Monday, December 18, 2017

Watching Government NAZIS Protect Kenan Advantage Group Tandem-Tankers (and no other company's trucks), RAPE NATIVE AMERICAN LANDS, We See WHY Thomas S. Kenan III and Betty (Price) Kenan Put Donald Trump into POWER!!! !!! !!!

Arrests at LNG in Washington State starting -- this is wrong. Cops in riot gear arriving #StandWithThePuyallup #NoLNG253 #NoMilitarizedPolice #HonorTheTreaties#EnvironmentalRacism #InstitutionalRacism #CulturalGenocide#SystematicOppression #InstitutionalRacism

JUST IN @ 5:03 PM:
AOL will NOT LET ME email this posting out -- after GoDaddy/Microsoft Outlook emailing was blocked to ALL AOL, Verizon, AT&T, Bell South, and other Christian/CIA email services!!! 

Here is what they thew up at me:

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Continuing lockdown on the Puyallup reservation in Tacoma Washington, at an unpermitted LNG terminal, being built on tribal lands.

This terminal threatens traditional fishing areas, and tidal flats.

I just now watched LIVE as eight Kenan Advantage Group trucks passed by. 12/18/2017 4:02 PM

Unidentified Episcopal Hate-Monger with Betty (Price) Kenan, and Thomas S. Kenan III -- photo from about 2012.

A SINGLE Kenan gas tanker, as they are liveried in Alberta, Canada

NEXT, I'm calling Thomas S. Kenan III's number at work(919) 967-0618, ext. 1 and leaving a message 

(ext. 2 is Tom Kenan's right-hand-man, Steve Armstrong).

Maybe YOU should leave these TRAITORS a message TOO!!!

>>> No CHRISTIAN will do so -- that's for DAMNED SURE!!!

>>> ADDED @ 5:45 PM: I just called and left very BLUNT -- yet friendly messages for Thomas S. Kenan III and then for Steve Armstrong, and asked that they CALL ME as soon as possible, and we can work everything out on a FRIENDLY basis.

If no, I told them they are in a HELL that all the money in the WORLD can't buy them protection against much longer at all. God's People ALREADY WON -- and they need to come to their senses (and some love).

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