Sunday, January 19, 2020

Feeling "FREAKISH"??? Perhaps You Can Get PAID for That!!! / Brandon Scott Kennedy SURPRISES ME with a VISIT!!!


My last blog posting was hit by so many overnight, it went to getting the MOST hits of any posting hit during all of the last seven days, and getting the 4th-most-hits of the last 30 days!!! Making it EVEN MORE GRATIFYING is that in the last 24 hours, 90% of hits have come from the USA!!!

Although this was NOT TRUE, yet, when I went to bed last night at 11:30, this morning, I found that "Hotsy-Totsy" Paul Laville had BLOCKED ME on Facebook overnight, and "Jesus: The Ultimate Invisible Imaginary Magical Friend", had ERASED most of that thread including ALL of our conversation that I pasted into this blog (except for my first couple of comments).

I suppose "Jesus" had his reasons, but he did NOT BLOCK ME, (and I've commented on his other threads since then).

This was the FIRST THING I saw and reacted to on Facebook this morning:
It took Journalist Ida Tarbell to take on Standard Oil in 1911 -- neither Congress nor Law Enforcement would do it because they were TOO CORRUPTED by Standard Oil money!!! 

As Rachel Maddow knows, the key to today's corruption is my Kenan Family that controls Exxon-Mobil, Bank of America, Kenan Advantage Group, the Ku Klux Klan, etc., and put Donald Trump into power with Kenan Family lifelong employee Rex Tillerson, who signed the contract with Vladimir Putin for Kenans to develop Vladimir Putin's/Russia's oil reserves

Maddow found a HALF-TRILLION-DOLLAR contract between the Kenans and Putin!!! 

My Letter to Rachel Maddow goes into more -- see it below in comments:



The Cherry tree in front of my landlady, Gold Walker's house, from spring 2016.

There is a Cherry tree a few blocks from my house that was in near full-bloom this morning -- and we expect a couple of good frosts, beginning tonight!!!

2. I ordered a pair of jeans and three T-shirts, and despite 30% off my most expensive (which killed the 10% discounts on the three T-shirts, which I didn't know would happen until I put them in my "cart"), what was advertised as a total purchase of $98.49, came to with tax and standard shipping, $135.92.

Not much to do about it -- when you are 6' 11"!!!

3. I learned that my next-door friend's friend and sometimes employee, Theresa (who had been so patient taking me to out-patient surgery to remove my skin-tags and butt warts in early December, when surgery was delayed for several hours), was rushed to the hospital a week ago for a few days -- because membranes between her heart and her lungs had gotten inflamed. She's worried SICK how she and her husband will ever pay for the care.

She has no insurance, although her husband is gainfully employed in a trade. I explained how and where to go to the hospital's Foundation that distributes "Charity Care" funds.


Not just that this is SO INCREDIBLY LATE (coming from JFK's grandson John Schlossberg), it does NOT MATTER NOW, and Joe Kennedy III, who gets MOST of his support from Kenan-Family-Controlled Exxon-Mobil and Bank of America -- EXACTLY who put Trump into power!!!

Joe Kennedy has the MOST stock in Pharmaceuticals companies of anyone of either Party in Congress -- but now claims to have NONE OF THESE.

Even if he sold his stocks and has now REFUSED those Political Contributions, he still made his FORTUNE bilking sick people, and still got his Political Support from my Kenan Family and Carbon Energy. THAT is why Fox News (online, anyway), claims that Joe Kennedy III is the BEST DEMOCRAT IN CONGRESS!!!



Just as I was completing the above on the Kennedy Family, Brandon Scott Kennedy KNOCKED ON MY DOOR!!!

Brandon Scott Kennedy's MUG SHOT from 2015 -- he's nearly 24 now with no pimples.

Brandon CONFIRMED that he's fairly closely related to JFK, but his own family hasn't done as well, with the best rising to management at Walmart. I did NOT tell him I'd sent all the info on his burglaries-of-high-value-goods in Delco, North Carolina to Sheriff Greene in Columbus County -- as well as District Attorney Jon David -- promising I would TESTIFY IN COURT against him.

And he told me that "almost right after I last saw you, the cops came and said we ALL HAD TO MOVE -- because the church there (First Christian Church at Mimosa Place and Oleander Drive, who MUST read this blog), had complained about the homeless camping there."

So he said he had moved to somewhere behind the Food Lion on Independence Blvd., south of Independence Mall. He CLAIMED he is starting a job tomorrow at the Chipotle Grill in Mayfaire (he even produced his schedule for the week beginning tomorrow -- just like the last time I saw him), and that he needs $20.00 to pay a good friend who will drive him back and forth to work for that for a week. 

I figured if it was such a good friend (and this is EXACTLY like what he claimed before -- but now says he did NOT get the Chipotle job then, but has been working construction), she would drive him and trust he would pay her from his first check, so I did NOT help him with money, sexual favors, or anything else, but wished him GOOD LUCK!!!

Here is the blog-posting that explains it all back then -- and I am EVEN MORE CONVINCED that not just District Attorney Jon David, but Sheriff Jody Greene BOTH PROTECT HARD CRIMINALS!!!

Democrat District Attorney Benjamin R. David with his identical twin brother, Republican District Attorney Jon David.

Republican Sheriff Jody Greene


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