other as an adult, and the ONLY ONE who spoke "verbal" words to me: "I should have checked the engine myself -- I knew the Republicans were out to get me."
Now, these all happened within a 45-day period in late 2009, so no one can commit me for them now, and I NEVER saw them as part of PHYSICAL reality, but either improbable actual "spirits" bleeding into this world for a moment -- or a projection of my own imagination.
And ALL my Readers know that I promised Jackie Onassis in 1982 2009, late, that I would get HER -- and JFK'S REVENGE one day.
And I'm doin' pretty damn well.
Next is Elizabeth Taylor (whom I never met, but discussed business deals regarding her back then) -- also includes meeting Meryl Streep and others of the "artistic type":
It's HARD to think of Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton NOT together, no???
Readers will remember, that once whilest I was driving through La PeƱita de Jaltemba, in Nayarit state, Mexico, the GHOST of Elizabeth Taylor jumped INTO MY CAR through an open window. She rubbed her spiritual breasts all over my face -- without obstructing my ability to drive -- and told me she would always be mine, too.
And of course, there is always Meryl Streep:

Here is how I met her:
I just LOVE this photo of Meryl with my FAVE Gay Mulatto, Barry Bam-Bam!!!
And although I give him HELL over certain things, I'm still a "softy" for him -- and his Beard as well!!!
(Michelle is a VERY GOOD SPORT!!!)
And of course, also my own mother -- here in 2009 -- Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan, whose photo of winning Best Driver in Indiana from Henry Ford when Ruth Anne was a senior in high school, has NOW been used to PROMOTE CHIVALRY on the internet(s)!!!:
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