I PARTIALLY agree with this -- simply because as long as there IS a death penalty, the guillotine does it the fastest, cleanest, and least painfully to the victim. I completely DISAGREE with it being for big-offending Narco-Traffickers only. It should be for ALL death sentences, and since Big Banks, the Bushes, Clintons, and Cheneys, with Wall Street FINANCING and PROFITING from Narco-Trafficking the most, they should be the first to be convicted.
Wells Fargo Bank is probably the worst bank for this -- with American Express Bank as well. Certainly, they are the two banks which HARMED ME THE MOST because I've blogged about their narco-trafficking or screwing of me to protect some top Fox News Narco-Criminals. Chief Executives of these institutions along with the Executive Boards should ALL be subject to this penalty.
I completely DISAGREE with the idea of PUBLICLY killing ANYONE. This is a BLOOD LUST of God-Hating Christians to salivate over violence. And THAT is what is behind THIS guy's desire for it -- or he would not want to guillotine just narco-traffickers, whom he has ALREADY claimed are mostly BLACK -- GOD-FUCKING Christian Racist!!! He ought to join the PRESBYTERIAN Church to find his allies!!!
Currently, Paul LePage is Catholic, so like my mother who has known many Popes, he probably has Swastikas on HIS dinner plates, like the ones I grew up with.
See more from Tal Kopan.

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