Scott Kenan shared Tim Hall's photo.
So sez the Cuban-Canadian!!!

In early 2010, I contacted first Natalie Wood's family's attorney, and then the Los Angeles County Detectives to let them know that Gavin Lambert had reported to Tennessee Williams and me in late December 1981, that Natalie had told him in a panic that she had seen her husband Robert Wagner and Christopher Walken in the middle of hot, passionate sex -- but they had not seen her. This only a week before she was murdered. She feared they would kill her if they found out.
The Los Angeles D.A. has RE-OPENED the case, although no conclusive evidence is found yet to indict either or both of them.
Arts: http://www.uncsa.edu/kenan/
Engineering, Technology, and Science: http://kenan.ncsu.edu/start.html
Private Enterprise: http://www.kenan-flagler.unc.edu/kenan-institute
Asia: http://www.kiasia.org/web/
MAJOR KENAN PHILANTHROPIES are too numerous to list, but include the William R. Kenan, Jr. Charitable Trust, which continues the Kenan Family tradition of being the LARGEST private support of University Education in the world for nearly 102 years now. And the Thomas S. Kenan III Charitable Trust has been preserving native languages and cultures in Latin America.
William R. Kenan, Jr., who ran Henry Flagler's Florida Enterprises, continuing after Flagler died and left them (and the largest block of Standard Oil stock, as well as about 40% ownership in the railroads in the USA), all to Will's sister, Mary Lily.
PERSONAL NOTE: Kenan men tend to be gay, which is why we have so few who bear our name. Prominent gay Kenans include William R. Kenan, Jr. (who married a nice, "horsey" Yankee woman, but when she died -- childlessly -- he moved in permanently with his lifelong male secretary, Scotty), Thomas S. Kenan III, and me.
Also, both the head of the American Psychiatric Association and the doctor who coordinated all the studies on which it was based, BOTH KENANS BY BLOOD (if not name),oversaw the dropping of Homosexuality from the DSM as a mental illness.
If you don't like that Western Society no longer sees gays as mentally ill -- BLAME MY FAMILY!!!
2. Of course, the Kenan Family appears to be TOTALLY BIPOLAR, because on the giving/philanthropy side they cannot be beaten -- but they also give TONS to the narco-trafficking Episcopal Church as well as Republican Party.
Tom and his step-mother, Betty, own THE BREAKERS HOTEL, Palm Beach, http://www.thebreakers.com/, and recently pulled over $240 million out of their pockets to pay for some renovations.
Ready for Christmas at The Breakers
I used this blog to shame then into ending their advertising support of www.FoxNews.com, where FOR YEARS The Breakers Hotel had bought about 90% of the advertising: http://scottkenan.blogspot.mx/2013/10/tom-betty-kenans-breakers-hotel-dropped.html

3. This blog caused NC Sen. Thom Goolsby, Republican, one of the most powerful Senators in the North Carolina Legislature, to not run for re-election -- then resign early. His most noted legislation was to pass a bill that was signed into law, allowing concealed weapons to be carried to church services, making North Carolina Churches into Armories for the Republican Party planned RACE WAR, not that all of them have done that.
The Goolsbys have produced peculiar-looking younger children, no???
I hope to take tomorrow off . . .