>>> DON'T MISS THE "LATEST-BREAKING" at the very bottom of this posting.
It is definitely "artsy-fartsy"!!!
1. Exactly at this point in writing this posting, I had to deal with this crap -- first my response to my brother:
Then let's call it quits as brothers and never speak with each other again. I promise not to lie about you, your wife, or your descendants.
Bye -- it was nice knowing you.
I understand your justifiable fear, but you have only FUCKED ME for years now with your hatred of yourself. And I am the one who suffers. YOU suffer only being exposed as a FAG.
Consult your phone instructions on sending calls automatically to voice-mail. Sorry, I mis-wrote that but had assumed you were educated enough to figure at least THAT ONE out, but no -- you must be a fucking Christian Homosexual with no self respect at all.
On Sun, Nov 30, 2014 at 2:02 PM, Michael Kenan <kenan5@aol.com> wrote:
I have not blocked you. Wouldn't a block include voicemail? I just rebooted which seemed to fix auto to voicemail.Not particularly motivated to figure out how to call and then potentially catch you all fired up...
Sent from my iPhone
On Nov 30, 2014, at 12:37 PM, Scott Kenan wrote:I'm over my blind rage of last night, but still don't understand why you and Jane claim you can't call me when it only took me a few minutes to figure out how to do that on my landline, Verizon, and AT&T phones, but will accept that as a "genetic disability" affecting part of our family, and call you later today after a long meditation.If I miss you, please don't worry -- I'll keep trying.Love,Scott
Sent from my iPad
On 30/11/2014, at 09:32, Michael Kenan <kenan5@aol.com> wrote:Going to work out give me an hour and a half.
Sent from my iPhone
On Nov 30, 2014, at 9:07 AM, Michael Kenan <kenan5@aol.com> wrote:Give me a call I just tried you and it didn't work.
Sent from my iPhone
On Nov 30, 2014, at 5:41 AM, Scott Kenan wrote:

Painting by Senor Rojas, expected to be used on the cover of this year's Puerto Vallarta Writers Group anthology, Coastlines
Another type of Coast Line, well known to North Carolinians
2. Earlier, I had sent this posting: http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.mx/2014/11/family-says-darnedest-things-as-art.html to members of the Puerto Vallarta Writers Group with the following title:
"If you DO want me to disclose WHY NC Stanley told me he married his first and then second wife and now FINDS HISSELF (sic) IN HELL, keep attacking me, for CHRIST'S SAKE, mo-fo's!!!"
>>> OH WAIT, it was in response to this posting: http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.mx/2014/11/yet-another-piece-of-horse-shit-from.html
And naturally had to send the following, FIRST THING this morning:
NC Stanley,
This was NOT about you or either of your wives, but my anger over my own family stealing my life in the name of Christian Heterosexuality, and the fact that NO straight person has EVER spoken to me with empathy about that. For me to threaten such an ugly thing at least has gotten you to know something of my anger, which is not at you, BUT, since all know we get on well, might clue someone besides Colin that I AM TIRED of being ignored. I had no choice but to go after many criminals, but I do it so ALL can look forward to a better life.
I don't know why you or anyone else married no, one, or more spouses.
My rage last night became blind, but I'm over it, now. And I need a little more time to sort out what was happening to me through this. I woke up quite late feeling terrible how this must have struck you and I apologize for that. I opened this email first, knowing I had to face you honestly and ASAP.
However, Testosteroni, my friend in New York City, has recently been making excuses for and defending my immediate family -- even asking me to say Hi to my Mom, which I did on Thanksgiving Day through my sister Jane.
My favorite recipe using Testosteroni!!!: http://www.ohbiteit.com/2013/02/testosteroni-macaroni.html
You see, Jane TOO, has a guy who without any trade for sex, has been sending her needed funds for years -- just like Testo does to me!!! And the bottom line on THAT is that my mother arranged for both of them to do so, proving she loves us TOTALLY, and provided a safety net before she kicked us off the cliff with her rabid NAZISM.
Mom KNEW we had to win in the end, as each succeeding generation is meant to do.
I'm plumb tuckered out at the moment, so to find out more about the WHYS and HOWS of all this, google around in my blog by first putting my name in quotes and then any question, concept, or proper name.
That's Tennessee Williams on the center horse -- best I can tell . . .
Hope all have enjoyed this "Celestial Battlin'" as much as I have -- as you know, when the Book of the Revelation of John was written, no one could have conceived of cyber warfare, electronic sleuthing and aggression, etc., so that's why symbols like the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse were used.
And now, the worst of the battle appears to be over. CNN is healing -- I think.
So everyone carry on with your lives (appreciatively), and Americans, enjoy the tail end of Thanksgiving Weekend!!!

As everyone knows, Mayberry was in North Carolina -- and that makes me RIGHT PROUD!!!
Click image for a BURST OF SONG and to see why I call this here image "FALSE ADVERTISING"!!!
>>> BREAKING @ 3:59 PM, CST: My brother Mike (who has approved that I leave all intact in this posting), just managed to figure out how to call me and did so. Turns out his email to me this morning was MEANT IN JEST, but I was not familiar enough with his writing style to realize that, so: