Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Today, I Voted Early Under the Influence of 5 Mg of Oxycodone -- Met SEVERAL Politicians, Politicking -- and Republican Party Politicians THANKED ME for Sending Them the DIRT on Republican Judge Sandra Alice Ray/Criner -- and Tried to Get Me to Vote in the REPUBLICAN Primary -- MERCY!!!

My day began at 7:15 AM, when I got up in time to empty my colon, shower, make and eat breakfast, then take my morning meds, now including an antibiotic for my scrotal abscess -- as well as an Oxycodone tablet an hour before the Hospital's Home Health Care Nurse showed up to CLEAN and re-dress my wound.

The nurse showed up 45 minutes late, during which time I barely could stay awake. She was VERY pleased that the wound is clean and shrinking, and it became clear to me that I do NOT need to take a pain-killer before this anymore.

But I was TOO LOOPY to drive to the main early-voting place, so napped until right after noon, and drove to the New Hanover County Government Center, which was VERY BUSY with lots of Pols pressing their cases, and voters coming and going.

Leslie Cohen was closest to where I parked and came right over. I had already decided that she is one I'm voting for -- but is one of the FEW Democrats I had not previously met. She was such a NATURAL PERSON (as I had guessed she would be).

We discussed the NEED of the local Democratic Party to PURGE ITSELF of Drug-Trafficking Christians, with NC State Representative Deb Butler, District Attorney Benjamin R. David, and Mayor "Bill" Saffo being three of the WORST!!!

And I asked her WHAT is with the Registrar of Deeds being a political position -- which totally cracked her up. Leslie said that Tammy Beasley, the incumbent and ONLY Republican I've voted for here -- because she continued issuing Marriage Licences to Gays after then Republican Governor Pat McCrory had said they didn't HAVE TO DESPITE the Supreme Court ruling -- if they were Christians (which I bet Ms. Beasley is).

But Kimberly Phillips is trying to take her out in the Primary and has been so aggressive, she surrounds Ms. Beasley's road-side signs with her own -- and had a HUGE TRUCK with a billboard-sized sign parked in the lot there -- something no one else had done.

Leslie Cohen said that Ms. Phillips is a disgruntled former assistant to Tammy Beasley whom she had FIRED -- and everyone from BOTH PARTIES has been laughing at this CAT FIGHT!!!

Then, as I made my way to the way-in to vote, I waved and nodded to several other Politicians along the way, but not stopping until I saw a guy with a big sign for Republican Challenger to Judge Sandra Alice Ray/Criner -- Richard Forrest Kern -- and he and those around him gave me such a HUGE SMILE and extended their hands to me, which I shook.

I told them I had been PROUD to both blog all about Judge Ray/Criner's Crimes -- and also to send all of my info to Republican Party Officials at their request. Also, that I have been -- without reservation -- blogging about and confronting Corrupted Democratic Party Politicians.

One tried to get me to switch to vote in the Republican Primary (in NC you can vote in either one regardless your Party Affiliation), to INSURE that Judge Sandra Ray LOSES. While that was an attractive idea (because of my MANY PERSONAL BEEFS against Judge Ray), I had not even planned to learn about Republican Candidates until I saw WHICH ONES survived their Primary, so would cast only ONE INFORMED vote.

Also, I had decided whom I would vote for BEFORE getting there, and also that because of my Opioid Loopiness, I would NOT CHANGE MY MIND at the last minute.

But it was GREAT TO SEE that those of BOTH PARTIES there to promote candidates CLEARLY were familiar with ME, THIS BLOG, MY WORK, and despite many differences with me on some things, respected ME.

This changes EVERYTHING going forward -- and Mayor Saffo, D.A. Ben David, Sheriff McMahon, City Councilman Charlie Rivenbark, and a SLEW OF CORRUPT JUDGES of BOTH PARTIES had best BEWARE (or kill me promptly)!!!



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