1. But first, my Gentle Readers should know that eight minutes AFTER I posted this: http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.mx/2016/03/ill-answer-joseph-crawford-faulk-jr.html, I got a call from Tennessee Williams's old lover -- the one who showed up at Tennessee's house in 1981, STONED OUT OF HIS MIND, and with a loaded gun.
My help in getting Robert Carroll OUT got me the job of last assistant to Tennessee Williams.
This is documented in the first two chapters of my memoir -- now viewed for FREE here:
Tom and I arriving for the 1981 Kennedy Center Honors
2. The email conversation began like this:
Re: Hi Joseph: I forgot to say in our conversation of a few minutes ago:
From | Scott Kenan scottdkenan@aol.comhide details![]() |
To | jfaulk001 jfaulk001@nyc.rr.com |
Cc | scott scott@scottdavidkenan.com, jkenan02 jkenan02@gmail.com, bojones bojones@verizon.net, info info@BernieSanders.com |
OH MY GOD!!! This looks JUST LIKE my benefactor, Joseph Crawford Faulk, Jr.'s apartment at 14 W. 95th Street in NYC!!!
Sandra Beckham
― Francis Bacon
“Imagination was given to man to compensate him for what he is not; a sense of humor to console him for what he is.”
― Francis Bacon
Only a few of yours do have value.
Of course I was also delighted to discover you know MORE about Windows 10 than I did or do.
So let me collect my thoughts and write you properly ASAP.
I do NOT at this time ask that you send any of that money early. I'm having a sort of nostalgic -- and I think HEALTHY -- time being super frugal. My concern was more for the REALITY of YOUR situation.
And we are FUNLY-MATCHED as opposite types to do our best to work out our differences. I hope you will agree with that.
For the record, my computer has the last couple of days been all but GRIDLOCKED with scripts running that STOP Google Chrome from working all together -- and MS Edge is VERY slowed down -- until I typed the first sentence of this email. THEN IT ALL CEASED!!!
Our Government of/or Criminals at SERIOUS WORK, no???
From: Joseph Faulk <jfaulk001@nyc.rr.com>
To: Scott Kenan <scottdkenan@aol.com>
Cc: scott <scott@scottdavidkenan.com>; bojones <bojones@verizon.net>; kenan5 <kenan5@aol.com>; jkenan02 <jkenan02@gmail.com>; duffyjr3 <duffyjr3@verizon.net>; scoop <scoop@huffingtonpost.com>; editorial <editorial@nytimes.com>; 60m <60m@cbs.com>; breakingnews <breakingnews@starnewsonline.com>; bill.saffo <bill.saffo@wilmingtonnc.gov>; council <council@wilmingtonnc.gov>; info <info@juliabosemanlawyer.com>; aishadew <aishadew@berniesanders.com>; info <info@BernieSanders.com>; bdawson <bdawson@nhcgov.com>
Sent: Fri, Mar 11, 2016 10:27 pm
Subject: Re: Hi Joseph: I forgot to say in our conversation of a few minutes ago:
-----Original Message-----
From: Joseph Faulk <jfaulk001@nyc.rr.com>
To: Scott Kenan <scottdkenan@aol.com>
Cc: scott <scott@scottdavidkenan.com>; bojones <bojones@verizon.net>; kenan5 <kenan5@aol.com>; jkenan02 <jkenan02@gmail.com>; duffyjr3 <duffyjr3@verizon.net>; scoop <scoop@huffingtonpost.com>; editorial <editorial@nytimes.com>; 60m <60m@cbs.com>; breakingnews <breakingnews@starnewsonline.com>; bill.saffo <bill.saffo@wilmingtonnc.gov>; council <council@wilmingtonnc.gov>; info <info@juliabosemanlawyer.com>; aishadew <aishadew@berniesanders.com>; info <info@BernieSanders.com>; bdawson <bdawson@nhcgov.com>
Sent: Fri, Mar 11, 2016 10:27 pm
Subject: Re: Hi Joseph: I forgot to say in our conversation of a few minutes ago:
I do not want you killed or incarcerated or compelled to sedating medications. I am not colluding with your family, who long ago realized you must be left to do your thing if they are to have any peace of mind. If I give you any advice that puts you in harm's way, then of course you just ignore it.
Your fleeing Mexico meant dumping a lot of stuff I paid for, and your setting up again in Wilmington meant more dollars from me: higher rents, replacing furnishings, car repairs, lawyer fee. Now you are getting nervous that I might just walk away from the escalating expenses, you're even considering suing for palimony--ridiculous! (When it comes to legal fees, I've already told you I don't have the resources to finance your actions to obtain settlements from people who have wronged you.)
My end-of-life overseer is my DOCTOR. Years ago I had a lawyer draft the necessary documents for my doctor friend to handle my incapacity and my death. I certainly do not regret separating from my family and my hometown--I am un-religious and unsentimental, and want a knowledgeable professional to minimize my suffering and me to the crematorium. When you were here, we briefly discussed my joining you in Wilmington if there were to be months of my needing the equivalent of a nursing home. And that can still be a possibility.
A while back, I told you I would paypal you $1000 soon after the 20th of each month, to assure your rent payment even if your roommate did not meet his obligation. Now on March 11, I say if you have a present financial problem, let me know what part of that $1000 I should PP right away.
I've told you not to contact my landlord. The letter should not remain on your blog, where a troublemaker can send it. I hope you can overcome your cyclic misapprehension that I am your enemy.
----- Original Message -----
From: Scott KenanCc: scott@scottdavidkenan.com ; bojones@verizon.net ; kenan5@aol.com ; jkenan02@gmail.com ; duffyjr3@verizon.net ; scoop@huffingtonpost.com ;editorial@nytimes.com ; 60m@cbs.com ; breakingnews@starnewsonline.com ; bill.saffo@wilmingtonnc.gov ; council@wilmingtonnc.gov ;info@juliabosemanlawyer.com ; aishadew@berniesanders.com ; info@BernieSanders.com ; bdawson@nhcgov.comSent: Friday, March 11, 2016 9:20 PM
Subject: Hi Joseph: I forgot to say in our conversation of a few minutes ago:The BIGGEST thing I need before tomorrow to KEEP from mailing the below letter to your landlord, is the explanation for your frequent advice that if followed would put me in HARM'S WAY with narco-traffickers both in Mexico and the USA, your INSISTENCE that I NOT return to the USA after Drug Mafia member Martin Jacobo tried TWICE to kill me in one WEEK, and then the Mafia broke into my car and placed the FAKE BOMB.
AFTER all of THAT, you INSISTED I remain in Puerto Vallarta.
IF THAT isn't poof that you work with my mother or the CIA to murder me, I don't know what is!!!
But I NEED to know who this person is who you claim will take are of you and your interests SHOULD you become mentally or physically disabled.
And I MUST know how to contact him or her to VERIFY that.
Call me "Ronald Reagan", but my policy in now "TRUST, but VERIFY"!!!And thanks for all your help!!!PLEASE NOTICE TO WHOM THIS IS COPIED!!!Scott
SO -- and I forgot to mention above, but Robert Carroll (who previously insisted he works WITH my mother and she is NOT a NAZI and YOU are a "GOOD GUY"), today REFUSED to deny that he works in conjunction with the CIA, Mom, and YOU!!!
Make of that what you will.
As you know, I am PROUD of all I write (even if I occasionally misunderstand, I DO try to correct all my errors) -- and I sign my full name, Scott David Kenan, to everything (and it is a worldwide-unique name).
Also, as you know, I have published your REAL name, address, and even phone number many times, only 3/4 of the time ever removing them, so if you have not YET had a problem -- you WILL NOT HAVE A PROBLEM!!!
And CERTAINLY, you must be PROUD of all you do, no???
Unless you are some kind of "God-Hating" Inverted (or inside-out) Introvert:
CLEARLY "Introvert" means "Scheming Liar" (like Republicans and Hillary Clinton -- and legal and illegal drug addicts).
But it matters not to me. As long as you stop silly requests like this (and all the lies you wrote as well) -- I'll resist taking you to Court for VARIOUS REASONS.
And since you have been too TESTOSTERONE INJECTED -- DAILY CIALIS and POPPERS-ADDLED to even NOTICE, all your personal info has REMAINED various places on this blog for at least a year and a half -- and several places.
And you have NEVER complained of its causing you a problem.
So WHACK OFF and sleep soundly -- from now on . . .
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