Friday, August 13, 2021

Guess WHO Has Been MONITORING This Blog -- and Sent Me an EMAIL This Afternoon -- to BE CERTAIN I KNOW THAT!!! -- Congressman Kevin McCarthy (!!!:


Kevin McCarthy reportedly joked about hitting Nancy Pelosi with a speaker's gavel during a GOP fundraising dinner

My MESSAGE received by Kevin McCarthy on August 7, 2020:

>>> I HAVE NEVER BEFORE GOTTEN AN EMAIL FROM HOUSE MINORITY LEADER KEVIN MCCARTHY -- and when I CHECKED, he REFUSES EMAILS from anyone outside his California District (via his Government Email):

Congressman Kevin McCarthy










About Kevin


On the Issues




Minority Leader



Dear Neighbor: 

The character of a nation can be judged by how it treats its veterans. That is why, throughout my time in Congress representing California’s 23rd congressional district, I have consistently fought to ensure veterans in our community have access to the best possible education and health benefits.  

Last month, I was proud to offer an amendment to Fiscal Year 2022 Federal government funding legislation (H.R. 4502) that would help ensure veterans continue to have the opportunity to utilize their GI Bill benefits for technology-oriented educational courses. Specifically, my amendment would prioritize $45 million for the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) Veteran Employment Through Technology Education Courses (VET TEC) program in Fiscal Year 2022.  

I was proud to introduce the original VET TEC Act in 2017 after learning that veterans could not utilize their GI Bill benefits for nontraditional, technology-oriented “nanodegree” courses. After speaking with veterans throughout our community, it became apparent there was great interest in these types of courses, many of which allow veterans to further refine the skills they developed while in the military. In fact, the VET TEC program is so popular that I subsequently introduced the VET TEC Expansion Act last Congress, which also became law, that expanded and authorized additional Federal funding for this program. 

Currently, over 3,000 veterans have participated in the VET TEC program, with 90 percent of these veterans graduating and 72 percent attaining employment in their chosen field of study, with an average annual salary of $59,000. Fully funding the VET TEC program at its currently authorized level of $45 million in Fiscal Year 2022 would allow additional veterans to apply to participate in this program and work toward employment in our dynamic economy. My amendment was approved by a vote of 371 to 55, and H.R. 4502 subsequently passed the House. 

Additionally, while the underlying bill provided a 8.4% funding increase – $97.6 billion in total – for veterans medical care in the upcoming fiscal year, several other amendments were passed in the House that seek to improve health services for veterans. One such amendment prioritizes further oversight of veteran long-term care facilities that have been mismanaged in the past in order to ensure that our nation’s veterans are receiving the quality of care that they deserve in their older age. Another amendment to H.R. 4502 directs the VA to ensure that local Community Based Outpatient Clinics are answering veteran calls, rather than having these calls routed to nearby major VA Medical Centers that might needlessly increase wait times for veterans. Finally, two amendments also passed to provide more resources to investigate prescribed opioids and the high rate of suicides among veterans, as well as to expand treatment options for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) issues that veterans face. 

As your Representative in Congress, be assured that I will continue to work to ensure our veterans have access to benefits that are reflective of their valiant service and responsive to their individual needs.


Member of Congress






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