Saturday, March 31, 2018

A Posting of a Denison University 1973 Co-Graduate OPENS MY MIND to Recent Personal and "Ancient" Kenan Family History (and a Letter to Dr. Douglas Waldrep, Head of New Hanover Behavioral Health Hospital will be NEXT)!!!

Dr. Kunkle-Miller's practice in Pittsburgh can be seen here: and also here:

Also, Carole is who came up with the name of the business I co-founded with Charles Octavius Pritchard and Hilary Ann Russell-Pritchard in 1974, they both ALSO Denison grads:

And here is what Dr. Kunkle-Miller posted. Readers all know that John D. Rockefeller worked for Henry Morrison Flagler (who had founded Standard Oil -- soon taking on John D. Rockefeller and his own father-in-law Stephen V. Harkness as equal partners, but Flagler came to control much of Harkness's stock, so owned the most of it).

Henry Flagler was QUITE THE DANDY -- back in that dayno???

Henry Flagler -- after endowing his children with fortunes earlier, left his entire estate at his death in 1913, to Mary Lily Kenan of Wilmington, NC, his third wife, causing the New York Times to declare Mary Lily "The Wealthiest Woman on Earth". She died in mysterious circumstances, suffering from Tertiary Syphilis and taking the only remedy before antibiotics, Arsenic -- and suffered addictions to Laudanum and Cocaine (then over-the-counter medicines).

There have been THREE autopsies of Mary Lily, the last was in 1989, ordered by Thomas S. Kenan III and covered in a 60 MINUTES segment that year. Tom Kenan REFUSED to disclose the results, and in 1990, from Tom's actual desk at Kenan Oil in Chapel Hill, then President Lee Shaffer (who went on to make Kenan Advantage Group,, the largest trucker in the USA, Canada, and Mexico), had me call Tom at home. 

Among other things, I asked Tom to disclose the autopsy results in exchange for shocking info concerning Tennessee Williams's death (he had crab lice -- then considered TOO SHOCKING TO REVEAL in any of the books, although well known to scholars. Today, think BED BUGS or chronic gonadal yeast infections complicated by poison ivy). But Tom Kenan didn't tell (so neither did I).

We DID discuss the young man we both had dated -- first Tom long term, then me in 1985, not so long term, Curtis "Robbie" Anderson, the Wilmington Queen of Wedding and Christmas Christian Trumpeting -- and he's STILL cute today:

Robbie Anderson in 2017.

Now, before I get to Carole's posting, a couple of other things:

1. I finally got hold of the older guy who was perhaps somewhat befuddled, but totally charming none-the-less. He kept talking about "Johnny Stike" whom he'd grown up with. John Stike, DDS, later a major land developer, borderline RAPED me shortly before or after I met Robbie Anderson.

John Stike, high school class of 1961, was eight years older than me. He co-owned Costello's (gay) Piano Bar on Princess Street with Lawyer David Nash (who's semi-"retarded" black stud-of-convenience took ME home twice to Oak Island and topped me like an EXPERT!!!).

Anyway, it was fun to talk to my "The Oaks Fellow Incarceree" -- until his wife grabbed him by a hook and pulled him out to get to the barber shop where he was already late for an appointment.

2. My 95-year-old mother and my sister Jane arrived in the Chrysler Old-Lady-Mobile Van ready to rock n' roll -- or at least go to Something Fishy for lunch. Although it was GREAT to see Jane, my mother and I are in the middle of coming to FAR better an understanding of and respect for each other than ever before -- and our ventures into that were going right over Jane's head, she grousing about people with too many fences in their front yards -- as if anyone's opinion of that made ANY difference at all.

But Mom accepted a sheet on Mantras to Reduce Stress that I got from "The Oaks" -- and it is straight out of Science of Mind, which I am a Trained Practitioner of. I told her it is NOT incompatible with Roman Catholicism -- just substitute "God" where it says "Universe" -- and REALLY, the physical universe is IN FACT the manifest BODY of God, in any given moment -- It constantly changing.

So here is Dr. Carole Kunkle-Miller's Facebook Posting:

Coming up next -- the Letter to Dr. Doug Waldrep, Head of New Hanover Behavioral Hospital.

Analyze THIS face, while yer waiting . . . 


Friday, March 30, 2018

OY!!! Today, a "Heavenly Spaniard" Came a-Knocking at My DOOR!!! (and other things):

Beñat Barreto Barroso

Yes, that's right. Beñat Barreto Barroso invited me to LINK to him in LINKED-IN. Young Mr. Barroso is a student at Universidad de Deusto in Donostia-San Sebastian, Basque Country, Spain.

The University of Duesto -- begun by Jesuits -- has THE LIBRARY TO DIE FOR!!!

Click image for a BIGGER THRILL!!!

To begin with, EVERYONE is "Heavenly" -- but too many don't look or act like it . . . anymore. You know who you are, so I won't name any names. Benat is TOO YOUNG to be a romantic object, and although lust might not know bounds -- I do!!!

Being at University, he's at least 18 years old and therefore "Legal" in most countries.

But what must have attracted him to my blog -- an assumption of how he would have found me -- is that we are of similar ILK, not meaning he is gay -- but that he is an OPEN-MINDED LEARNER.

That is Benat on the right -- and a guy who apparently did a QUICK CHANGE OF HIS HAIR!!!

This guy "Rulli" -- from my VERY brief glance about the internet -- is a BIG CHAMPION of supporting the downtrodden, and of fighting BULLYING.

My OWN shot at signing an Anti-Bullying Pledge in Independence Mall here in Wilmington in 2015, actually led to my being THROWN OUT FOR LIFE by these guys:

Now back to Benat:

Translation from the Spanish is by Google, so I DOUBT Benat's exclamation, "Come on my gun!!!" is meant to mean what the adventuresome-minded might imagine -- MERCY!!!

Beñat Barreto


Communication student at the University of Deusto. Contributing and  with  . Of practices in  .
Donostia-San Sebastián
Joined September 2011


Even as a child playing football (soccer to Americans), Benat showed "singularity of purpose".

Benat is MY KINDA GUY -- looking to a GREAT FUTURE!!!


This applies to ME -- and so does THIS:

There is NO QUESTION that I am a product of a primarily CHRISTIAN CULTURE -- and I LOVE what Jesus taught us about LIVING. I don't worship him now, and agree with my fave Teacher's Teacher's words: "Jesus came to point THE WAY -- and for two thousand years, we've been studying his FINGERNAIL!!!"

This was actually, now, two+ weeks ago, Debbie finding me through this blog. Debbie is ORGANIZING our 45th Reunion, and has asked me to get the word out to other classmates -- but I can't even respond to her until my latest of seven one-month bans from posting on Facebook EXPIRES about sundown, Easter Day.

If anyone is FRETTING over HOW I will pay my part of my New Hanover Behavior Hospital bill, $2,400.00+, if the state does NOT have programs to pay for it, I will simply STIFF THEM -- then add a "signing statement" -- or whatever they are called -- to my credit reports.

When I checked my Credit Reports last fall -- for the first time in MANY years -- I had expected:

Well not THIS, but "Armageddon"

I was pleased to find that everything from the time of my flight from Stone Mountain to Political Exile in Mexico in 2010, had DROPPED OFF. All that was left were two items from Wilmington when I prematurely returned and suffered the five JAIL HOUSE INCARCERATIONS on eight false charges (and the last of those drops off this June) -- now entirely disposed of by D.A.Ben David!!!

With a MAJOR ASSIST by Republican (and Catholic), Jennifer Harjo!!! Jen here doing her TRADEMARK "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil" pose -- for the COURT!!!


Thank you, Frank -- I believe I WILL!!!

And one of the other important things is that I STILL have not cleaned up around here for my sister's and mother's arrival tomorrow morning -- I'm sure to do the kitchen dishes and the toilets, but only for Jane. Mom at 95 can't handle the five stairs, and Jane's house is ALWAYS DISHEVELED, so SHE won't mind.

Another important one is that -- maybe even later tonight, if I'm feeling FRISKY -- I want to write the current director of New Hanover Behavioral Hospital with my honest -- and MOSTLY GLOWING -- criticism. Also I shall APPRISE HIM of some DECISIONS I've made.


Wilmington Police Officers AGAIN Visit My Home / “You Scream. I Scream. Will We Ever Stop Screaming???”

Dear Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery @NPG, I know it’s early but I’d like to submit this as the official portrait of our 45th President, Donald J. Trump. It’s called, 'You Scream. I Scream. Will We Ever Stop Screaming???'

First of all, I want to say that I am TOTALLY EXHAUSTED after my Nut-House stay, and regarding the Science of Mind Principles we were taught in class at New Hanover Behavioral Hospital (formerly known as "The Oaks" mental ward of Wilmington's biggest hospital), that I published a few days ago:

All situations are temporary.

There is no wrong decision.

I’ve survived all of the difficult moments of my past. 

Be still and know. 

I trust the guidance of the Universe. 

These were the FIRST FIVE of TEN from here -- which has lots of explanation of them all:

The NEXT ONE is this: I deserve to rest.

And THAT is where I am right now -- fully expecting to resurrect my energy on Easter Sunday (it is Good Friday as I write this).

Even I am not THIS RADICAL (but I understand the feelings of the writer) -- LOL!!!

But I am NO LONGER angry with my own family -- including my mother, who with my sister Jane is coming to visit tomorrow. I called her this morning -- thinking that since my brother Mike has not yet responded to my list of needs and desires posted here:, so I thought that MAYBE Mike is traveling to Mom's house for Easter -- and will come visit me too by SURPRISE!!!

After all, if Mike is helping me financially, he would be well served to meet with me IN PERSON to get the BEST reading on my Mental State. But he is actually traveling to Charlotte, NC to visit his daughter, Taylor Ann Kenan, who works for Wells Fargo Bank in International Banking. And yesterday, because I have trouble remembering the PIN for my Wells Fargo debit card, I went to their main branch on Third Street and changed it -- and BRAGGED ALL UP AND DOWN how although the Criminal Wealthy Kenans control Bank of America, Taylor and I stand in SUPPORT of Wells Fargo!!!

And that is somewhat RADICAL on MY part, because Wells Fargo keeps getting into trouble for screwing customers -- and it was Jamie Lee Sutherland then of Wells Fargo Advisors, with Wilmington District Attorney Benjamin R. David, and Fox News Talking Head and Attorney Daliah Saper, who illegally and unconstitutionally TANKED by memoir of working for Tennessee Williams that was seriously under consideration of being made into a movie.

In CLEARER TERMS: They all screwed me out of at LEAST $1,000,000,00 -- but I have so many MORE ideas for making money writing, and as I've always heard it said, "There's NO big or small in God's Eyes -- so what's wrong with YOU???" That obviously means "don't be afraid of thinking big" but also means it was just a SMALL SLIGHT -- get OVER IT and MOVE ON!!!

The REAL REASON they took these outrageous actions was to protect our former President, the FAGGOT Barack Obama (whom I still support more than any "National Republican"):

Jamie Lee Sutherland told me he had seen both Barack Obama and Rahm Emanuel several times in his Men's Country private gay baths in Chicago (which has recently been closed).

It is only AMERICANS who don't know Obama is GAY AS A GOOSE!!!

That is THANKS to our Christian CIA that kept Obama BLACKMAILED into supporting their worldwide HARD-DRUG Trafficking.

Call Jamie at his office and ask him DIRECTLY!!!: 312.706.6811

NO ONE said that RADICAL FORGIVENESS would be EASY -- ONLY that it would be WORTHWHILE (and so far THAT is what I am finding to be ABSOLUTELY TRUE)!!!

But there is also THIS -- and this morning, when I saw two Police Officers walking up the Old Trolley Trail on the side of this property, examining the ground as if looking for material evidence, I engaged them in a brief conversation:

I waved and called greetings to them -- which they returned with enthusiasm. I said, "Hey guys (they were two white males), about ten days ago, I filed charges against someone who apparently protects DRUG TRAFFICKERS, and who was Cyberstalking me. The NEXT DAY, it appears he managed to get a Judge (or a secretary of a Judge), to commit me to The Oaks. It took TEN DAYS to get out, and NOW -- because he also apparently got that charge DISMISSED, I'm going to RE-FILE IT -- I have incontrovertible PROOF of his guilt in Cyberstalking!!!" 

Well, those "Boys in Blue" were almost jumping up and down giving me the Thumbs Up sign -- so I might personally have ALREADY forgiven Jonathan Deputy and his apparent sidekick, Gold Walker (that's the giving to God God's part -- forgiveness), but CAESAR'S part -- meaning Civil Law -- is served by my PRESSING THE CHARGES (again).

And they then made their way up to where Spofford Circle ends at the trail -- and were still examining the ground, then looking toward the property on the other side of me that is a WELL KNOWN major drug-trafficking center. I thought too long, and they had left by the time I realized they should know that last night late, TWO large vehicles pulled beyond the new board privacy fence that hides the back yard from out front, and were either unloaded or loaded -- presumably of DRUGS.

I took this photo over the fence between our yards, just a couple of weeks ago. NOW, this truck is loaded with MORE TRASH, and John Gray Hunter told me it has sat like this for MONTHS.

So WHY can't Wilmington at least BUST THEM for unsanitary conditions???

Just yesterday, Cheese, local cat extraordinaire, KILLED A RAT in my back yard -- NO DOUBT one living in this truck!!!

Where I first blogged, using this image

And in OTHER local news today is THIS SAD ITEM:
