Wednesday, February 6, 2019

I Just Couldn't RESIST!!!: (My Letter Emailed tonight -- to Vicente Fox of Mexico):

Early bird special prices with 20% off. 

1. The above prices already include taxes
2. The above prices do not include commissions for online purchase
3. The purchase of tickets online will not be billable
4. If you want an invoice, before making your purchase, contact Pablo JimĂ©nez

From    Scott Kenan scottdkenan@aol.comHide
To pablo.jimenez
Cc scott

Dear Sr. Pablo Jimenez,

Mi Espanol este muy poquito (chica?), sorry. I am a 2.10 metros tall "pinche-loco Gringo" who LOVES Mexico and all her diverse-yet-Mexicano people.

I was the last assistant to Tennessee Williams (La Noche de la Iguana), and I am also the BAD-ASSED Kenan exposing all my family's crimes, Kenans controlling Standard Oil (now Exxon-Mobil), since 1913, now also Bank of America, Kenan Advantage Group -- the largest trucker in the USA, Canada, and Mexico:, and Coca-Cola (and the Ku Klux Klan, Republican Party, and "CLINTON Democrats") -- so Presidente Fox worked for my Kenan family before getting into Politics. 

It was my Kenan Family that (with others in the US Government and many Mafias), put Enrique Pena Nieto -- and then Donald Trump into power. By GOD, it is time for my Kenan Family to REVERSE COURSE and "Dump the Trump", as they say.

Like Vicente Fox's Grandfather, I was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, and I have often thought of Presidente Fox and I as partners in "Cincinnatus Retorno" -- named for the U-turn signs in Mexico. Anyone with any schooling in Western Civilization knows what that would mean.

I have dated Senior Villanueva in 1983 in Atlanta --- before he became the MOST DECORATED of Mexico's Diplomatic Corp to the 

Also, I have known well, Presidente Salinas's best friend, Dr. Valdemar Salazar, of Colima -- and he introduced me to the Governor of Colima Estado. I have had the father-and-son Governors of Nayarit State try to KILL ME many times. I've lived mostly in Puerto Vallarta, but also Villa de Alvarez by Colima, and Chacala, my apartment adjacent to Chacalita and all the Drug Smuggling run out of there.

I have been debriefed by many top officers of Mexican Army, Marines, and Special Ops (same in the USA), and I am PROUD to be a Patriot to not only my own Country -- but to Mexico as well. I will sign off with my favorite description of myself: Cyber-General, Five Star -- Mexico y Estados Unidos, self appointed!!!

Please pass my Highest Salutations and Warmest Regards to Presidente Fox and his wife, Marta!!!

You can read about all of this, and this email, literally, in my Political Blog:

Via con Dios,

Scott D. Kenan

Wilmington, North Carolina, USA



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