On Mismaloya Beach this afternoon
I forgot to suck in my big fat belly. I'm 254 pounds here -- although I got up to 332 pounds in 2008 while still taking Lithium -- and had to EXHALE DEEPLY to tie my shoes.
After parking my car, I walked to the low wall I parked against and took this photo, showing Pedro's -- who owns Teo's beach restaurant and bar -- boat, "The Night of the Iguana", and looking past the bridge that is half solid masonry/half bamboo and planks, one finds the actual beach.
And I found Pedro to have trimmed up his beard -- and is looking quite fetching!!! And as I knew had to happen, everything went fine when the town's people met with the Governor of Jalisco State, and their lands will NOT be stolen by the filthy rich Cuban national who formerly owned the HUGE resort at the north end of the beach.
1. I spoke with someone in the USA who recently quit smoking, and he was curious if my recent gastro-intestinal distress (so severe, I couldn't keep ANYTHING in me for 2.5 days, and if Frenchy hadn't been here working his butt off and doing a lot of extra things, I would have gone to the doctor, as I NEVER have anything like that for long), might have something to do with smoking.
I have never heard of stomach problems from smoking tobacco -- and although my friend DID smoke three packs per day for many years, HE NEVER LIKED TO INHALE (perhaps he SWALLOWED the smoke???).
Anyway, I told him I was concerned about my LUNGS, mostly, and know they must have some damage -- and HAD BEEN concerned about all the phlegm I'd had the last year or so, but it has all "disappeared" the last month (as I have relaxed), so I no longer fear I'm coming down with COPD, like so many had at Mercy House Homeless Shelter, when I stayed there in Wilmington in late 2011 and just into 2012.
Michael Keogh (called "Jersey"), had COPD so bad he needed to walk or squat to get any comfort at all. He slept in the top bunk closest to my top bunk, and mostly liked to YELL (over me), about how Ronald Reagan was the closest to JESUS CHRIST RETURNED that he ever heard of.
What is funny about that is I am the one who actually met Ronald Reagan at a 1981 White House party -- and found him ENTIRELY DISARMING (personally), but such an ass of a politician!!! And Jersey -- a butcher by trade --actually cut steaks for Richard Nixon -- in New Jersey!!!
D.A. Ben David "mincing" a point.
And last I heard (calling a few months after my second "flight" to Mexico), Jersey -- who was APPROVED for full Disability, but had to wait a few months before getting a HUGE lump payment, initiating monthly payments -- was hoping he would get the money before he died (doctors gave him less than six months to live).
And when I caught up to him, he had ingratiated himself with a Presbyterian Charity in Wilmington, as he continued to wait -- he only wanting to buy beer, whores, and drugs with it until he died. I don't know what happened after that.
So to finally get to my point, my friend's idea that smoking might be causing my former stomach problems, was just more evidence that people who are recluses and think they can understand the WORLD (which they HATE to begin with -- the reason they are recluses -- and just like Republicans who HATE government should NEVER be allowed to govern, recluses should never be listened to because they are delusion-loving so they feel better), by watching old movies, new TV shows, reading, and listening to "calming music", shows that being a recluse -- and especially since he's conned a doctor into giving him injections of a POWERFUL HORMONE (Testosterone), for YEARS -- which the doctor never suggested -- ROTS THE BRAINS -- like ALL drug addictions, both legal and not.
And the drug will keep him from seeing this before he dies.
And he's 18 years older than me -- so it makes it better for HIM, which is fine with me, but his THINKING (much of it fine), tends to SERIOUS DELUSIONS!!!
He cannot be trusted -- but ALSO is not deliberately obnoxious -- the DRUG owns his BRAIN!!!
But BOTTOM LINE, I told him I would "crawl back to the USA" to defend him -- should he have any problems.
Result of googling "Victor, shirtless" -- his last name is Webster, and he is cuter than Victor or me.
Anyway, on the beach, I met a guy named Victor, who is approaching my age. He legally raised his Mexican-blooded family in the USA, took them on luxury international vacations, and got them all college degrees, but now has divorced his wife and is COMING OUT GAY.
He knew all about what I said about politics and corruption in both the USA and Mexico, but MORE he recognized my "ENERGY", as being just like that of his super-smart ex-wife and his son. And he made me REALIZE that I think so fast -- and most don't think, but regurgitate cultural "values" they've been hypnotized into believing -- that instead of MY thinking that they are thinking and TRULY believe what they say, I need to step back and realize they are AUTOMATONS -- and cut them some slack and GENTLY, then, try to wake them up to "GOD'S TRUTH"!!!
Now THAT is both OBVIOUS, now, and CORRECT.
3. I stopped at the OXXO convenience store in Conchas Chinas (where CIA Agent Salvador Fuentes had his Deli Baguette, and there, he and Agent Luis Melgoza of www.PVGeeks.com, convinced me in 2010 that they had brought 60 MINUTES to interview me at REQUEST OF THOMAS S. KENAN III -- who 60 MINUTES actually DID do a piece on in 1989).
Sal Fuentes in a recent photo
Luis Melgoza
At that time -- even in 2012, after Deli Baguette had disappeared -- I sometimes found hand-written notes on the iron gate leading to the back of the building, "PV Geeks", with an arrow pointing down the hall. At that time, PVGeeks had a store front on Pulpito -- as well the Saturday booth at Paradise Community Center -- owned by Pastor Ric Lehman of http://www.paradisechurchpv.org/.
MORE here (skip over where top images -- of little importance -- are missing, now): http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.mx/2014/12/after-america-took-big-dump-yesterday.html
WELL, PV Geeks has never been more than the TWO of them -- and because where there had previously been ONE handicapped parking space, in 2012 there suddenly were TWO -- separated by a "regular" space -- but all THREE were also blocked by barricades, SO THAT COMPETING DRUG MAFIA COULD NOT PULL UP AND EXPLODE A CAR!!!
This PROVED that some law-enforcement was helping to PROTECT THEM.

Chava Gonzalez Resendiz -- the PRI Mayor of Puerto Vallarta in 2010, was so CONFIDENT of his Family's Drug Mafia Power, that he frequently was photographed giving the NAZI SALUTE -- right in front of City Insignia!!!
4. This event is sponsored by St. Jude's Metropolitan Community Church http://www.stjudesmcc.org/home
In my dealings with Rev. John McLaughlin, he always RAN OFF when I was around -- after he realized I knew SOMETHING was fishy about his being DEFROCKED by the Roman Catholic Church -- and he was never comfortable about my trying to discuss NARCO-TRAFFICKING BY WILMINGTON CHURCHES!!!
In my dealings with Rev. John McLaughlin, he always RAN OFF when I was around -- after he realized I knew SOMETHING was fishy about his being DEFROCKED by the Roman Catholic Church -- and he was never comfortable about my trying to discuss NARCO-TRAFFICKING BY WILMINGTON CHURCHES!!!
Scott Kenan shared Occupy Democrats's photo.
The sell-off is an impressive new low in Republican congressional corruption, unworthy of our country’s ideals no matter what side of the aisle you’re on.
Read more here: http://nyti.ms/1M1iMhi and http://bit.ly/1EGM8v5