Yesterday, the active of the twin volcanoes I watched through my front windows when I lived in Colima, EXPLODED -- and this video captures it nicely!!!
1. This morning, I called Mom -- and had the best conversation with her in ages. Leaving both politics and religions aside, I told her how two days ago, I got the likely largest narco-trafficker in the state of Nayarit, Arturo Pedilla, to IN PUBLIC, tell me he must kill me, now. I told Mom about what I knew about that operation with the father-son Governors of Nayarit (I don't know their names or if the son is still Governor, although it would be easy to look up).
I also told Mom how with the popularity of my blog and the powerful email recipients, they CAN'T kill me -- unless they make it look like the perfect accident. Otherwise, my assassination would tend to PROVE MY POINTS!!!
This was in response to Mom's asking why they don't just shoot me with a gun -- and I reminded her that few have guns in Mexico, compared to all the nuts who have them in the USA. So she honestly loved my cracking the drug-nuts, and said she will pray for my safety -- and I honestly thanked her for that.
You see, I love Mom dearly, despite her flaws and past actions -- she sure prepared me for "my mission" -- whether she meant to or not!!!
2. This morning I had internet access, even though I never heard from Telecable at all, and planned to "reset" with them and begin a request for service as if I never had done so. But they managed to straighten things out -- at least so far, so I'll just think of all that as an anomaly of a good company providing a valuable service.
Yesterday, I included to my email audience, the fact that I had met with the Aztec Dancers on the Malecon (although I called them "warriors"), and they were mostly fluent in English, especially their leader, and that they LOVED what I told them of my activities, connections, and much of what I blog about. I then paraded up the Malecon (to the South, actually), and across the Rio Cuale Bridge with them.
What I DIDN'T mention, is that I broke off from them when a couple of Southern, white, Christian women made a point of saying I am full of SHIT, and that the Republicans are in fact GOD'S CHOSEN PEOPLE.
Well, we got into a shouting match and me calling a "C" a "C" -- and a lot of even LESS flattering things (well deserved), there were several dozen white people within easy earshot -- they all LAUGHING at those ignorant Christians -- HA!!!
This leads to #4:
4. The last couple of days -- with NO intention to do so, and actually thinking my NEED to do so had ended -- like some DOG marking his territory, I ended up all over Puerto Vallarta telling people off-- LOL!!!
So if you heard rumors of me at Telecable, Costco, and a few other places, going BALLISTIC, try to think of Jesus getting so pissed he overturned tables and chased the money-changers out of the temple. It was a parallel type of thing. And the altercation with the two women and their broods at Costco began in a most friendly way -- one Mom and her son and daughter -- both early grade-school age -- were naturally curious about my height, and we began having fun with it, but they had been "misbehaving" in some way I had not witnessed, and Mom told them if they don't learn to behave that THIS GIANT would discipline them!!!
Well that TOTALLY set me off because I was severely abused physically, psychologically, and spiritually by my own mother -- and she has only RECENTLY stopped. So I told that bitch if I see her -- or anyone else -- deliberately HIT a child, I would beat her/them to a bloody pulp and I don't care if I get arrested!!!
Well, I'll leave the rest to your imagination -- except that I kept trying to get away from them, but we kept turning into the same aisles from opposite ends!!! It went on for about ten minutes, with me shouting expletives and facts about A-Hole fake Christians, Republicans, CIA, etc., even truly stating that the Kenan Family is Costco's largest supplier, their exclusive supplier of gasoline to all Costcos in USA --and many in Canada, too, I think -- via, for about 14 years now -- as well as control of Coca-Cola.
And they told me I stunk and needed a bath and my jeans and shirt were filthy and I needed to be thrown whole into a washing machine. This was not true, but what was funny, is that I had run out of natural gas three weeks ago, and have since been taking cold showers (a nice very invigorating change of pace), but less often. I had the money to buy gas but didn't bother until late yesterday.
More than that, fearing I MIGHT actually be stinking before going to Costco, I shaved and did the quick trick to alleviate that possibility -- I wiped out my pits with a mild bleach solution and rag-rinsed, then put on a clean shirt. And they taunted me that my family could only control Costco USA, so they would get me thrown out.
Of course, as usual at Costco, all the Mexican employees LOVE what I have to say -- and all the English-speakers were nearly doubled over in laughter. Better, I ran in to an American couple I had previously met in Walmart a couple of years ago, and they calmed me down by reminding me that EFFECTIVENESS is the only important thing, and just to forget the rest.
5. And now, I make public my being called on the carpet for assuming too much:
The email title: "Re: Glenn Hughes fan -- "
Hi Greg -- thanks for writing back to straighten me out. I don't know the first thing about you, but your question was so entirely vague and open-ended, I didn't know what you wanted me to reply. This is a symptom of communications to me of people in those groups, but many Americans are so mis-educated, they don't even know how to ask a question properly, anymore. It's cultural, although honest people with ethics have learned to get past that.
Glenn Hughes -- but I can't find a pic of him with Gary, although they stayed together until about 2001 -- the year of Glenn's death of lung cancer.
Perhaps it is this unfortunate approach to asking questions that annoys Randy Jones so that he does not reply. That said, I will tell you what I know. Gary (I forget his last name), was the best bartender at Tux, and truly nice guy, if not overly-endowed, mentally -- and Tux, a New York deco-style bar, restaurant, and deli (we smoked our own meats, etc.), that I managed (or mis-managed), for Gail Brockway, a culinary trend-setter in Key West in the 1970s and 80s. Her first restaurant there was Las Palmas del Mundo, or simply Las Palmas, where despite its off-track location, had lines in off-season and Gail was written up in much national press.
And when the Village People came to town, they hung out there for breakfast or lunch a lot, Glenn Hughes becoming infatuated with Gary (and so was I!!!), dating him briefly, and then stealing him away from us when they left town.
Gail Brockway, now owner of Old Town Mexican Cafe, . She might know more. Her restaurant has no email address to contact them, but her husband, Petr Benes, can be contacted via Facebook:
Perhaps I should warn you that Tux was entirely funded on cocaine money, but this video of Gail shows she is quite healthy now, so past all that non-sense of early 1980s.
Anyway, sorry if I over-reacted, but I've had a somewhat dramatic life the last few days, which you can see from my blog,
On Sat, Feb 7, 2015 at 10:16 PM, Greg Goodsell <> wrote:
Glenn died in March of 2000. I thought you knew that. (How COULD I -- Glenn Hughes died in March 2001 of lung cancer). And Randy Jones doesn't answer my emails. How did you know I was a mother-fucking LAZY Republican White Racist ASSHOLE!!!? I've been posting lots of rare pix of Glenn on Facebook. Chatted with Tovah Feldshu, the girl Glenn took to the prom and she unearthed and shared the ONLY photo I know of Glenn without his epic mustache .....
Date: Sat, 7 Feb 2015 14:49:05 -0600
Subject: Re: Glenn Hughes fan --
Do your own research you mother-fucking LAZY Republican White Racist ASSHOLE!!! Ask Glenn (if still alive) -- or email Randy Jones who can tell FAR more details. He's easy to find and contact via his website or Facebook. Please tell him I sent you, for a more detailed reply!!!
In recent years, Randy Jones has become -- if not a CLOSE friend, certainly one who answers my personal emails. And as readers all know, Randy is from S.E. North Carolina, and every year does a Charity Bash at Carolina Beach -- adjacent to Wilmington!!!
See my latest blog posting too: http://theweathercontinues.blogspot. mx/2015/02/today-i-publicly- denounced-telecablecia.html
On Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 3:44 PM, Greg Goodsell <> wrote:
So, what was this with the bartender and the Village People's leatherman, Glenn Hughes?

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