Sunday, February 16, 2020

What a WEEK -- MERCY!!!

And it all began like this:

The above was inspired by an apparent closet-case HOMO in Charlotte, who I think is VERY HOT!!!:

Ivan Alexander claims only that he is "self-employed" -- and everyone else posts on Facebook what they are self-employed at -- except Drug Dealers and Sex Workers.

I have "Complicated PTSD" which has the same symptoms as regular, but was caused by my Christian Family destroying my financial life and wealth three times -- because I don't worship Jesus (MOST people in the world do NOT worship Jesus)

My doctors all recommend I use small amounts of marijuana and that with positive self-talk/meditation has calmed me down ENORMOUSLY!!!

It was NO SURPRISE TO ME that when I called Mom this afternoon to tell her THANKS for the GOODIES -- but more so -- HOW WONDERFUL IT WAS to spend the time with her and my two sisters, Mom said she was just SO THRILLED to see how much better I am than when we visited half a year ago.

The truth is that NONE of my ideas or concerns have actually changed at all -- but since Mom (and before her, my two sisters), STOPPED trying to MEDDLE IN MY LIFE in the Name of Jesus Christ, I have NO REASON to be upset over all of those CRIMES, that cannot be undone -- we can only LEARN FROM THEM.
The New Yorker Cartoons
5 hrs
A cartoon by Edward Koren.

That time Elton John lost all of his GAY CRED -- because he played at his old drug-sharing buddy Rush Limbaugh's FOURTH Serial Christian Wedding at my Kenan Family's The Breakers Palm Beach:
"I’m not going to take lectures on family values from him," the Democratic presidential candidate told CNN.


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