Friday, July 20, 2018

After Speaking to D.A. Ben David's Office about My Cyberstalking Charge against Jonathan Deputy (Court on this coming Monday):

ONE THING Jonathan Deputy (a Republican) and I (a Democrat) AGREE ON is that NEITHER of us could vote for Donald Trump under ANY circumstances!!!

July 20, 2018

Good Morning Jon,

Overnight, it occurred to me that there is no reason for me to set conditions for going to Arbitration. I have plenty of evidence to support my claims and to seek compensation, so I don’t need any pre-agreement – or we can simply go to trial. I expect if you are convicted in Court, I would have to then sue you in Civil Court for compensation, dragging things out even more.

So, I called D.A. Ben David’s office to discuss this with them, and the young woman said that we would go to trial this Monday (assuming you don’t ask for a continuance, which is normally given automatically at a first hearing), or if we agree, we can arbitrate.

I have realized I will be fine regardless the outcome. I had been feeling so much financial pressure, I’ve been very tense about the whole thing, but now I am not. What is different now from a year ago, is that no one ever called or served me about this hearing/trial that I MUST attend, and a year ago, I was called and told I did NOT have to attend, but did anyway, which kept the Prosecutor from sending my Communicating Threats charge against David Alan Young to mandatory arbitration. But since I WAS there, I was able to specify what compensation I expected from Mr. Young, he refused, so we were to go to trial. Without any help or preparation with the Prosecutor, I felt it would be pointless, as it would be only my word against his – and the Prosecutor seemed hostile to me.

At lunch break, I decided to drop the charges rather than go through with a trial under those circumstances, but I was also told by Prosecutor Alexandria Palombo there was a Warrant for my Arrest, and that in any case, I would be taken to jail at the end of Court. In fact, it was a Summons, nearly a year old, that had never been served to me, by a former roommate, Dustin Andrew Goldsmith, who since then was tried and convicted of several drug and other crimes, so Court date was set for that, he didn’t show, and it was dropped.

I assured Mr. David’s assistant this morning, that I expect nothing like that to happen Monday.

After I called her, I checked and Prosecutor and Judge have now been assigned, and I don’t know the Prosecutor, but I have had at least two experiences with Judge Chad Hogston in Court and one on the street. Back then, 2011, I had had the chance to observe him in hearings and trials BEFORE David Nash’s charge of me of Cyberstalking came to trial, and I had the BEST impression of Judge Hogston’s fairness to all.

Then, I was beyond shocked when he even said when convicting me that he was overlooking my Freedom of Speech and of Press Rights, and Convicted me anyway, putting me on Probation -- with mandatory Psychiatric Treatment -- that would then force me to take Lithium Carbonate again – something my own Psychiatrist of eight years had taken me off in 2009 saying she had never seen a sign of Bipolar in me.

In summer of 2011, with all these claims of my mental illness, I went to a publicly-funded Mental Health Evaluation and Treatment clinic, asked for and got an evaluation. I was told I was suffering from stress, not needing any drug treatment, but counselling was recommended. I got on with them for counselling, but the Psychiatrist told me that the State will NOT pay for counselling unless the person is also on Psychoactive Drugs, so I quit that.

At that time, my mother, who has since 1978 when I began talking about the Swastikas on our dinner plates, daily beatings, and high-placed Republican friends of my parents, INSISTED I needed to be on Lithium, it acting to cause “soft lobotomy”. Mom had been in touch with either D.A. David or the Judge (my parents had met in chambers with Judge Linda Warren Hunter before the trial to make a deal in 1990 in Dekalb County, GA that forced me to take Lithium).

Also, the trial in Hogston’s Court in 2011 was on a day of freak cold, and I was held in only jail clothes the whole day until trial at 5:00 PM in unheated (then, at least), holding rooms in the Courthouse and was uncontrollably chattering from the cold, so looked pathetic on the stand, and Judge Hogston may have “bent the Law” convicting me out of concern that I really WAS mentally ill – I certainly looked it.

However, it was so “out of order” that my Public Defender later forced Ben David to ERASE that and another conviction and drop several pending charges – because even his assistant D.A.s had been leaking that Ben had NO EVIDENCE of my ever having committed a crime.

I ran into Judge Hogston on the sidewalk near Court a couple of years ago and told him I had no ill will toward him because of what had happened. He seemed confused, but friendly, and as I began walking on after that, Lawyer Thom Goolsby happened by, saying to Hogston, “Judge, is he giving you any trouble?” Hogston looked confused by that as well, nodded no, and after he was gone I told Thom Goolsby I would some day see he is locked up (for other things that I know) – but he’s not, HA!!!

And two-and-a-half years ago, I also landed in Hogston’s Court. Jennifer McCracken had charged me with a crime, but did not show, so he dismissed it. And that blew the $1,800.00 lawyer’s fee that was non-refundable, despite my lawyer having to work little on the case. 

I am not concerned about Judge Hogston handling our trial, and I do not expect I will feel the need to remind him that he once convicted me of the same Cyberstalking charge – but then Ben David had to ERASE it.

So, whatever you decide – Arbitration or Trial – I will be prepared to proceed and trust we will end up with a result that works for us both.

I am copying Gold Walker and her Attorney Oliver Carter III as well, since you Cyberstalked, Bullied, and Communicated Threats while in service to her as her apartments manager. I trust I will not have to file any other charges against you over this incident – something that could be part of an Arbitrated conclusion which also means nothing would be on your Record.

All best, and I’ll see you Monday morning.

Scott D. Kenan

Benjamin and Jon David just before 2011, the first year they both served as District Attorneys.

Back in Gainesville, Fla., where the two grew up, they would still be known simply as “the twins.”
They were best friends and sometimes competitors.
“We took karate together, and we’d have fights that lasted for hours. No one could overcome the other,” Jon said. “We were so evenly matched in so many ways.”
Mother Betsy David said a game of rock, paper, scissors was needed to solve such questions as who is going to take out the trash.
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