28 Reasons I’m DONE Talking To Most Of My Conservative Friends And Family Members
>>> Please don't miss the SCORCHING email I sent the ENTIRE Board of Trustees at UNC Chapel Hill:
"Dear Board Members at UNC Chapel Hill -- Greetings with the very best intentions for your (our) school!!!
As you might recall, a year or so ago, I was emailing all of you intensely, against the NAZI influence of Thomas S. Kenan III, his step-mother, Betty (Price) Kenan, and their near relatives. The situation has gotten FAR worse, now, and I see NONE OF YOU HELPING A THING AT ALL!!!
Continues here: http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.mx/2015/02/my-email-to-john-schlossberg-yesterday.html
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>>> The first thing I did this morning, was to post this on my nephew's Facebook Page -- and that was BEFORE I discovered that blog hits nearly DOUBLED yesterday, surprising me that THIS post is the most popular: http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.mx/2015/02/getting-more-proof-of-my-brother.html, rather than this one, as I had expected: http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.mx/2015/02/email-just-sent-to-john-schlossberg.html
Ok, Connor -- you can remove my posts, now, as I have made my point. Sorry if you were not aware of the truth about your Dad, my brother. I do hope to have him, Jane, and Julie -- as well as your grandmother -- in prison soon. Your Mom and her family seem cool to me. Uncle Scott
>>> The SECOND thing I did this morning was to post this on my cousin Judith Whitney's Facebook Page, in response to our conversation begun yesterday, and blogged there:
Scott Kenan
Judy, I am THRILLED we are civil so far -- LOL!!! Let's keep it that way and not talk politics, religion, etc., but I am curious about this Obama as a Muslim thing. I don't see it (his middle name, Hussein, is NOT of his choosing). Also, I'm sure you remember Uncle Emerson, named for Ralph Waldo Emerson who essentially founded Science of Mind, the religion I used to be part of -- but no one accused Uncle Emerson of being into the "New Thought Movement" and not a Southern Baptist..
And frankly, I have never listened to anyone give PROOF that Obama is Muslim, but since you believe it so firmly, please explain the proof you base this on -- and I promise to give it FAIR consideration
Love you and ALL YOUR FAMILY!!!
Judith Whitney
One of his books I read, don't remember the title.His bowing down to a muslim, not saluting our flag, but placing his arm where muslims do. He does not respect Israel, and so much more. We love you too!
And his inviting Al Sharpton in the white house, that's the nigger part.
Scott Kenan
Well, you might be AMAZED at what I have seen so called Christians do -- look at former Senator Thom Goolsby who cooperated with my parents and the Republican Party and the CORRUPT Democrats of Wilmington in running all the CIA narco-trafficking in Wilmington -- call my Mom at home to ask her about how she helped them set it up in the 1980s and 90s. http://scottkenan.blogspot.mx/2011/12/riding-wave.html
I believe you might have read how my blog helped expose Thom Goolsby's many crimes -- and he was Facebook Friended by nearly ALL your close relatives, so beware where you get your info, please!!!
AND I have got a better outrage about whom President Reagan invited to the White House -- and I still have the invitation, which was addressed and mailed to my house!!!
Can't get worse than that, but I doubt you'd call me or Reagan a HONKY because of it -- but there is RACISM here, somewhere -- perhaps Southern Baptist style, no???
Judith Whitney
I don't consider myself a racist, I just believe Al Sharpton is scum. I was referring to your word"nigger"

I'm a writer trained by Tennessee Williams, the best dramatist in the English language since William Shakespeare, so I know all about how WHITE PEOPLE lie through their asses, mouths, and "Lady Flowers".
I never invented the word nigger, but I definitely apply it to ALL White Christians with your level of FEAR-BASED ignorance and hatred of those unlike themselves. It is an OPT-IN program of hatred, and consciously chosen by the Fearful who Hate God.
I hope I will not have to have you arrested for your selling narcotics to pay the mortgage that is twice the value of the home you and your husband built yourselves, WITHOUT a mortgage (yes, I'm on to why you kept having to change your cell phone number). But then, you gave so much to your drug-addicted FAT, LAZY daughter that you are now in for TWICE your house's market value, and at your age of about 72 or so -- while your SANE daughter, Wendy Whitney, you've got on meds for BIPOLAR -- when in fact it is YOU, who run around manic all the time -- and then take to your bed in Depression so bad you can't speak for a few days.
Well, I certainly wish you all the very best straightening out your lives -- mine is in good shape now, and I've already got First Class airfare tickets and accommodations PAID FOR for my next trip to the States!!!
Unknown, Steve's Mom, and Steve Fretwell. I know his wife Debbie (Taylor) Fretwell too, she dating Steve our senior year, and when I went to their wedding in Washington, DC. Debbie's Dad was then the head of the NIH, National Institutes for Health, and Steve's fraternity buddies made fun of me for being so poor -- and the house I stayed at -- parents of Steve's friend who lived at home -- I argued against their VIRULENT RACIST REPUBLICAN politics, and nearly got thrown out -- LOL!!!
Message left on Steve Fretwell's Facebook page this morning. Steve and I were Head Residents of the largest men's dorm at Denison our senior year -- I was elected, and Steve, head of Inter-fraterity Council, was appointed. What was so much FUN, was that my roommate in a month of touring art museums and cathedrals in Europe for the month of January 1973 as a Denison student, was also president of Alpha Tao Omega fraternity, and while I told him upfront that I was gay -- and it was no problem -- after getting back to campus, I discovered that he had actually been sneaking out to gay clubs the whole time -- and not only that, but I caught THREE (of only nine), heads of Denison fraternities sneaking out the back door of The Kismet, then Columbus, Ohio's top gay disco.
Steve, Debbie, and I used to laugh until we nearly doubled over -- for the HYPOCRISY of Christian Republican Denison Students!!!
And at commencement ceremonies, I caught the mother of that Alpha Tao Omega president (the family owned a HUGE plumbing chain in Pennsylvania), handing him a half dozen pills she got from her purse, right before the ceremony.
While we were at Denison, Steve's father was President of Steelcase Industries (then the world's largest manufacturer of office furniture) -- and I liked both him and Steve's Mom a lot. But Steve's Dad died years ago, now, and his Mom has the bucks and I suspect she is a CONTROLLING WOMAN. If so, Steve Fretwell will get HUGE empathy from both me and Danny Sinatra!!!
I don't know if
Steve Fretwell or the CIA removed my complimentary birthday greetings I posted yesterday, but the only people who remove my comments are either dire Racists, or narco-traffickers associated with the Republican Party or Episcopal Church. My mother is Dick Cheney's top advisor, and as Steve has long known since we were college roommates at Denison, I grew up with Swastikas and daily beatings. I expect a full explanation from Steve within 24 hours, or I will have others investigate him and his business, deeply, to see if we can find the truth. Scott
One of the best things that ever happened to me was chance meeting Patricia Sinatra, Frank's fave niece who runs Sinatra Enterprises, at a Saturday market in Wilmington, NC, and she told me the details of how she sold Bank of America to my wealthy Kenan relatives AND how at Joe Kennedy's request, they got the Gambinos to stuff ballots in Chicago, stealing the election for JFK from Nixon. And she also drives a school bus to stay grounded. Her son Danny, who lives in "Hollywood East", became a true friend, and Danny and I LOVED this poster that hung in a celebrity knock-off jewelry store. Let me switch computers so I can post it . . .
The interview originally appeared in Playboy Magazine in 1963, and it demonstrates the timeless performer’s incredibly deep and evolved thoughts on organized...
The city of Paris is one step closer to suing Fox News.
Fox News is leaving Canada -- and it was recently DUMPED in Mexico on most systems!!!
Sun News Network is about to sign off, permanently. CBC News has learned that the cable news television channel will shut down early Friday...
For this Valentines Day, you can tell your special someone that you love them more than Kanye loves Kanye - that's true love.
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