Saturday, July 21, 2018

TOO STONED!!!: New Hanover Medical Center Physicians Group Billing -- and then AOL Email Sent This Posting Out TWICE!!! / Some Things Forgotten-then-Remembered, Clarified, Expanded, or Just Plain Added:

No, Jonathan Deputy, I am NOT going to shoot you or anyone else!!!
Things continue to heat up -- but still no reports of Robert Wagner and Christopher Walken's homosexual incident that Natalie walked in on -- which she told my friend Gavin Lambert about -- and claimed meant if they found out she had seen it, they would kill her.

A week later, she was dead.

About this article

Lana Wood is yearning to get closure for the sudden death of her older sister, Hollywood actress Natalie Wood.

Scott Kenan shared a photo.
1 hr
Look -- it's ME!!!

History In Orbit
Music typewriter,1936.

NHRMC Physicans Group could have used THIS -- and made more sense!!!

1. This letter has no DATE on the page anywhere, but the envelope shows it was postmarked July 18 -- I received it today, July 21.

2. I have proof they received my payments on July 13. Five days is long enough for a computer to TALK TO ITSELF, no???

3. The bill is for $223.04, we agreed I would pay $25.00/month payments, and I paid the first that day, so I owe them $198.04 still, next installment due Aug. 13.

4. I also got -- mailed and received the same days -- two RECEIPTS for having paid off the other two bills that have separate accounts from the same org. I paid them the same day.

So what do YOU make of this???:

I should make Jonathan Deputy manage the BILLS from his illegally committing me -- that would be punishment ENOUGH!!!

My latest to Jon Deputy

I have gotten NO RESPONSE yet from the management of Villa Tita or Timothy Real Estate Group in Puerto Vallarta, after emailing them link -- as well pasted-in body -- to my last, on them:

Villa Tita managers: as promised by phone earlier today. ALSO sent to Timothy R.E. ALSO the first link is to what I sent the Washington Post this past Wednesday -- over 1.3 million hits to my blog now, overall!!!

And the question MUST BE ASKED (especially of those stoned billing clerks):

1. Well, the gray cat with black stripes and wearing a white bib with matching four boots came back, and at the beginning of dusk, walked over to where I'd sat the bowl of tuna last night, sat down, looked me in the eye -- and gave a single meow.

I guess I'd better buy some cat food -- I can afford to feed her, but not bring her in.


George Will's DIRECT email REJECTED my message -- it only accepting from pre-approved addresses. He has NOT picked up my Facebook Message, but the EDITORS of the Washington Post GOT IT. 

>>> TRUTH BE TOLDIf George Will ever read my Letter to him he could not HANDLE what I've written about many Republicans that he or his immediate family did or do work for. I BET the Editors did NOT forward George a copy:

3. Just a few more shots of Villa Tita in Puerto Vallarta:

Treasuring my dad’s last day in Antigua before he returns to Atlanta tomorrow...and already planning his next Guatemalan adventure 💛

Tomorrow, I return to Wilmington, North Carolina thoughts -- and completing my preparation for Court on Monday.

"'Cat urine odor' in Wilmington???"


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