Hey Dewain – Political things have heated up exponentially
since I last wrote, so here goes!!!
1. I have a firmly understood agreement that Philip Rosario
will be OUT on or before 1/12/2015.
2. “Testosteroni” has kindly paid YOUR rent on my extra
room for your first month – as he seems to have taken kindly toward you. The idea
being that you can relax a little and then get to work without having to pay
rent immediately.
You will have choice of TWO sets of new sheets for your bed
(another gift of Testo) – should you decide to stay here.
3. I plan to visit you before the end of the year, but if I
can’t, I’ll add something to your account before then.
4. An old friend from when I worked for Tennessee Williams,
now living in Mozambique (on southeast coast of Africa across from the giant
island of Madagascar), and he contacted David Wolkowsky (aka “Mr. Key West”,
who not only took over as the town’s VISIONARY from Henry Flagler, but is a TOP
art collector in the world in some categories, has homes in many places, and
his island home 15 miles west of Key West was used in some James Bond films –
and also he was an intimate of Tennessee Williams).
David replied after reading part of my book that I got what
happened back then PERFECTLY.
5. Senseless shootings have been going on around Wilmington
(and other towns as well). Drug Criminals D.A. Ben David and his brother Jon in
Brunswick County, Police Chief Evangelous, and Mayor Saffo are GETTING THEIR
JUST REWARDS – and may soon be arrested by the Feds.
6. Because the woman who told me she is cousin to Monica
Lewinsky and her family set up Bain Capital and run it from El Salvador as a
criminal enterprise, has NOT contacted me as she promised and knows how to do,
I am publishing what more I know of her by writing it to YOU, then publishing
this letter on my blog.
She is medium height, a little dumpy, with “Jewish-curly-hair”
tied up on top. She most recently lived on Topsail Island, but got no business there
as the licensed Acupuncturists that she is. She drives a Mini Cooper (no, not
Anderson – LOL!!!), and has two muscular dogs that she seat-belts into the back
seat. She said she plans to worship at Temple of Israel at Market and 4th,
and move into the 5th or 6th floor of Carolina Apartments
on January 1, 2016.
Her name is Scot, and somewhat oddly spelled, she saying
her first name begins with “C”, and at least one of what is usually spelled
with a “K” is spelled with a “C” in her last name. So it is much like "Virginia Pinganot".
Well, I hope all this sounds like more fun than being
imprisoned to you – and that we can have some fun when you are released. All
gifts are that ONLY – nothing else is expected except that you USE this
opportunity to begin a “legally legitimate” life!!!
"A one-man Ole Miss frat party." - Scott Kenan describing me back in 1982, on a trip in the Texas hill country, in his excellent memoir about the latter days of Tennessee Williams. When I read this just yesterday I was livid. Today I'm laughing my ass off. One of coolest things anyone's ever said about me ....
The New Civil Rights Movement
1 hr ·
1 hr ·
Pope wins, equality loses.
Pope wins, equality loses.
As Pope Francis KNOWS VERY WELL: Because ALL Christians wanted (and still want to), KILL THE JEWS!!!
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