I had to investigate, and found that he was FUNDRAISING on the private island that includes the major vacation homes of Thomas S. Kenan III, Betty (Price) Kenan, Sterling (Holt) Kenan, and Sterling (Kenan) McCracken.
It's a MINI PALM BEACH of Standard Oil wealth.
In the 1990s, my sister Jane and I often went to the beach toward the south end of Figure Eight Island. She could take her Labradors into the surf, and we used the reasonable-middle-class beach house of one of Mom's duplicate bridge partners, whose husband Paul was an engineer, and had built it on RAILS so it could be pulled back farther in the event of too much beach erosion.
In 2011 while I was working for Rusty Hooks of Arbor Advantage, we had a couple of jobs on the island, and Rusty took me for an entire tour of it -- although I had no idea which were the Kenan houses then. Paul's house has disappeared, now replaced by yet another McMansion.
Will the wealthy Kenans be subsidizing TEXAS in the WHITE HOUSE -- AGAIN???
And HERE is how I lost one:
Thanks for using clear language, and sorry if I misunderstood.
I remember you saying you did a lot of business with Bank of America or it's predecessors for financing of business deals when you were in business. I had the idea you also did business deals with other "Kenan companies", particularly in real estate, but you are saying that is not fact.
And that your mother shared Price blood with Frank Hawkins Kenan's widow, Betty (Price) Kenan.
You don't mention socializing (for business or pleasure), so I'll assume that was correct.
It's really not some kind of stain to have association. I don't know how anyone doing business in S.E. North Carolina could easily avoid that (like anyone in PV can completely avoid the Drug Mafia), but your born-into social class would seem to have amplified that. You DID grow up some of those years in a substantial house across the street from First Presbyterian -- or perhaps my memory is TOTALLY shot.
Anyway, there's no real importance to it. You've never sounded like their cheerleader, like I am when I consider their charities and many of their achievements. I just won't mention these things and you together, as this is coincidental.
If I ever have you writing checks to Netanyahu, you have my permission to send someone after me with a kabuki knife (actually "fugu hiki") -- or at least a ginsu knife bought on late night TV.
If I ever have you writing checks to Netanyahu, you have my permission to send someone after me with a kabuki knife (actually "fugu hiki") -- or at least a ginsu knife bought on late night TV.
I'll copy our group members here who received this blog post, and clarify it on blog, shortly.
On Sun, Aug 3, 2014 at 7:15 AM, Stanley wrote:
Although Stanley (a North Carolinian who not only did lots of business with my wealthyKenan relatives, but is blood and/or marriage related to the RICHEST of them),
ScottI did not do business with Kenans nor am I related to them.I fear that if I don't correct you that I may find myself writing checks for NetanYAHOO in your blog. Play on, but play fair.Stanley
"Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened." - Dr. Seuss
>>> SO LET'S CONSIDER A HYPOTHETICAL CASE, that of Mr. Mixt Hav-a-Sham (or perhaps Tampa):
His father, a railroad executive, or stockholder-in, raised his family in their youth, across the street from First Presbyterian, Wilmington, NC. There are only five houses in that block, and here is one of the smallest, now headquarters of the Historical Society of the Lower Cape Fear, so open to the public and we can take a look inside as well:
Something GOOD is comin' from the kitchen!!!
Tacky pie plate for a Historical Society!!!
And only two doors down (and across Orange Street), is the house of Mary (Hargrave), Kenan, widow of William Rand Kenan, Senior -- she bought it after Henry Flagler left all Mary Lily Kenan's immediate family large amounts of cash and Standard Oil stock:
View from Orange Street showing the side. Today, it and the carriage house (now showing triple window instead of door), is broken into twelve apartments. That carriage house protected one of the Kenans' "Norma Desmond Limousines" that sped about town while my poor father walked, often shoe-less. Cat-called for being a Kenan -- and absolutely dirt poor.
Well, at least you get an idea of how wealthy Wilmington is and was.
Wilmingtonians and North Carolinians PREFER to hide most of their wealth, and they ALWAYS talk POOR!!! -- which is WHY there is a dearth of HUGE Antebellum and other mansions in the state compared to Virginia or South Carolina.
President Barack Obama was TWICE elected to office -- by some of the highest margins in recent US history.
Called by some "Barry-the-Bammer" (or even "Bummer"), he STEADFASTLY SUPPORTED General Shinseki's leadership of the Veterans Administration -- until LONG AFTER many top Democrats knew Shinseki had to go (although he did the RIGHT THING with Kathleen Sebelius).
The same is now happening with CIA Director John Brennan, so if Democrats hope Barack Obama STOPS facilitating unconstitutional actions that feed into BIG BANK, WALL STREET, Republican Party corruption and narco-trafficking (with some Dems), they will have to build up a POWERFUL political pressure!!!
BUT AT LEAST, when President Obama addressed the War Crimes of the George W. Bush Administration, he did it with class. Couched in casual language to minimize tensions (the CIA "tortured some folks"), he did NOT blame the individuals, but took on the responsibility on behalf our ENTIRE NATION.
Because whether or not you or I like that, we DID all participate in the climate that allowed it to happen.
Artist's conception of "Climate of Fear".
And the GOOD NEWS is that the UN has only been waiting for an opening from the US Administration, so that they can try Bush, Cheney, and a few others on WAR CRIMES CHARGES -- as they have been planning to do for YEARS, now.
And President Obama did that so casually, no one seems to have picked up on the implications.
We've collectively pushed Barack Obama past THIS:
and this:
We just have to keep pushing him HARDER!!!

Ahhh . . . living here in Puerto Vallarta!!!
You won't find a pier as nice as THIS anywhere in Norte Caroleena -- or even the whole Estados Unidos.
Am I right???
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