Thursday, November 27, 2014

Briefly (on this Thanksgiving Day), I thought Colin Hamilton of the Puerto Vallarta Writers Group Was My Sister -- Imagine THAT!!!

JFK, Jr looked surprisingly like my nephew Connor Michael Kenan at that age (not counting body hair)

And then when a few years older, JFK, Jr. looked remarkably like my brother Michael William Kenan, but I don't think the following photo shows it very well -- and completely leaves OUT that my two nephews had, one year before, shaved their stomach and abdomen hairs so that each had an arrow pointing to Florida, which COMPLETELY cracked my brother (and me), up!!!

Maxwell Andrew Kenan, Taylor Ann Kenan, Michael William Kenan, and Connor Michael Kenan in 2009 at the Meyer Family Reunion in Indiana, as reported here:

My entire family might be CRAZY, but I love them all, nevertheless!!!


Colin, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for inviting me to lunch when I needed time with a friend, and the recent add on LINKED-IN, and now these two Jaccquie Lawson cards. My sister Jane has been sending Lawson cards for about ten years, now, so I briefly thought you were my sister -- until I saw from whom they came. I think her cards reveal a certain sensitivity to Life and Love that I really enjoy.

Fancy that!!!


With the addition of my sister-in-law, Gail Ann (Godley) Kenan, and on the occasion of Connor's graduation from UNC Chapel Hill, more recently.

>>> AND I LEAVE YOU TODAY, with a thought worth pondering:


This is actually a commission of my friend Grant Henry (aka Sister Louisa), by one of his BIGGEST fans and collectors, Tammy Faye Bakker, later Messner. The girl is a portrait of Tammy Faye and Jim Bakker's daughter, and this copy of the original painting hung in Jim and Tammy Faye's office for YEARS -- and they used thousands of copies of it as thank-you presents to those who gave "Love Donations" over many years, before she gave this copy to Grant and asked him to "Sister-Louisa it up".

I had to leave all my Sister Louisa "physical-world MEMEs" in Georgia to an unknown fate, but Grant's paintings are about the IDEA, so no need to physically possess them, really, right???

Tammy Faye Bakker


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