Friday, November 22, 2024

JFK was Assassinated 61 Years Ago, Today!!! / My Buddy Jamie Lee Curtis Turned 66 Years Old, Today!!! / The CIA CONTINUES TO HARASS ME, Today -- because I REFUSE TO STOP TELLING THE TRUTH about American History and the TRAITOROUS, NAZI Activities of BOTH SIDES of my Kenan/Meyer Family:


>>>  Dear V.P. Harris  -- share with  ALL OTHERS :

Here is a  GREAT IDEA  for when you return from your Hawaiian Vacation !!!:

Dear President Biden,

Go ahead and  RESIGN !!! Let  Kamala  become  President #47  -- THEN Trump  has to  RE-MAKE all of his  MERCH , and will make  ANOTHER FORTUNE  GRIFTING !!!

AND Trump will actually THANK YOU and KAMALA-MAMALA !!!

MORE details on  Jill Hopman  who promoted  REPUBLICANS pretending to be Democrats  more than  REAL DEMS !!!:



Sixty-one years ago, today!!!

My mother, Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan -- now retired as America's TOP NAZI and 101 years old -- actually took my sister Jane and me to see JFK campaigning to be President in Louisville, Kentucky when I was nine and Jane was seven. The event set the RECORD as the longest applause JFK EVER got -- and every few years, I give a single clap to be the LAST ONE CLAPPING!!!

Perhaps that is why, while working as Tennessee Williams's last assistant in 1982, I met Jackie Kennedy Onassis at Jean Babette Stein (who died several years ago by being thrown from her Manhattan balcony by the CIA), and George Plimpton's party for Tennessee on January 11.

This was where Jackie pulled Tenn aside and warned him that the Episcopal Church (Sewanee or the University of the South), with the FBI, CIA, and Republican Party planned to MURDER HIM to steal his Estate from Harvard for Sewanee. Tennessee had planned to give his estate (after his lobotomized sister, Rose, passed away), to Sewanee to honor his beloved Grandfather, an Episcopal Priest who had been ordained there, but changed his mind about the Denomination that supported the Confederacy and White Supremacy.

The Episcopal Mace was shown with PRIDE at Sewanee -- until it was hidden from public view in 2005 for "Political Correctness". And IN FACT, several Sewanee Alumni who were lawyers and found this blog, contacted me to let me know that Rt. Rev. J. Neil Alexander was using funds from Tennessee's Estate to COVER that so many Alumni STOPPED GIVING because Episcopalians still SUPPORTED THE CONFEDERACY!!!

Anyway, at the 1982 party, I was getting a drink at the bar in the entrance hall and in walked Jackie Kennedy Onassis. She introduced herself to incredulous me, a maid took her coat, I got her a drink, and as I escorted her into the party, Truman Capote rose up drunk from an oversized ottoman and insulted her outrageously!!!

You can read more about that beginning about halfway down this chapter:

Then, in the late fall of 2009, I had a series of Roman-Catholic (the Church I grew up in, but abandoned in high school), VISIONS of Jackie and Jack -- that eventually included all of the then-dead Presidents -- in which I PROMISED Jack & Jackie that I would one day GET THEIR REVENGE!!!

The Weather Continues . . . : My Visions, Dreams, and "Special Visitors" over the Years: What to MAKE of Them???

THAT is why BOTH the Christian Democrats and the Christian Republicans are STILL TRYING to shut me up -- LOL!!! 


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Perfect birthday wake up. 3:45. Warm, quiet house. Soft pup. Sleeping husband. Connecting to my world. He wakes and brings up a birthday cake. Dive down into it with two small champagne flutes. Blow candle. Read the Piercy poem in the bowl made by @moyeceramics
Feel of use! EASY DOES IT everyone.

To be of use by Marge Piercy

The people I love the best
jump into work head first
without dallying in the shallows
and swim off with sure strokes almost out of sight.
They seem to become natives of that element,
the black sleek heads of seals
bouncing like half-submerged balls.
I love people who harness themselves, an ox to a heavy cart,
who pull like water buffalo, with massive patience,
who strain in the mud and the muck to move things forward,
who do what has to be done, again and again.
I want to be with people who submerge
in the task, who go into the fields to harvest
and work in a row and pass the bags along,
who are not parlor generals and field deserters
but move in a common rhythm
when the food must come in or the fire be put out.
The work of the world is common as mud.
Botched, it smears the hands, crumbles to dust.
But the thing worth doing well done
has a shape that satisfies, clean and evident.
Greek amphoras for wine or oil,
Hopi vases that held corn, are put in museums
but you know they were made to be used.
The pitcher cries for water to carry
and a person for work that is real.

I met Jamie Lee Curtis here in Wilmington, North Carolina while she was filming HALLOWEEN KILLS -- and we have remained in occassional contact. 

What AMAZED ME  was that she KNEW that my Kenan Family associated with UNC Chapel Hill  runs WORLDWIDE HARD-DRUG TRAFFICKING and WHITE SUPREMACY  -- primarily with the Bush, Cheney, and Clinton Families. Jamie is JEWISH on both sides so NOT STUPID!!!

The Weather Continues . . . : My Letter to Jamie Lee Curtis, Just Delivered:


Walter Five:
"One of the best books ever written about New Orleans! Such characterization! "

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"A Confederacy of Dunces" is a picaresque novel by John Kennedy Toole, published in 1980, eleven years after Toole's death. The book has gained recognition as an American comic masterpiece, featuring the unforgettable character Ignatius J. Reilly. Ignatius is described as "huge, obese, fractious, fastidious," and is often compared to literary figures like Gargantua and Don Quixote due to his eccentricity and philosophical musings.

Set in New Orleans, the novel follows Ignatius, a thirty-year-old unemployed scholar who lives with his mother. He embarks on a series of misadventures as he navigates a world he finds absurd and frustrating. Ignatius's disdain for modernity and his interactions with a colorful cast of characters highlight themes of alienation, social criticism, and the absurdity of life.

Despite the challenges Toole faced in getting the novel published, it ultimately won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction and has sold over two million copies. Its humor, rich character development, and sharp social commentary have made it a beloved classic in American literature, resonating with readers for its unique blend of comedy and critique.

You can also get the audio book for FREE using the same link. Use the link to register for the audio book on Audible and start enjoying it.
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Scott Kenan
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Scott Kenan

Walter Five: Believe it or not, this book was championed by my late friend Dr. Kenneth Holditch who grew up poor and was in the same class in grade school as Elvis Presley. He became one of the MOST respected Tennessee Williams scholars (Tenn was his 4th cousin), and Kenneth finally found a publisher for it. Because Toole's mother got rich on this book's royalties, she left them in her will to Dr. Holditch, who was THEN RICH, and he bought one of the FINEST houses in the French Quarter and filled it with Art & Antiques. I was lucky to know him (and his house) -- and THIS is the review he gave of MY Memoir

Dr. Kenneth Holditch, Williams Scholar and Professor Emeritus at the University of New Orleans:

"Having finished your manuscript, I am confirmed in my initial judgment that this is a very fine work indeed. Tennessee really comes alive in your narrative, as do other personages, a few of whom I knew.

"Let me be truthful and say that I put off reading your work because I have read so many–both published and in manuscript–that were handed to me and been much too often disappointed in what I read. That was not the case with your book. I found it spell-binding and raced on through it at the expense of my chores."
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Kenneth Holditch, 2021

Copyright to my Memoir was STOLEN in 2012 by President Obama, Chicago Mayor Emanuel, Chicago Lawyer & Fox News Talking Head Dalia Saper, Wells Fargo Advisors Exec Jamie Lee Sutherland, and Wilmington, North Carolina THEN-District Attorney Benjamin R. David.


The Weather Up Here:: Chicago Tourists VOLUNTEER They Know About Obama/Emanuel Drug Mafia SUING ME!!! (I ALSO connect Nixon's John Ehrlichman to Pentagon Publishing, Inc. STRONGLY!!!)

The Weather Continues . . . : Letter to Stan Winborne IV, EdD, Son of Stanley Winborne III of Wilmington, NC and My Puerto Vallarta Writers Group -- Stan Allegedly Served as 2nd in Charge of the Hillary Clinton State Department in Afghanistan, and Was Tasked with Shipping the Heroin Back to the USA, Where Patrick Lee Stansbury Distributed It from Maine to Florida / I ASK Him if This Is TRUE:


Jill has supported REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES pretending to be DEMOCRATS -- including Mayor "Bill" Saffo

The Weather Up Here:: RP: MAGA Is MAGAA -- Thanks to Drug-Trafficking Greek-Active, Homo-Mayor Vassilios "Bill" Saffo -- Whom I Ran SMACK DAB INTO and Confronted, TODAY!!! / I Also Ran into TOP Democrat Drug-Trafficker Steven Rose, and Curious Nut-Ball Reverend Scott Rich (my recent roommate) -- LORDY!!!

ALSO Mega Drug-Trafficking Christian Real Estate Agent & Christian Minister Jonathan Barfield.

And NC Representative Deb Butler:

Deb partners with Republican Jonathan Deputy, Dem. Susi Hamilton, Dem. Gov. Roy Cooper, and Repubican TWICE DISGRACED former NC State Senator Thom Goolsby in a  HUGE DRUG-TRAFFICKING RING !!!

Blond Deb with her wife, Anni Parra -- who died of a DRUG OVERDOSE on December 28, 2018.

Deb Butler with Democratic MEGA DRUG-TRAFFICKER (the LAST person who threatened to KILL ME -- after I blogged about HIS CRIMES!!!), Hollis Briggs, Jr.:

>>> RECENTLY, ending TODAY!!!:

Congratulations to our news team here at WHQR for winning 11 Broadcast Journalism Awards, including Outstanding News Operation, at this years Radio Television Digital News Association of the Carolinas Award Ceremony on November 9, 2024.

News Director Ben Schachtman says, "I am very proud of my colleagues, who not only produced exceptional work on their own, but collaborated as a newsroom on this year’s winning special report. I also want to thank RTDNAC for recognizing our team with a first-place award for Outstanding News Operation in radio for the second year in a row – the WHQR team deserves it and I’m grateful that I get to work with them."
“All of us at WHQR are proud of the work our award-winning news team provides every day to the Cape Fear region. We share our journalists firm belief that quality journalism makes our communities better and healthier places to live.” adds Station Manager Kevin Crane.

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You, Tim Merrick for New Hanover Co. School Board and 170 others
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Kaari Snook
Congratulations all y’all!!!
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Scott Kenan
Kaari Snook -- Even from fake-person Kaari Snook!!!
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Scott Kenan
Kaari Snook Oh dear!!! You STILL (after all of these years), have NO SENSE OF HUMOR!!! You will never survive the second Trump Presidency, but personality is a CHOICE -- we are not STUCK with what we have. NOW, the TRUTH IS that I was LAZY last night. I'd had a day where I caught my General Practitioner (Physician), wandering around the parking lot of my foot doctor -- he had FORGOTTEN that his wife had dropped him off and he had to call her to pick him up. He also forgot and had left his phone in her car!!! He just visited the SAME foot doctor whom I use (he has a Diabetic Ulcer) -- the foot Doc's latest test showed I had a staff infection of my toe and the antibiotic he's prescribed two weeks ago had cleared that and I am FINALLY HEALING FASTER so should NOT lose my toe (due to my NAZI-BITCH mother -- now nearly 102 years old who set up the Christian Drug Mafias of Wilmington, NC and Atlanta, GA with Nixon's Aide John Ehrlichman). Mom forced me to a FALSE diagnosis of Bipolar and 31 years of Lithium Carbonate because I would not shut up in 1978 about her SWASTIKAS and work with Catholic Popes and the CIA to turn the USA NAZI via ALL CHRISTIANS both Dems and Repubs (why the Democrats sabotaged Kamala Harris). Anyway, I knew you are REAL -- we've even spoken by phone. My beef with YOU is that you have admitted before that you work with local Head of the Dem Party Jill Hopman (many of the Dems she promoted in the recent election actually report to the REPUBLICAN PARTY and get most financial support there), to spread LIES on the internet and Facebook in support of NAZISM!!! So I apologize, and thank WHQR Public Media for the opportunity to make this public apology!!!
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Kaari Snook
Scott Kenan where’s your congratulations ?
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Scott Kenan
Kaari Snook HUH??? Did ya marry Jill Hopman and I missed the news??? I was SO looking forward to a fun, snarky reply from you -- and this looks just like the eight-foot, blow-up Santa on my neighbor's yard that some crazy gal shot a deflating hole in!!!
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Scott Kenan
Kaari Snook -- You can't keep up -- I think you DID marry Jill Hopman!!!
Kaari Snook
Scott Kenan one of us can’t keep up sir, but it ain’t me .

Scott Kenan
Kaari Snook But I just play with you to have examples of the HATRED of today's Christian-Democratic Party that trafficks ADDICTIVE DRUGS and WHITE SUPREMACY with people like MSNBC's "Rev." Al "Booty-Call" Sharpton (Trump's top Frenemy), who charged Kamala Harris $30,000,000.00  before giving her an EASY INTERVIEW prime-time on MSNBC!!! Rachell Maddow just took a $5,000,000.00/year pay cut  to help keep MSNBC from liquidating!!! Spend some time learning the news and I'll not respond to you again until I need another example of a FOOL!!! My blog has gotten well over 6,000,000 views. No one knows who you are -- pity!!! 

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Kaari Snook
Scott Kenan interesting narrative . I guess WHQR Public Media is ok with you promoting your blog on their platform. Despite folks like Rachel B Keith working against MIs and disinformation. 🤷‍♀️
Scott Kenan
Like most people, they are not only  SMARTER  than you and your hateful boss Jill Hopman -- but not HATEFUL!!!
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Scott Kenan
Benjamin N. Schachtman and I had planned to meet right after he moved back here and began at Port City Daily in 2016 -- but then he found out NO NEWS PEOPLE were allowed to speak to me, so he chickened out and cancelled. Now, he's BEATEN the corrupted Wilmington Star News -- so a HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to Ben and all of his WHQR Public Media Associates!!!
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Benjamin N. Schachtman
I’m really much happier than I look!
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Top fan
Judy Justice
You look like you stole the last cookie in the break room and one of your colleagues is about to write an excellent story on the theft.
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Scott Kenan
Judy Justice I found he is actually quite SHORT -- although his "presence" is amazing . . .
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For WHQR and The Assembly, Benjamin Schachtman details how this historic building was razed.

Earlier this month, a wrecking crew crushed the historic and dilapidated home of The Wilmington Journal  -- one of the state’s oldest Black papers.

Crews tear down the building that housed The Wilmington Journal, the historic newspaper that covered the Black community, on November 5 in Wilmington. (Madeline Gray for WHQR and The Assembly)

Crews tear down the building that housed The Wilmington Journal, the historic newspaper that covered the Black community, on November 5 in Wilmington. (Madeline Gray for WHQR and The Assembly)

We won’t be in your inbox next week for Thanksgiving, but we’ll be back Dec. 5. Read this newsletter online or contact The Dive team with tips and feedback at

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Scott Kenan
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