Sunday, November 19, 2017

"DDT* Outlet" Lives Up to Its NAME / The FORMER Mrs. Allen Walker Hopes the Feds Soon BUST Allen's "Walker World" -- for Her CHILDREN'S GOOD!!! / George HW Bush Was PART of the Murder Conspiracy by the CIA and Christian-Republicans of JFK (FINALLY being revealed)!!!

* DDT: Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane

So, let's begin here: 

And actually, I need to begin yesterday afternoon, when my roommate Tyler and I drove up to DDT Outlet, owned by the Millers, who hire Tyler part-time, keep him waiting for HOURS but never pay him for his time, can't spell "Garland" (or correct the misspelling seen in photo above), and PROUDLY display a "Trump/Pence" bumper-sticker on that Cadillac hiding behind the giant shark. I have NOT seen one of those around Wilmington, NC in at least a MONTH!!!

All the rest of the Republicans and even most Christians, now CONCEAL FROM PUBLIC VIEW their love of White Supremacy and Narco-Trafficking, that Donald Trump and my Kenan Family STAND FOR (as well as NAZI control of the USA, and eventual EXTERMINATION of non-Whites, Gays, etc.).

So we had to go there, because Tyler's tools were all in their OTHER black Caddy, and Tyler tried to change my one back rotor, caliper, and bake pads, BUT the parts store had given him the caliper for the WRONG SIDE OF THE CAR, and after two hours of frustration, Tyler had to put it all back together:

At least it was a GREAT SUNSET, as Tyler can barely be seen on left putting my un-repaired car back together -- and we DID switch out the part and Tyler redid the job this afternoon, SUCCESSFULLY!!!

We had GONE THERE, partly, because Tyler's brother or sister (I forget which was his blood-relative), and his Grandmother (who had come up from Florida just for this), were having a 15th Birthday Party for Tyler's nephew -- which they invited him to, so AFTER the car work, Tyler cleaned up and changed clothes, and the two of us went there -- also in Hampstead, NC -- for a few minutes so Tyler could give him his present, speak with his family that typically SHUNS TYLER, and I could meet them all as well.

So, they did NOT answer Tyler's calls to both his sibling's and his Grandmother's phones to let them know we were on the way, but when we GOT THERE, they were sitting inside, CLEARLY VISIBLE, one of them FIVE FEET from the glass door (the solid one being open), and they REFUSED to acknowledge his knocks or use of the door bell, so Tyler LEFT the gift on the front porch, and texted them that it was there.

Even my OWN SWASTIKA-LOVING Christian Family was NEVER that cold. NEVER!!!

And I could see Tyler was HURT TO HIS CORE, and told him I consider HIM part of my family -- and hoped he considered me, his goofy gay "uncle", to be HIS family as well.

He THANKED me, and began to feel better.

Scott Kenan shared Andy Towle's post.

1 hr
EVERY SINGLE GRADUATE I've known from Bob Jones University (which my high school friend Bob Jones did NOT go to -- nor is he GAY), is "GAY AS A GOOSE" (and the SAME THING GOES for Liberty University) -- LOL!!!
“It became a running joke between me and my gay friends on Capitol Hill. It’s not like it was some one-off thing.”
Scott Kenan From: Matt J Helms: "It reminds me of when I used to live in Columbia, SC and Greenville, SC. The politicians who screeched the loudest blew the hardest, and the Bob Jones U guys I met were dirty bottoms."

Reply1 hr
Scott Kenan Here is a Bob Jones U. grad I knew from high school in Columbus, OH, then he ALSO, like me, went to Denison University, briefly, but considered it a DEN-O-SIN, so transferred to Bob Jones: James Buchan -- but FIRST, James Bow:

James Bow, a Chevron mid-exec and likely narco-trafficker in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco

Scott Kenan Jim Buchan, his own website here

 . . . now a BIG MINISTER in Charlotte, NC:

Reply56 mins
Scott Kenan And a Liberty University near-grad, and my former roommate, drug addict, and a MALE PROSTITUTE here in Wilmington, NC, Darrel Neil Brutout DEMANDED $30.00 of me for sex (and he could NOT PAY RENT)!!!

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The USA liberty act is an all out assault on American's privacy, and yet it's nowhere to be found in the news 🤔🤔

The USA Liberty Act—which is the opposite of its namesake—has moved forward in Congress with overwhelming support from the House Judiciary Committee.

And then, last night, when I went to get something in my car, parked in front of landlady Gold Walker's house, I saw a youngish woman, thin with long, straight, dark hair, going up to Gold's front door. When I got CLOSER, I saw she put something on the floor of Gold's porch, rather than knock, and then as she returned to her car, I called to her, "You must be a friend of my landlady Gold Walker!!!"

It turned out that she was Allen Walker's former wife, who had borne him the three children, and she AGREED with me that Gold Walker really DOES have a Heart of Gold, and that she LOVES GOLD A LOT -- but that Gold had TOTALLY SPOILED her son, Allen.

So because those children spend so MUCH time at Walker World

 . . . after explaining that Gold would NEVER listen to this -- although I HAVE warned Allen -- even Wilmington COPS have confirmed that the FBI SPECIAL TASK FORCE is now surveilling Walker World, suspecting it of being a major IMPORT PORT on the Northeast Cape Fear River for HARD NARCOTICS, but I suspect just for marijuana, a less serious matter, but still IN BULK.

I asked her to IMPRESS ON ALLEN (and others), the SERIOUSNESS of this, and after she thought a MOMENT, replied that "No, I won't," further explaining that if they ALL GOT BUSTED, it would be the BEST THING FOR THE THREE CHILDREN.

I explained to her that EVERYONE associated with Walker World has for a LONG TIME had all their electronic communications (phone, internet, email, Facebook, etc.), TOTALLY MONITORED and RECORDED, but I had NO IDEA what the Feds might have on them -- or WHEN they would act on that, so NOT to hold her breath, they leveraging people at this level to TURN IN the "BIGGER FISH(ES)"!!!

And just now checking, I see that my messages to Allen Walker from November 6 (13 days ago), are STILL NOT READ, although he read my EARLIER messages at least within a few days.


Everyone ALREADY KNOWS about this, incomplete, info:

The Bank that Prescott Bush set up, lent TONS OF MONEY at HIGH PROFIT to BOTH Adolph Hitler AND the US Government, he so EVIL he was profiting from BOTH, and the BUSH FAMILY would WIN, regardless who won the WAR.

President "Daddy" Bush at least ADMITTED THIS (but how many of my Readers took this SERIOUSLY -- it was way back in 1992)!!!

Here are the Bush Family's TOP RECENT ALLIES:

But NOT Barack Obama, who had been BLACKMAILED by the Bushes over his GAY PAST, into PROTECTING the CIA Narco-Trafficking (and to DELAY communicating the INTENSITY of the Russians ASSISTING DONALD TRUMP in the 2016 election).

How COZY, no???

>>> HERE IS THE ACTUAL BOMB-SHELL (be CERTAIN to watch it ALL THE WAY THROUGH -- as VERIFIABLE PROOF is mentioned time and time again -- to benefit the GOD-HATING NAZI-CHRISTIANS)!!!:

Bill Toups

In October 2016 -- after George HW Bush's precisely SIXTH COUSIN Bill Toups contacted me after reading this blog, we met in Wilmington for dinner at Bourbon Street restaurant,, and then spent the NIGHT together at The Lazy Pirate in Carolina Beach:

-- LAUGHING ALL NIGHT over all the TRAITOROUS CRIMES the Bush and Kenan Families have committed together over MANY DECADES.



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