Melanie Griffth, Lady Chablis, Demi Moore and that child. — in Savannah, Georgia.
As longer-term readers know, on the night of Princess Diana's death, my "boyfriend" of the time, Marc LaFont of Santa Ana, California, and I met Lady Chablis in her dressing room after her show in Savannah.
Chablis giving court testimony in the film MIDNIGHT IN THE GARDEN OF GOOD AND EVIL.
I should have realized there was a problem when I discovered that Marc had gone to the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, now called BIOLA University. Then, I later discovered that his Catholic brother co-owned a run down strip mall with Marc in Newport Beach, ONLY occupied and frequented by "low-life" style Mexicans, who spoke little English. We visited it a couple of times.
"Red" Kelly Ray (who dated Marc after Marc dated me), and Marc LaFont, likely in France, where Marc preferred to go.
Later, I learned that Marc's "business", Tribute Folders, http://tributefolders.com/contactus.htm, actually did little work then, and seemed to be a drug front. Not only did Marc PAY for the "California Emmy's" of marketing to get highest honors, which he framed, but Allen Rosen, http://www.allenrosenproductions.com/, my roommate in Stone Mountain, GA where I actually lived, ALSO paid to get his "Alabama Emmys" for audio-video work, and I ASKED Allen how many then were awarded the top honor too, and he said, "Everyone who pays to get it -- about twelve this year."
But what is ALSO true is that Marc's back yard has a connecting gate to the back yard of the house behind it on Birch Street, and only a few months before Marc sought me out on AOL to date (after telling me this, exactly: "Someone put a paper on my desk saying I should date you" -- which I took only as something cute to say), my first cousin Janet "Jan" (Meyer) Opperman, her Jewish first husband and their two children -- as well as Jan's brother George Meyer (now "married" to best-selling author Susan Grant http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.mx/2014/11/getting-real-with-my-totally-nazi.html), lived in that house, and I speculate that Marc spied on them for my Mom -- but since George lived in the separate garage apartment, he might have had "trysts" with Marc LaFont, George being EVERYONE'S bet to turn out gay -- more likely than even ME!!!
How my mother killed her brother, Robert J. Meyer, DDS with help of the US Government -- because he allowed Jan to marry a Jew: http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.mx/2014/05/email-to-drew-griffin-of-cnn-my-nazi.html
And Marc was with me at the Atlanta Olympics, which after remaining in one place for nearly two hours watching the show on the main stage, I got restless and we took the subway to go to a gay bar. It was THERE that we immediately saw the coverage of the bombing that happened only minutes after we left, and it was only a couple of years later -- when I checked to see exactly where that bomb had been -- that I noticed it had been five feet to my right, with Marc on my left.
It was only in Wilmington, NC, in 2011 or 12, that I met "Skully" or "Scully", who claimed to have headed the CIA's Olympics Intelligence then -- since gone insane and homeless, but with good car -- and he said he had watched it all, and treated me (only -- he stole from homeless to get by), with great defference, giving me many things.
I have speculated that the bomb also had the purpose of killing me, Marc being expendable if him too, and with us GONE, it had to be detonated anyway -- the risk of discovery if they tried to retrieve it was too great.
That was how my mother tried to murder me the SECOND time!!!
And remember, CNN with the Atlanta Journal Constitution and other CIA news sources IMMEDIATELY blamed the bombing on a poor innocent schmuck, Richard Jewell, whom they absolutely CRUCIFIED and broke his health. He died of that shortly after they completely CLEARED HIS NAME.
MORE: http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.mx/2014/06/hot-flash.html
Scott Kenan shared The Other 98%'s photo.
Scott Kenan shared The Other 98%'s photo.
BREAKING: Walmart employees are promising the biggest strikes ever on Black Friday, with workers from more than 1,600 stores joining. Share if you support workers standing up for their rights!
For more info or to join a local protest: http://blackfridayprotests.org/
Scott Kenan shared a link.

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