My last (and best) Mug Shot from admission to the New Hanover County Detention Center (which has purged its records of my ever having stayed there -- but I keep all the paperwork), on April 4, 2012. I decided to smile and enjoy the ride on my last arrest, and I was released on my own recognizance the next morning.
I was staying at the Travelodge on Market Street in Wilmington, and the cops knocked on my door at about 1:00 AM. I really didn't believe they were cops -- I'd had so much trouble with Drug Nuts harassing me there, that I was afraid to even pull the curtains back to look.
Travelodge, Wilmington
No one is arrested in the middle of the night -- except in extreme cases of danger -- but it turned out that someone claimed I had violated a restraining order, and Judge Jeffrey Noecker (as I recall, the papers aren't handy), said I was super-dangerous and needed to be picked up right away. That made no sense to the cops, either, but on three of the five incarcerations in that jail, I had been designated extremely violent and was put in cell blocks for the more dangerous criminals.
But the police (or maybe Sheriff's deputies), were really cool about it and seemed to understand. I had never resisted a previous arrest, and then when I DID open up to them, they didn't even cuff me there, but we walked out to the cruiser, and when I asked if I could smoke a final cigarette before the long drought, they let me lean against the trunk of the car and smoke. We had a really friendly discussion, during which I realized I might as well smoke another since they seemed in no hurry to take me, and I DID!!!
While I did have trouble with some of the downtown cops, I generally got along with them great, the last few months. It would be fun to go back and throw them a giant oyster roast, pig-pickin', or such.
1. It began with my email blocked due to a hacker attack in the middle of the night -- just like the previous night. This morning it was a WELCOME RELIEF not to have suffered that non-sense again!!!
2. One thing I have not mentioned about Writers Group, yesterday, is that "Robin-the-Writer" showed up ON TIME, for the first time ever, and in a cowboy hat and carrying an acoustical (sic) guitar!!!
I had actually secretly challenged him to write a piece excoriating me for sexually harassing straight guys, suggesting a person or two he might ask for good stories about me, but I figured the cowboy-drag meant he had something entirely different to share, and next thing I knew, he had mounted the stage and begun singing Johnny Cash's MONSTER HIT from about my senior year in high school, "A Boy Named Sue".
You see, without doing what I suggested, he performed a song I never realized applied to me in so many ways. I have to assume he knew what he was doing.
3. The day was filled with BOTH encouraging and discouraging things -- including that I got into a discussion with a local newspaper columnist, and I was so thrilled about that, that I cluttered up a couple of co-writers' email boxes -- which was entirely unnecessary.
4. The whole business of my attack on Bernie Marcus had some people "outraged", but the way I look at it is that Bernie set up his membership-by-approval Facebook Discussion Page to vent his views, and people could comment. I had actually expected a different take on things from Bernie -- or at least some logic to what he would write.
While it's true that I've always been "Jew-philic", and have positive expectations of Jews, to call him "Jew gone bad" is more an attention-getter, not meant to say anything about Jews -- except that I call him a bad one.
And the strenuous attacks on me (most not shown in this blog -- the Facebook thread that I published is very truncated), affected me, as well as made me thank (err . . . THINK), hard about what I had done.
5. And then I got some emailed suggestions from Testosteroni in New York, that hit me right when I was emailing a blog post -- a time when I'm so focused on getting my writing out, I just want to slam any distraction out of the way and am not inclined to be nice about it. And I wasn't nice about it -- but I blind-copied a couple of people, LITTERING UP THEIR EMAIL BOXES, UNNECESSARILY -- again!!!
6. While it was very bizarre to me that the woman at Act II Stages, emailed asking to be taken off my list -- especially since only a few days before, I had emailed her to let her know the two links to their website on their Facebook Page (on their main page and their "About" page), didn't work.
I included in the email that the problem is that the "ii" is missing in the address both places, and to hit the link takes you to a place SELLING the misspelled URL. She was so thoughtless, that she emailed back asking WHERE, even though I had included links and clear descriptions, but she thanked me and said she'd get right on it. I never followed up beyond my reply.

Del Shores
My biggest concern, was that people looking for info on Delferd Shores' act, would have difficulty finding it, and some (less motivated) people might just give up -- REDUCING the number attending, and of course the "take at the door".
But I just checked to see if it was corrected, and NO ONE HAS CORRECTED IT (And such a SIMPLE thing to do)!!!
7. And now, in a concession to the fact that most human sexual adventures are heterosexual, a few images:
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