On Memorial Day 2013, Sen. John McCain, now the most hated Senator in the USA for more than a year -- and the DARLING of CNN talking heads, made a secret trip to Syria where he was photographed with some leaders of ISIS, which he HEARTILY ENDORSED.
One day, he will have to MAKE UP HIS MIND whom he supports (it might help if he DOES SOME RESEARCH FIRST!!!) -- and learns to TELL THE TRUTH!!!
And the leader of the group today was a black American -- so RARE in Puerto Vallarta. The fact is that although I have several times had a few weeks to a couple of months of very heavy drinking while under considerable stress, I have always, previously, snapped right back to "social drinking" automatically when the stress diminished, making me think I was immune to real problem drinking.
But I had been drinking the equivalent of a half liter of hard liquor a night (only after all writing, etc.), for over a year, which led to my lungs, heart, and pyloric valve troubles of about six weeks ago, sending me to hospital for two nights. The cardiologist said the test results were like someone who had a BAD coke or meth habit -- two drugs I'd never more than tried, really, and years ago.

I'll get to the significance of this in a moment.
The BEST NEWS is that this AA group is the POLAR OPPOSITE of the one in Dekalb County, Georgia, that I only joined in 1990, because my father (who belonged to it and lived in my house for the 15 weeks I was in jail awaiting trial on a false charge of un-aggrevated simple trespass -- then stayed another six months), suggested I do so to stay out later than the 7:00 PM for that year of "Enhanced Probation" (house arrest), that I eventually got from Democrat Judge Linda Warren Hunter.
Remember, too, that Judge Hunter -- not a doctor -- included my having to be monitored on Lithium Carbonate, weekly, and if I once fell below 0.7 serum Lithium, I would AUTOMATICALLY go to jail for a year.
For simple, un-aggravated Trespass by someone who had NEVER had legal scuffles.
And 1.5 years ago, Dekalb County online Court database WIPED THE CONVICTION OFF MY RECORD, but I still have the original paperwork and screen captures of it that had shown it online for years and years.
1. It was so HUGE, it had a giant central meeting room with a dozen side rooms to break up into. It was in an industrial park a few blocks off Mountain Industrial Blvd. The popular meetings early evening often broke up into a dozen sub-groups of 12 - 18 each -- usually separating men and women.
2. The talk on the street, was that if you wanted drugs, you went there to meetings; if you wanted sex, you went to their associated NA (Narcotics Anonymous), meetings -- at a different location.
3. Most were "blue-collar" attendees, and evangelical "Christians", so Jesus was interchangeable with a "Higher Power", and the BIGGEST confession from the men's groups was when drunk -- they committed the BIGGEST CHRISTIAN SIN, having sex with other men. This always got a lot of sympathy, but I say, if alcohol removes inhibitions, they they were actually GAY.
4. My father met with Lee Gosney there, mostly, and Lee then worked at Collegiate Concepts, my place of employment, that later became www.pentagon-usa.com and owned by Patrick Stansbury.
And also working with them to set up the narco-trafficking that I did not yet know was theirs, running then through Stone Mountain Park, were people from Fox News, Newt Gingrich, and Richard Nixon's Chief Aide, John Ehrlichman. CNN protected them.
Much later, in his work distributing all the drugs that came in via US Air Force planes to Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, AL where Pentagon Publishing had three legitimate advertising contracts, Lee Gosney toured at least most of eastern USA pretending to be an AA and NA counselor, but actually making contracts with Republican politicians for distribution of the illegal drugs.
About three years ago, now, Lee emailed me asking I take him off my list of email recipients -- as he was in final stages of inoperable cancer and wished to die peacefully. I took him off, but I have never found an obituary for him -- and he had TWICE been convicted and spent time in jail for running a Methamphetamine lab, and so he probably had a third conviction, which means VERY MAJOR TIME in Georgia.
Evan Fish
Lee Gosney was also the chief supplier of cocaine to my friend Evan Fish in Wilmington, who had moved there from Maine in 2011, to get OUT of being Maine's largest distributor of cocaine -- but Wilmington Police and New Hanover County Sheriff's Deputies (using Evan's hated former girlfriend, Eleanor "Ellie" Schwaner), forced Evan to jump to his death from the top of the parking deck next to the downtown Wilmington Library, about September 3, 2011.
And the WILMINGTON STAR NEWS helped cover it up.
See: http://www.topix.com/forum/county/new-hanover-nc/T02P6CL62ECPHEAHL and also see: http://scottkenan.blogspot.mx/2011/09/pain-of-evan-fishs-friend-christopher.html
At the funeral in Ohio, at the Christian Church Evan always said he HATED (and when I emailed the pastor who never answered, I each time got MARKETING INFO from the NATIONAL RIFLE ASSOCIATION as an automatic reply, Ellie played the grieving widow -- Evan's family and friends were in TOTAL DENIAL of what had actually happened -- and were completely UNCOUTH to me (read: un-Christian -- LOL!!!)
And readers will recall that I witnessed former Georgia Congressman (Republican), John Linder passing thick envelopes of cash with Patrick Stansbury at our weekly commission Friday lunches at Blue Ribbon Grill in Tucker, GA in the mid-late 1990s -- Linder even sending me an email THREATENING MY LIFE, later when I blogged about it.
So you can SEE why I was reluctant to trust Alcoholics Anonymous AT ALL!!!
But I'm glad I did -- it seems REAL here in Mexico!!!
1. I had read about five books about Bill Wilson and the founding of Alcoholics Anonymous (and heard this story told by Dr. J. Kennedy Schultz, who had used AA to stop drinking), as well. Dr. Schultz was then President of Religious Science, International (Science of Mind), and founder of the Atlanta Church of Religious Science where I eventually was trained as a Practitioner (three years of study), before it became the female/security-worshiping Spiritual Living Center of Atlanta -- which is still far better than any Christian Church.
It seems that Bill Wilson, Ernest Holmes (founder of Science of Mind), and the founder of Divine Science -- all part of what was then known as the "NEW THOUGHT MOVEMENT" (a new thought can give you a new life, as God co-creates our lives and circumstances with us according to the nature of our thoughts), so they have the same philosophical base -- and INCLUDE all "religions", including Christianity -- or at least those in it who are of loving hearts.
2. So it was to my GREAT RELIEF that no one in AA today mentioned dear ol' Jesus AT ALL, all are EDUCATED, none spoke with noticed GRAMMAR GAFFS, and all were quick-witted, JUST LIKE ME, especially when accused (by my family, especially), of being "manic".
I felt right at home and with KINDRED SPIRITS.
>>> LATER TODAY, I met a black family at Costco who are from GEORGIA -- a most FRIENDLY and understanding bunch. The father figure is in computer repair -- and also makes runs to the States to buy American-set-up computers, so I have another friend in the computer repair business now, too!!!

Perhaps I'll learn something NEW in AA, no???
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