Wednesday, January 15, 2020

NEW Attacks (verbal) by the SON of Judge Sandra Alice Ray/Criner's CRACK-ADDICT Friend, Brenda McKnight -- and by the Bennetone Family of SICK BLACK FOLKS Here in Wilmington -- Give Me Pause to LAUGH!!!

Charles G. Mcknight, Sr., son of Brenda Mcknight.

Brenda, now Aregbesola McKnight Brenda, is in her early 70's -- here seen with her new husband in his twenties, Shepherd Aregbesola Joseph, September 2019:

Gerald Austin Wynn spent SEVERAL YEARS in South Carolina Prison -- for Drug Trafficking -- RIGHT AFTER I knew him with Brenda Mcknight -- and now lives outside Washington, DC:

>>> I APOLOGIZE because there were many FORMATTING PROBLEMS copying from Facebook and pasting into Google/Blogger, below:

>>> THE FIRST THING TO DEAL WITH ON FACEBOOK THIS MORNING, came from Brenda McKnight's son, Charles G. McKnight. This has NOTHING to do with this HUFFPOST news item:

  • Charles G Mcknight Sr. My mother, Brenda McKnight, has just informed me that youve been attacking her on social media. Is this true?

  • Scott Kenan Charles G Mcknight Sr.: LOL!!! To accuse someone of something, you have to present the evidence and THEN ask about it. What is the evidence of this, sir???

  • Charles G Mcknight Sr. Simple question. Requesting a simple answer.

    • Scott Kenan There is no meat to your question, and you refuse to provide it, so stick it where the sun doesn't shine and pester someone else -- LOL!!!

    • Charles G Mcknight Sr. Scott Kenan - you could use more sun.

    • Charles G Mcknight Sr. Lol... But that's besides the point. So what issue(s) do you have with Brenda?

    • Scott Kenan Charles G Mcknight Sr. What makes you think I have issues with Brenda??? Unless you tell me she's diagnosed with Dementia or similar, she is an adult and could confront me herself. I have no reason to think you are a THUG -- but you are as big as one -- HA!!! Tell your Mom to ask me directly and I will be more than happy to explain anything to her.

    • Charles G Mcknight Sr. Scott Kenan not familiar with the term "thug ". Is this an example of one?

      Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, hat and outdoor

    • Charles G Mcknight Sr. Scott Kenan - she said you may have a sever case of imabutthurtbitch-itis. Lol.

    • Scott Kenan Charles G Mcknight Sr. ABSOLUTELY -- and that PROVES you lied about knowing at least one example of a THUG!!! My Kenan Family is the BIGGEST Criminal Family in World History (they all are Ku Klux Klan or NAZI members) -- they put Trump into office to destroy Democracy, sell more illegal Hard-Drugs, and harass minorities, and I currently work with Colin Powell's people and Lt. Gen. Russel Honore' -- and other Patriots in the NC Department of Justice and some FEDS to get Trump out of power and into prison -- along with some of my relatives. BUT, I thank you for bringing all of this to my attention. I had been WONDERING why an old blog posting of mine about the abuses of Judge Sandra Alice Ray/Criner has gotten TONS OF HITS the last two days -- because I blogged about your mother in it, she might have noticed that. I liked your Mom until Gerald Austin-Wynn came onto the scene. Brenda claimed he was her cousin, but he also was a HUGE distributor of CRACK Cocaine in Wilmington who was soon imprisoned for several years in SC and he got her to file false charges against me. It was the JUDGE, not your Mom -- people file false and spiteful charges all the time and the Judge has to throw them out. Judge Ray/Criner is in trouble for that -- not your Mom.

    • Scott Kenan Charles G Mcknight Sr. Here is that posting that is getting TONS OF HITS, suddenly:

Charles G Mcknight Sr. In the the mean time ill do a deeper dive into her Facebook account to find the proof youre requesting! Peace out mr deflector!

  • Scott Kenan So you are claiming Brenda is SENILE??? Sorry to hear it!!!
Scott Kenan Charles G Mcknight Sr.: So Brenda IS senile (or too zoned out on drugs to confront me herself). I'm very PROUD of those postings and continue to work with Law Enforcement to expose criminal activities. Please send the address where you live, your email address, and your phone number so I can give them to my Contacts to contact you if they want to know WHAT ON EARTH you are doing getting involved here. I could NOT find you as an employee of or associate of Better Homes & Gardens Real Estate -- as you claim!!! Thanks!!!

A pleasant way to end the day 


At the time, I simply REPLIED to it and forgot it -- but TODAY, I see TOO MANY CONNECTIONS between the poisonous Bennetone Family of Wilmington, Brenda McKnight, and Republican Judge Sandra Alice Ray/Criner:


Unknown: January 9, 2020 at 5:22 PM:

This is false, slanderous and therefore illegal content. For those reading- Scott Kenan has attacked various leaders and officials in Wilmington, NC. It would be in your best interest to get the mental help you need immediately and stop committing these actions that continue to have legal repercussions for you.


Scott Kenan: January 9, 2020 at 6:36 PM

LOL!!! Too LATE!!!


Read MORE about it here


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