My sister Jane, ten years ago in my living room in Stone Mountain, Georgia with her two labs. They are aged so that when one dies, there is about five more years for the other, and she soon gets a puppy.
You get an idea of my home, here, and the funny thing is that about five years later -- because that bone-leather sofa had lost its under-butt support, I put it on Craig's List not expecting to get the $500.00 I asked for it, but an obese white guy in his fifties snapped it up for that -- knowing he weighed too much to sit in it, but just had had a LIFE-TIME DREAM of owning a white leather sofa.
I hope he got what he wanted!!!
1. Today, Valentine's Day, is Jane's 62nd birthday, and of course I wish her all the best. I just have completely lost the ability to make sense of my family's actions -- and they offer no explanations that differ from what I believe I have found to be true about them. They act like I am a HORRIBLE PROBLEM for them, yet I am the one who has suffered every imaginable loss, indignation, bullying, five false jailings, two false mental hospital commitments, five poisonings (including the first and worst by a top operative of Walmart Corporation), five times in captivity of Drug Mafia in Mexico, and a homeless stint in both Puerto Vallarta and Wilmington, North Carolina, where I slept under a viaduct with REAL criminals, some of them armed.
And then later, Jamie Lee Sutherland and Daliah Saper of Fox News sued me for LIBEL without serving me, then convicted me in Chicago Courts in absentia, stripping away essentially ALL MY COPYRIGHTS -- not just to my Tennessee Williams memoir, but to ALL blog posts and emails that I write until I DIE!!!
Oh well, even Dick Cheney is not THIS cruel and hateful -- no???
Well, that is THEIR BUSINESS, and not mine!!!

But I DO believe this is a good time to write of what happened to Jane -- both at an early age and later. When we lived in Cincinnati -- up until 1957, when I was six, our family physician was a Dr. Fowler, whose office was probably in Norwood, an area where my parents' first apartment had been. I remember his office being in the front of his house, which was probably built between 1900 and 1920. It had concrete steps up from the sidewalk, as the land humped up a little.
There was nothing odd about any of this, except that Jane was frequently put under a scope that used X-rays to produce continuous images on a cathode ray tube. I forget the name of the instrument, but this was BEFORE the damage of high doses of X-radiation were understood. I often was allowed to see inside Jane's abdomen, and for some reason, I have always remembered they were concerned about Jane's eggs.
As readers know, Mom ran Proctor & Gamble's Skin Research Labs right after WWII, and I have speculated she worked with Dr. Mengele's findings in NAZI Germany. Jane DID have to have a hysterectomy, somewhat early, but has no other ill effects from this that I know of. I also know that Mom took some kind of hormone to keep Jane from popping out too early.
I have ALSO speculated that Mom was concerned about SOMETHING about Jane's reproductive system, and that was why we had what I have described as my KRISTALLNACHT, because it was the night Mom first tried to kill Jane and me -- late Winter, 1974. Jane was a junior at UNC Chapel Hill, and at a party did not lock the mechanism properly on a zip line, and fell 25 feet, landing on her head (and I believe her boyfriend Lex was paid off to do it).
I was on a sailboat off Manasquan, New Jersey, and in an extremely violent storm in which the mainsail and stay-sail had been ripped out, at night with no visibility, a phantom freighter without a single light lit would have sliced us exactly in half, had I not INTUITIVELY turned the boat in the nick of time -- and only THEN became aware of its presence, as it emerged from the fog.
What was odd is that the three on that ketch were in a hurry to get to Cape Cod, and I met them and they took me on so they could sail around the clock. However, they had had some kind of problem with their motor, which three good marine mechanics in Cape May had not been able to correct, but my business partner in, Chuck Pritchard, took a look at it and fixed it quickly.
So far, so good, but Hilary (who had NO interest in anything mechanical), had accompanied Chuck for the repair (I was then elsewhere), and I believe she put a homing radio device on the boat for that freighter to lock onto.
I admit it sounds far-fetched, but there has NEVER been explanation for why Hilary Russell had late in our senior year at Denison University become so chummy with me (our friends barely overlapped) -- then inviting me to move to Cape May, EXCEPT that about 1975, Hilary's parents and my parents were in town at the same time, and Hilary's MOM bragged in town that after meeting with my mother, Hilary and I would get married -- REALLY!!!
EVERYONE in town knew I was an out gay, so it was a pretty funny thing -- and Hilary's Dad was Special Assistant to the President of Sterling Drugs at the time -- just the kind of person my mother would make alliance with (while still quite poor, my parents' best friends in Cincinnati were the Walgreens, whose family owned the drug store chain).
I won't even try to describe the non-sense that went on when they all got me committed to a mental hospital in 1978, but Chuck and Hilary were able to buy my 25% ownership of the corporation for a song, and the last time I visited them (2009), Hilary kept having unexplained crying jags when she looked at me.
Now, back to Jane and 1974, she was in a coma for five days, then awoke to believe she was on a TV Talk Show, constantly ordering my mother (who was at her hospital bed, pronto from their East Greenwich, Rhode Island home), to get her more BIRTH-CONTROL PILLS, horrifying Catholic Mom.
Well, Jane did NOT suffer any debilitating brain damage, although she was FAR more emotionally vulnerable from then on -- and more importantly, HIGHLY MANIPULABLE TO MOM'S NAZI MIND CONTROL TECHNIQUES!!!. She took off at least a semester and a half, changing her major from pre-nursing to history, when she went back.
BUT, Jane began dating BLACK GUYS (not exclusively), and it was giving my father HUGE CONNIPTIONS!!! When Jane eventually lived with my parents in Wilmington, getting her masters at UNC-W, Jane and Dad were frequently fighting about her black boyfriends, then when I won a sales contest about 1992, and took Jane on a Windjammer Barefoot Cruise, Jane slept on deck instead of her bunk -- and I later learned she was having sex with plenty of the Black African crew!!!
This did NOT set well with my parents, and they soon arranged for a nice white boy of no particular excitement and from Michigan, named Jim, to finance twice-yearly trips around the world -- and even to buy Jane a new big screen TV and SUV!!!
Funniest, was when I was homeless in Wilmington in 2011 and still had my first Pontiac Vibe, I drove to Wilmington during a time that Jane and I were getting on well -- and Jim was visiting -- but Jane strictly FORBID me to come to her house to meet him. And this was ALSO when my parents still had a never-judge-ruled-on restraining order against me, which they got soon after the full lunar eclipse.
AND, the night of that eclypse, I watched Dad sneak out of the house at 3:00 AM, and take his BB gun and SHOOT right into my windshield so that he would have hit me square in the face -- and I got him to pay for the repair -- AND HID HIS GUN!!!
You see, when I first drove back from Mexico and was living in my parents' house, they arranged for a proper psychological evaluation of me, and when I went there I was satisfied because the initial interview was conducted professionally, and the guy told me that HE was not qualified to diagnose, but that the shrink would do that in about 10 days.
However, my parents who had agreed to my request that since I was then 60 and adult, that they should not talk to the docs unless I agreed, DEMANDED to speak with this guy PRIVATELY, and after THAT, he insisted I am full-blown BIPOLAR, and would need medication.
I was shocked, and two days later found a different agency to diagnose me, and cancelled that appointment. The next day I was awakened by a Raleigh cop, who explained that my parents had gotten a restraining order against me and I had to be out of the house in ten minutes -- and was NOT allowed to speak to them while I packed up!!!
We had never even argued, I just told them of the change I'd made and they said "OK" -- but they were NOT OK, and that was how I began my year plus of living homeless in the USA, staying a week in Raleigh, then driving to Wilmington, where I arrived late, December 30, 2010.
The Kenan Institute Asia, begun under Frank Hawkins Kenan, for years was active in seven S.E. Asia countries -- including parts of mainland China -- providing clean drinking water, early education, and help for sustainable, green, Mom-and-Pop-sized businesses, and ENTIRELY laudable as far as I know.
Thomas S. Kenan III (holding glass), inspecting a project in Thailand, early oughts.
However, over the last five or so years, it has become about Microsoft and networking -- and to BIG BUSINESS!!! The org has grown HUGE!!!
2. The other thing is that despite his ABJECT RACISM, the University of North Carolina keeps giving him Awards -- and they are JUSTIFIED, given his extraordinary philanthropy. Today, I found a new-to-me video about Tom Kenan produced by UNC-TV, and in it, the Kenan Family -- and Tom especially -- is called the "Medicis of North Carolina", which is ALSO FAIR -- especially for Tom's assistance to the Arts!!!
But you SURE AS HELL won't find him associating with any non-WHITES EVER!!!
I'll post links to it and two older videos of Tom as well:
A. 2014 University Award: Thomas Kenan III:
B. 2013 NC State Watauga Award to Tom Kenan:
C. Kenan Music Building Dedication at UNC Chapel Hill:
This is TODAY'S Kenan Family!!!
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