Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Drug-Trafficking Christian/Democrat Sheriff Ed McMahon -- and His Jail Deputies -- Are As Much in DANGER of Coronavirus as Katrina Knight and the Local HOMELESS SHELTERS!!!

I stole the "cleaning lady" meme from my next-door neighbor Chad Wagner's Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/chad.wagner.129. As Readers know, yesterday, I had a conversation with Chad and his parents (in their mid-eighties), in Chad's backyard -- and they ALL acted like they had NO IDEA of what is happening with Cornovirus and North Carolina and local restrictions that went into effect at 5:00 PM -- soon after that.

What I did NOT report, is that Chad was using power equipment, and very briefly took his ear-plugs out, grinned, and asked if he could wear THEM in the crisis. I replied, "YES -- for your MENTAL HEALTH!!!" And that REALLY cracked Chad up.

Now, Chad and his parents were TOTALLY estranged for years, over Chad HATING their Christian religion, and their HORROR that for at least ten years Chad was a STRAIGHT SEX ADDICT. I've met Chad's one sibling, a sister, and she STILL can't get along with their parents.

And then I checked Chad's Facebook page this morning (after the NEW INCIDENT I had with his parents this morning), and found Chad's commentary on this COVID-19 is one of the most THOUGHTFUL, CARING, and SCIENTIFIC I have seen, so check out that link above if that interests you.

So, at about 8:30 AM, as I drove toward the house that the parents have been staying in, I saw four of the doors on their SUV were open, and assumed they had decided to drive back home to Lake Lure, NC today, and then both parents came out of the house so I stopped and rolled down my window to call a GOODBYE to them. 

Before I could say anything, his mother RAN up to my window, GRABBED my wrist, and said, "NOW, you have Corona Virus -- and all you can do is PRAY you don't die!!!"

I was so shocked that anyone would do that -- and CLAIM THAT -- that I -- without thinking -- yelled: "Sister-Woman, you better watch out or I will jump out of this car and DEEP-THROAT you!!!"

(I meant with my TONGUE.)

She immediately cracked up, and said the scare is just NON-SENSE, and I said that everyone on our block got a postcard yesterday from the Trump Administration, "President Trump's Coronavirus Guidelines for America", so it should be CLEAR how we are to handle it from TRUMP, and here, we are more restricted than that. She went and checked the mailbox on that house, and pulled the same postcard out!!!

I then left her and her husband staring at the card in consternation, as I pulled away. When I returned from my errand, their and Chad's cars had left -- and now at 4:36 PM, neither have returned. I'm not worried about the contact, as she and hubby are so CANTANKEROUS, that they have no friends -- here, anyway. They think the Christian Churches are TOO LIBERAL (including Evangelical ones), and the DEVIL'S DOING, so never attend church, and believe God reveals the TRUTH to them through their personal study of the BIBLE.

Otherwise today, I spent time replying to a friend in Denver, CO -- an airline pilot who now has off for a while because Spirit Airlines cut their flights way back. He's got a very low-level form of Prostate Cancer that is not affecting him, but of course it is more worrisome in the COVID-19 environment. 

And I spent several hours tracking down HOW to get a refill of an important heart med, Sotalol, before the weekend. My first three doctor's offices I reached could NOT prescribe it, the Hospital Pharmacy where I get it gave me a LOAD of misinformation on who could prescribe it, but FINALLY, Dr. Praful Patel's office said they will do it -- and ALSO send me the form to see if I qualify for a program that provides Xarelto for under $50.00/month (like in every other country in the world) -- when it is normally $445.00/month, and the hospital which can no longer give it to me after a year charges only $15.00/month.

LOL!!! This was the ONLY part of the presser that I chanced on LIVE, and was so FLABBERGASTED that I could not watch any more:

  • Lewis Perkins Oh neat. He’s getting corporate sponsors for his show! 🤔🤯🤬



New Hanover County Sheriff Ed "Pull My Finger" McMahon

READERS all know that I FIRST confronted Sheriff McMahon about his and his Deputies -- with the CIA -- PROTECTING the mini-subs that for YEARS unloaded powder drugs under Snow's Cut Bridge at Carolina Beach at Ed's CHRISTIAN-PATRIOTIC-PRAYER-AND-SONG-GATHERING on the steps of the Federal Court House on July 3, 2011. Ed CRIED, and claimed he knew nothing about it and would fix it.

But when I returned to Wilmington mid-2015, citizens told me that Ed McMahon and his BIGGEST PARTNER, Pastor Robert Campbell of New Beginning Christian Church, had EXPANDED the operation in my absence. But in more RECENT TIMES, that operation was shifted to the north side of Bald Head Island -- to be under authority of HOMO District Attorney Benjamin R. David's Republican twin brother Jon David, and Sheriff John Ingram -- ANOTHER RABID CHRISTIAN who like Ed McMahon has 90% of literature in jail for inmates to read being BIBLES and Christian Propaganda -- and NO OTHER religion's literature is ALLOWED!!!

And THAT'S putting it the NICE WAY!!!

Sheriff John Ingram and D.A. Jon David

READERS also know, that at the 2015 Democratic Party Unity Dinner, Ed McMahon introduced me to Pastor Robert Campbell, who then went to a secret room for a meeting (where Sheriff McMahon joined him later), rather then EITHER of them attending the dinner. Ed and I then had a LONG TALK, and Ed LOVED that I said I'm not into PUNISHMENTS but into HEALING -- but being a CHRISTIAN -- Ed had NO IDEA that he had to STOP HIS ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES before being forgiven by ME!!!

And READERS also know that whenever the diminutive Sheriff (who's so thin he could blow away), meet -- we JOKE about what fun it would be for me to SUCK HIS GIANT MEMBER (knowing I WON'T -- I know of no sexual scandal regarding Ed McMahon), and it was only LATER that I learned Ed had lived through TESTICULAR CANCER about 15 years ago -- AFTER he had all of his children.

And here is what I wrote yesterday, about the DANGER to Katrina Knight and her staff who serve the Homeless -- which ALSO applies to the Jail and Prisons Populations -- and Sheriff's Deputies who run the JAILS:


I CERTAINLY WISH all of these God-Hating Christians GOOD LUCK, but it APPEARS that Dear Ol' Jesus is BEYOND FURIOUS with Christians and Christian Churches (and Politicians), who BASTARDIZED what he taught while on earth 2,000 years ago:
