Dr. Larry Myers's 2014 MUGSHOT -- he was once Tennessee Williams's Lover, and gave me a GREAT REVIEW BLURB!!!:
Dr. Larry Myers: Playwright/Associate Professor, St John's University/Williams Friend & Scholar (and SEXUAL LOVER):
"Your book much seems channeled from some astral plane or higher consciousness. When I read it, HE IS HERE!"
>>> Dear V.P. Harris, etc.,
This is the STRAIGHT SHIT -- ENJOY!!!:
Dear President Biden,
With LUCK, by the end of this week, we will have a TRUMP VERDICT.
I expect Conviction -- but even if not -- Donald Trump is looking more and more the FOOL. Everyone has abandonned him -- they sobering up enough to realize his crimes are all WELL DOCUMENTED.
And he's gone NUTS!!!
Pope Francis goes back and forth -- supporting and ridiculing Gays. It's time for Francis to SHUT THE FUCK UP until he can decide, no??? The Catholic Bishops LAUGHED at him over this!!!
But given Francis's words that he frequently REPEATS -- it APPEARS that in Roman Catholicism, ANYTHING GOES!!!
I KNOW General Russel Honore' -- we had two meetings at the 2015 The Tennessee Williams & New Orleans Literary Festival. I was Tennessee's last assistant and can prove how the Episcopal Church, Republican Party, FBI, and CIA murdered Tennessee to steal his Estate from Harvard -- just like Jackie Kennedy Onassis warned Tenn and me on January 11, 1981 (it is now worth nearly One BILLION Dollars).
Russel has been fighting my Kenan Relatives (and so have I), who control
EXXON-MOBIL that has thoroughly polluted much of his beloved Louisiana and the entire World -- as well as corrupted Politics with our top Kenan Allies -- all DEVOUT CHRISTIANS: Vladimir Putin, the Bush, Cheney, Clinton, and Biden Families.
Russel lived for years in metro-Atlanta (like I did), and knows this Lee Greenwood song quote is the HUGE EMOTIONAL CLIMAX of the laser show celebrating the Confederacy at Stone Mountain Park -- or was while I lived in Stone Mountain 1988 - 2010, when Russel's good friend and my BEST FRIEND THEN, retired Army Col. Dorothy Newman (Sect. of State Colin Powell's Chief Protocol Officer), had to get me to nearly five years of Political Exile in Puerto Vallarta.
And I, ALSO, LOVE THIS QUOTE, but God blesses every bit of Its Creation in every moment. We are ASS HOLES when we ASK for blessings that we ALREADY HAVE -- but refuse to act "BLESSED". This is especially true of CHRISTIANS.
My Kenan Family had three properties in S.E. North Carolina with over 300 African Slaves each -- and WHIPPED THEM until they worshipped Jesus -- because the NEW TESTAMENT says SLAVES must obey their Masters as if they are Jesus, himself!!!
The last several days the very News Organizations Russel lists down below here, have been showing the PROOF that Hitler and the NAZIS got their ideas from the CHRISTIANS who killed or enslaved Africans and Native Americans in the USA, which LEGALLY ALLOWED IT.
Christianity is the Devil's BEST TRICK!!! See more:
@CBSNews @CNN @StephanieElam @MSNBC @11thHour Never Forget Their Sacrifice!
All reactions:
1Scott Kenan
I don’t think I realized at the time just how many gay people hated Pete too. But four years after he ended his campaign, the hatred persists.
On a dating app I use, so many men make fun of Pete in their profiles. On TV shows I love, characters growl Pete’s name with contempt. On podcasts I listen to, hosts regularly make derisive comments about Pete. This antipathy is baked in to so many young progressive queer circles.
Avery is set to exit her role as chair of Exxon’s Environment, Safety, and Public Policy Committee with those hopes seemingly dashed. Evidence continues to mount that the oil giant is still spreading climate disinformation to delay action on fossil fuels, and it recently sued shareholders who proposed that it pursue emissions cuts.
And HERE is a GOOD ONE to take back to BED WITH YOU!!!:
PERFECT PROOF that a person is NOT Jewish, Christian, or Muslim -- thank GOD!!!
All reactions:
1Scott Kenan
Benjamin Schachtman -- born an Ashkenazi Jew (so he's been kosherized) -- but NOW ATHEISTIC!!!
Ben Schachtman said -- just a few days ago -- that he drives a "hatchback" car, and he APPEARS to live in an APARTMENT with his SEX-CRAZED WIFE, Kathy (aka "Casey Cupcake"). SO, the CIA, NOVANT HEALTH, and Christian Criminals that finance Ben's position LORDING OVER WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA'S CIA (Joe Biden) - APPROVED NEWS is JUST A CHEAP WHORE!!!
You see, all of this weekend, I have been tied up in depressing thoughts -- because the Diabetic Ulcer on the big toe of my left foot seems to be getting WORSE when I wear my new $400.00 "diabetes shoes" -- but in SANDALS, it seems to dry up and improve.
So, tomorrow, I need to get with my foot doctor to get his advice. If I see him sooner than nine weeks since the last, it costs $250.00 for a few minutes, rather than $50.00 when Medicare pays under their STRICT RULES that do not make sense for ME -- since I have certifiable "diabetic ulcers" -- WITHOUT having Diabetes!!!
THIS, because of my NAZI/BITCH devout Roman Catholic Mother, Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan -- who actually MURDERED her younger brother, Robert J. Meyer, DDS, with help of a VETERANS HOSPITAL and DOUBLE STRENGTH Lithium Carbonate -- because he let my cousin Jan (Meyer) Opperman and later Larsen marry a JEW -- and as Uncle Bob told me twice, he was actually GAY.
Click to ENLARGE this final Meyer Family Photo from the NAZI MEETING at Greg Lernihan's Lake House in central Indiana, summer 2009:
And TODAY, I got this Blog Posting from John Bolinger, previously of Hammond, Indiana, who helped me MUCH in the very early stages of writing my Memoir of working for Tennessee Williams. And he wrote the BEST of the AMAZON CUSTOMER REVIEWS:
4 of 5 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Walking on Glass: A Memoir of the later days of Tennessee Williams, August 8, 2011
WALKING ON GLASS is a masterpiece of the biographer's art, partly because it is rigorously researched, but also because it is exquisitely written by someone who was able to appreciate TW's genius while understanding the artist's weaknesses compassionately with a distance of well over twenty years to buffer any hero worship that may otherwise have occurred.
The book glitters with recollections of meetings with the many celebrities who populated TW's life, but the writing is always tempered by a keen intelligence that is able to see things as they actually are without any gushing glorification, which would in any case be affected and certainly unnecessary in conveying the artistic genius and personal life of America's greatest playwright.
I have read the book more than once, but its luster never ceases to engage my mind and heart.
I admire my friends, who have had successful marriages, some for over fifty years. The steady effort and patience such relationships require are probably beyond my imagining, but as a gay man, I have experienced three long-term partnerships over the past forty years and have learned to appreciate the patience and acceptance of differences that are parts of all successful relationships.
I know that a clear conscience can often be the sign of a bad memory, but I must, in my own defense, say that I have worked hard to keep my partnerships afloat, at times addressing negative issues, like someone trying to determine when he’s out of invisible ink.
I met my first partner in Arizona. He owned his own home, which he neglected to tell me was in foreclosure, and that he had the savings one would expect of a ten-year-old with a piggy bank filled with nickels and dimes. However, his charm and good looks wowed me into overlooking his wandering eye and miniscule income. After only a few weeks, he sold his furniture and drove his red Thunderbird to Indiana, where he would share my house but not the expenses of maintaining it. I had not yet retired, and my conscience began to hurt, while my other parts felt just too good. After only three months, I discovered that he was seeing other men in amorous ways, startling me into realizing that I was merely a cuckold supporting an ungrateful, nefarious bum. He left with his Thunderbird and joined an encampment of monks somewhere in Michigan. Several years ago, he passed away there.
My second attempt at finding someone with whom to share my life, occurred more than twenty years ago with someone from New England who was recently retired and seeking a “permanent” relationship. One can speak about the speed of light, but I was still too much in the dark to know that when everything seemed to be going too well, I was overlooking something.
Eric was doing nothing but eating too much food and watching porn while I was at work. His body weight ballooned to the point where he was the human embodiment of lethargy and good for nothing except playing Santa Claus in a department store in December.
My plan was to find someone online who would have an interest in hooking up with Eric in a permanent partnership. It took two months before Eric met Mort (residing in Indianapolis) online. I invited Mort to visit us and stayed out of the way, praying there would be sparks of mutual attraction. I even took them to dinner at an expensive restaurant in town. I invited Mort to stay for a few days, and I kept out of the way, going out nightly to visit friends, coming home one night to see that Mort and Eric were sharing the fourposter bed in an upstairs bedroom, Eureka!
The next day the two of them confessed their adoration for one another, and I helped Eric pack his bags. I recall waving goodbye from my front porch before hurting myself in the back yard attempting to do a cartwheel.
It was more than a year later that I finally got it right in meeting my third and present partner Jim. I saw his previously unvisited profile on Match.com and was at first put off by what appeared to be dorky looks and thick eyeglasses. Then I read what he had written in his profile. The humor and intelligence of his words made me realize that I had to meet him. We exchanged phone numbers and over the weeks got to know each other better. His deep, resonant voice was intoxicating, and his wit and wisdom won me over. He has three grown children and had been divorced for several years when I met him. I met his last wife. She and I became friends.
That was it. After two or three visits back and forth, I knew he was the one. His extended family has become mine too, and I love them as though they were my own family. It still feels wonderful that my search for a life-companion is over. The gene pool has no lifeguard, but that is no longer an issue, as my search has been over for more than seventeen years. Jim has new eyeglasses and is devastatingly handsome. What more could one ask? JB

About John
About John -- John Bolinger was born and raised in Northwest Indiana, where he attended Ball State University and Purdue University, receiving his BS and MA from those schools. Then he taught English and French for thirty-five years at Morton High School in Hammond, Indiana before moving to Colorado, where he resided for ten years before moving to Florida. Besides COME SEPTEMBER, Journey of a High School Teacher, John's other books are ALL MY LAZY RIVERS, an Indiana Childhood, and COME ON, FLUFFY, THIS AIN'T NO BALLET, a Novel on Coming of Age, all available on Amazon.com as paperbacks and Kindle books. Alternately funny and touching, COME SEPTEMBER, conveys the story of every high school teacher’s struggle to enlighten both himself and his pupils, encountering along the way, battles with colleagues, administrators, and parents through a parade of characters that include a freshman boy for whom the faculty code name is “Spawn of Satan,” to a senior girl whose water breaks during a pop-quiz over THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS. Through social change and the relentless march of technology, the human element remains constant in the book’s personal, entertaining, and sympathetic portraits of faculty, students, parents, and others. The audience for this book will certainly include school teachers everywhere, teenagers, parents of teens, as well as anyone who appreciates that blend of humor and pathos with which the world of public education is drenched. The drive of the story is the narrator's struggle to become the best teacher he can be. The book is filled with advice for young teachers based upon experience of the writer, advice that will never be found in college methods classes. Another of John's recent books is Mum's the Word: Secrets of a Family. It is the story of his alcoholic father and the family's efforts to deal with or hide the fact. Though a serious treatment of the horrors of alcoholism, the book also entertains in its descriptions of the father during his best times and the humor of the family's attempts to create a façade for the outside world. All John's books are available as paperbacks and Kindle readers on Amazon, and also as paperbacks at Barnes & Noble. John's sixth book is, Growing Old in America: Notes from a Codger was released on June 15, 2014. John’s most recent book is a novel titled Resisting Gravity, A Ghost Story, published the summer of 2018
I met John -- internetically only -- while he was trying to get rid of Eric (as seen above). John wanted to DATE, but I was not really interested. What we got into was a lot of GREAT discussion of Politics and Writing -- and he helped me a LOT.
Later, his even now Lover, Jim Richardson was on a solo vacation in Puerto Vallarta and stayed at the same HOTEL MERCURIO -- TOTALLY RUN by DRUG MAFIA -- and LOOK what I just found:
The hotel where I always stayed was JUST SEIZED BY AUTHORITIES ONE WEEK AGO!!! And I have TONS TO TELL of the adventures both I and Jim Richardson had there!!!
I will continue this tomorrow (or ASAP)!!!
Wes Robert Ward: "Between Tony and Janet, her parents taught her how to shave her legs."
Jamie Lee Curtis visiting her dad, Tony Curtis, on the set of "Some Like It Hot" (1959)