Here's how this all went down, and I'll throw up some photos of the characters, first:
- The Danny Thomas Show (1953 - 1964). He also appeared onscreen as Phil Brokaw (1957 - 1961).
- The Andy Griffith Show (1960 - 1968).
- The Dick Van Dyke Show (1961 - 1966). He also appeared onscreen in the season 3 episode "Big Max Calvada".
- Gomer Pyle, USMC (1964 - 1969). He also appeared onscreen in the season 5 episode "A Star is Not Born".
- I Spy (1965 - 1968).
- My World and Welcome to It
- From a Bird's Eye View
- Shirley's World
- The Andy Griffith Show* The Danny Thomas Show* The Dick Van Dyke Show
- My Favorite Martian (pilot only)
- I Spy
- Lassie (4 episodes, Season 1 (1954))
My then boyfriend, Marc LaFont, still of, not only had lived in Santa Ana, CA adjacent to my cousin Jan (Meyer) Opperman, later Larsen, while she was still married to the Jew Kim Opperman, and spied on them before Marc AGGRESSIVELY courted me on AOL Online, summer of 1995.
Later, Marc was with me at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics when the bomb that went off had actually been placed closer to me -- and us -- than to anyone else. We left a few minutes before it exploded. And while I have lots of CIRCUMSTANTIAL proof of Marc being heavily into Narco-Trafficking, I never actually saw it.
When we began dating, Marc was ALSO Head of Marketing for Cirque du Soleil in Los Angeles area, but after two years was FIRED for being lazy about it.
Dennis Cooper (a gay activist and writer:, who lately is UBER-FRUSTRATED because Google BLOCKED him from his blog and his email accounts. I use his photo to give an accurate idea of the type PEOPLE who were at this party in 1995, both male and female.
So Marc, who knew how to get invited to "High-Powered Parties" -- and could achieve that due to his Cirque du Soleil connections (they were PEAKING in popularity, then) and his marketing abilities -- got us invited, and after each buying a generic-for-either-sex Christmas Present ($20.00 value, max), we wound through the canyons and found the home, which had a VIEW TO DIE FOR, but was surprisingly small for such a powerful man!!!
Marc was SO THRILLED that we would meet Antonio Sabato, Jr. -- who then was Calvin Klein's HOTTEST model, and had been all over the media, including some acting. I didn't really get to know Mr. Sabato, who was in charge of this party, and we played a game which I believe was called "GREED", in which everyone bid on the wrapped presents, then later the young people (mostly mid to late 20s), got into screaming and hyperventilating over trading their presents until SOMEONE finally got the MOST and won!!!
I have no idea what I took, but at least half of the presents brought looked like old B-rated cartoon characters as stuffed animals you might find in Walmart's Remainder bins -- NOT even nice ones like Dennis Cooper has, above!!!
So NOW, Antonio Sabato, Jr. will be Donald Trump's FEATURED CELEBRITY at his Republican Convention, next week!!!
And PRAISE THE LORD, Antonio has HEARD FROM GOD and will announce at the Trump Convention, what God has told HIM!!!
Remember all the Republicans who have been claiming God said one or another Presidential Candidate would be the next President -- and then when THEIRS "croaked", they switched allegiance to Trump (or maybe another) -- as if God's Word to Them was NOTHING!!!
Listen to it here:
“A human being in a neurotic state might very well be compared to a bewitched person, for people caught in a neurosis are apt to behave in a manner uncongenial and destructive towards themselves as well as others.”
― Marie-Louise von Franz, The Psychological Meaning of Redemption Motifs in Fairytales
I find it HIGHLY IRONIC that Dennis Cooper's blog and gmail was TAKEN FROM HIM (I must admit, I've never READ Dennis's blog, so have no idea of its content), while MINE -- chock full of some the most SHOCKING FACTS about US History ever revealed PUBLICLY, has NOT been taken down by Google/Blogger -- even though Jamie Lee Sutherland got a COURT ORDER for that in 2013!!!
Maybe not just the RAPTURE has been DELAYED, no???
Or call him "The American Jesus":
And the TRUTH IS, NONE of them are as hot as my new roommate!!!
I digress:
Back to my new roommate who is just getting into middle age but has the body contours of a 22-year-old guy -- even the wash-board abs!!! (Mercifully, he keeps a shirt on, usually.)
Both his brother and father burned to death in separate incidents of alcoholism and smoking cigarettes in bed, and roomie was through a two-month Alcohol Recovery program, and like me, condemns Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous for being where everyone goes for DRUGS (AA) and SEX (NA).
And although not driving, while inebriated some years ago, he went through the windshiled of a car that hit something while traveling 90 miles-per-hour, and the ambulence crew told him he had NO CHANCE of living, so they put a gas mask with sedative on his face, and said he'd never wake up.
But he tells me he "had a conversation with God", and then DID recover. This is the SAME THING that happened to me when Amy Fortenberry, then Head of the 20-lawyer team that filed HARASSMENT LAWSUITS for Walmart, poisoned me on a tamale she spent 20 minutes in the kitchen of a Mexican restaurant in Tucker, GA in early 2010.
I all but died, except that naked in the cold shower in winter, I managed to KEEP awake through the crisis, and after five days in bed, recovered without a doctor.
Amy Fortenberry remains in a coma for six years now -- one that her Mom told me doctors can't understand.
Amy was actually high-tech poisoned by the Clinton CIA/Republican Partry for FAILING to murder ME!!! Interesting that in the last week TWO people found this blog by googling "Amy Fortenberry Stone Mountain" (or Walmart)!!!
Everyone knows that Arkansas's Walmart was Bill Clinton's BIGGEST corporate support, and for it, he got them expanded to what they are today.
And while living in Wilmington, NC in 2011, the assistant manager of the Walmart near College and Market told me that THEY had vigorously supported "Obamacare", so that when passed they could DROP the health insurance of most of the few employees they actually health-insured, then, to put the money to their BIGGEST project: secretly buying up enough of the farmland in the USA so they could control FOOD PRICES.
THIS is why farmland HELD HIGH PRICES through the recent Great Recession, but it hasn't worked out COMPLETELY -- yet, anyway.
Readers will recall that Pentagon Publishing, Inc., my employer of 18 years selling the ad space in all the yearbooks for the US Service Academies and War Colleges, has/had Lee Gosney -- a CERTIFIED DRUG AND ALCOHOL COUNSELOR for both AA and NA -- travel the East Coast (especially to Wilmington, NC), selling all the drugs flown into Maxwell AFB to the local Politicians and Christian Churches -- including District Attorney Ben David and now former Republican NC Senator Thom Goolsby (and County Democratic 3rd Vice Chair Ryan Lee Burris)
And Evan Fish knew Lee Gosney because Lee sold him ALL HIS COCAINE when he was Maine's second largest supplier of it for two years before he quit and was MURDERED in Wilmington by Chief Evangelous (smoked CRACK daily in a friend of mine's uncle's Crack House in 2011 - 12, at least).
Evan Fish had MORE than just a HOT PIT, but like my current roommate, he was STRAIGHT, so I have CUT OFF my "lust response", so we can truly be friends.
Straight guys do this ALL THE TIME toward the HOT GALS they encounter but can't have, no???
And FINALLY, this nonsense from Wilmington, North Carolina:
Wilmington and county leaders, citizens discuss police, community relations fat black man is a PROMINENT local Christian Preacher, then at the table, in light shirt is Sheriff Ed McMahon (the only one not corrupted by the Christian Drug Mafia), then Police Chief Ralph Evangelous (a Daily CRACK smoker, whose Officers I have seen in small groups in the Police Department's parking lot smoking marijuana in uniform more than once), and that COULD be Mayor Bill Saffo in the last seat, but I'm not certain and he's not identified in the article.
Bill Saffo is mostly known for his ugly divorce from Renee Saffo, and her Restraining Order against him. Saffo is rumored to be GAY, and said to be HEAVILY reaping the profits of the Christian Drug Mafia -- NOW -- although he seems to have resisted them for years.
Can I get a vote for TERM LIMITS???
ONE other thing:
Pastor Robert Campbell, featured in this Community Meeting has likely done some good things, but PROVING the WISDOM of the Catholic Church's policy of SINGLE MALES for PRIESTS, his wife is a TOTAL GOD-HATING MONEY/POWER ADDICT, and THINKS she is MICHELLE OBAMA!!!:
NO religious person (other than corrupted clergy) would call a spiritually engaged person "FIRST LADY"
But I suppose if First Lady Campbell is FOR REAL, then like Michelle Obama's husband, Pastor Campbell must be a:
OH!!! And if Mike Pence is nominated for Trump's Vice President, then my mother and the Catholic Popes will have WON (second prize)!!!
Hillary Clinton -- their FIRST choice -- is clearly seen as LOSING to Trump by those in the know, so to load Mom's and the Pope's OTHER top choice on as Vice President will JUST HAVE TO DO!!!
Please see 2/3 the way down here:
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